Vakyapadiya of Bhartrihari
by K. A. Subramania Iyer | 1965 | 391,768 words
The English translation of the Vakyapadiya by Bhartrihari including commentary extracts and notes. The Vakyapadiya is an ancient Sanskrit text dealing with the philosophy of language. Bhartrhari authored this book in three parts and propounds his theory of Sphotavada (sphota-vada) which understands language as consisting of bursts of sounds conveyi...
This book contains Sanskrit text which you should never take for granted as transcription mistakes are always possible. Always confer with the final source and/or manuscript.
Verse 3.12.19
Sanskrit text, Unicode transliteration and English translation of verse 3.12.19:
यत्रौभौ स्वामिदासौ तु प्रारभेते सहक्रियाम् ।
युगपद् धर्मभेदेन धातुस्तत्र न वर्तते ॥ १९ ॥yatraubhau svāmidāsau tu prārabhete sahakriyām |
yugapad dharmabhedena dhātustatra na vartate || 19 ||19. Where master and servant do a work jointly, their function being different, the root would not be able to express them.
[According to the view that the ātmanepada comes after a root expressive of saṃvidhāna, what would happen when the root is to express the actions of both the master who makes the arrangements and the servant who actually does the work? This doubt has been raised in the M. Bhā. The master and the servant may jointly do an action but the function of each would be different and a root would be incapable of expressing both of them at the same time. The master makes the arrangements, that is, he collects the materials and the servant does the actual work. The master’s function requires that the ātmanepada suffix should come after the root whereas the servant’s function requires that the parasmaipada suffix should be added to it. But both cannot be added at the same time.]