Tiruvaymoli (Thiruvaimozhi): English translation
by S. Satyamurthi Ayyangar | 388,514 words
This is the English translation of the Tiruvaymoli (or, Thiruvaimozhi): An ancient Tamil text consisting of 1102 verses which were sung by the poet-saint Nammalvar as an expression of his devotion to Vishnu. Hence, it is an important devotional book in Vaishnavism. Nammalvar is one of the twelve traditional saints of Tamil Nadu (Southern India), kn...
Pasuram 8.10.7
Tamil text and transliteration:
தனிமாப் புகழே எஞ்ஞான்றும் நிற்கும் படியாத் தான்தோன்றி
முனிமாப் பிரம முதல்வித்தாய் உலகம் மூன்றும் முளைப்பித்த
தனிமாத் தெய்வத் தளிர்அடிக்கீழ்ப் புகுதல் அன்றி அவன்அடியார்
நனிமாக் கலவி இன்பமே நாளும் வாய்க்க நங்கட்கே
taṉimāp pukaḻē eññāṉṟum niṟkum paṭiyāt tāṉtōṉṟi
muṉimāp pirama mutalvittāy ulakam mūṉṟum muḷaippitta
taṉimāt teyvat taḷiraṭikkīḻp pukutal aṉṟi avaṉaṭiyār
naṉimāk kalavi iṉpamē nāḷum vāykka naṅkaṭkē
English translation of verse 8.10.7:
May we the supreme bliss of communion enjoy, for ever,
With the devout, setting aside even the rapport with the Lord Supreme,
Of peerless glory, the first cause of one and all, Who did usher
By a mere resolve, all the worlds of incomparable fame,
That shall, true to vedic dictum, endure the test of time!
(i) Here is a case of the Āḻvār wanting to reach the farthest limit of God-enjoyment, culminating in rapturous rapport with His devotees (these virtually taking the place of God) and abiding in it, for all time.
(ii) The Lord’s peerless glory referred to here, is His extraordinary grace in thinking of resuscitation of the Universe, lying dormant in a subtle state, without distinction of name and form and putting it back on its feet,. Himself being the triple cause (material, operative and instrumental) for such an evolution. The chief merit of this creation is the opportunity it provides unto the creatures to exhibit their gratitude unto their Creator, the great Benefactor, by seeking His lotus feet, as their sole refuge. In the present context, the Āḻvār’s ultimate goal, however, extends up to the devout who thus seek refuge at the Lord’s lovely feet and it is the incessant communion with these Vaiṣṇavas (Lord’s ardent devotees) that the Āḻvār avidly longs for.