Tiruvaymoli (Thiruvaimozhi): English translation
by S. Satyamurthi Ayyangar | 388,514 words
This is the English translation of the Tiruvaymoli (or, Thiruvaimozhi): An ancient Tamil text consisting of 1102 verses which were sung by the poet-saint Nammalvar as an expression of his devotion to Vishnu. Hence, it is an important devotional book in Vaishnavism. Nammalvar is one of the twelve traditional saints of Tamil Nadu (Southern India), kn...
Pasuram 6.9.11
Tamil text and transliteration:
தெரிதல் நினைதல் எண்ணல் ஆகாத் திருமாலுக்கு,
உரிய தொண்டர் தொண்டர் தொண்டன் சடகோபன்,
தெரியச் சொன்ன ஓர் ஆயிரத்துள் இப்பத்தும்
உரிய தொண்டர் ஆக்கும் உலகம் உண்டாற்கே.
terital niṉaital eṇṇal ākāt tirumālukku,
uriya toṇṭar toṇṭar toṇṭaṉ caṭakōpaṉ,
teriyac coṉṉa ōr āyirattuḷ ippattum
uriya toṇṭar ākkum ulakam uṇṭāṟkē.
English translation of verse 6.9.11:
Those that learn these songs ten
Out of the profound thousand, composed by Caṭakōpaṉ,
The vassal of the vassals’ vassals, the eternal Servants
Of Tirumāl Whom mere learning or contemplation
Or meditation cannot gauge, will become the exclusive servants
Of the Lord Supreme, Who did all the worlds gulp down.
The Lord is, no doubt, to be realised through learning, contem plation and meditation but all these, by themselves, will be of no avail, unless accompanied by deep love for Him. The Āḻvār plunges himself down to the bottom-most depth of service, like unto the extremely thirsty diving into the deep pocket of water in the river bed. This is the only way by which he could ward off the postures of the worldlings on the one hand, and the intensity of his longing for communion with the Lord, on the other. In this very vein, the Āḻvār spells out the benefit accruing from the recital of the songs in this decad, namely, getting absorbed in the intimate service of the Supreme Lord.