Tiruvaymoli (Thiruvaimozhi): English translation
by S. Satyamurthi Ayyangar | 388,514 words
This is the English translation of the Tiruvaymoli (or, Thiruvaimozhi): An ancient Tamil text consisting of 1102 verses which were sung by the poet-saint Nammalvar as an expression of his devotion to Vishnu. Hence, it is an important devotional book in Vaishnavism. Nammalvar is one of the twelve traditional saints of Tamil Nadu (Southern India), kn...
Pasuram 4.6.3
Tamil text and transliteration:
இது காண்மின் அன்னைமீர்! இக் கட்டுவிச்சி சொல் கொண்டு, நீர்
எதுவானும் செய்து அங்கு ஓர் கள்ளும் இறைச்சியும் தூவேன்மின்,
மது வார் துழாய்முடி மாயப் பிரான் கழல் வாழ்த்தினால்,
அதுவே இவள் உற்ற நோய்க்கும் அரு மருந்து ஆகுமே.
itu kāṇmiṉ aṉṉaimīr! ik kaṭṭuvicci col koṇṭu, nīr
etuvāṉum ceytu aṅku ōr kaḷḷum iṟaicciyum tūvēṉmiṉ,
matu vār tuḻāymuṭi māyap pirāṉ kaḻal vāḻttiṉāl,
atuvē ivaḷ uṟṟa nōykkum aru maruntu ākumē.
English translation of verse 4.6.3:
Look here, ye, elders, try the recipe I suggest.
Listen not to this gipsy, you’d better desist
From offering meat and liquor; if you would but laud
The feet of the wondrous Lord with tuḷaci garland.
Studded with honey, on His crown, the sure remedy
It will be for this young lady’s unique malady.
The mate appeals to the good sense of the elderly ladies, not to be led astray by the queer nostrums of the gipsy, the votary of a deity of a very low order, and defile the sacred precincts of Parāṅkuśa Nāyakī with such unsavoury things like meat and liquor, totally repugnant to her breeding. She also stresses the importance of singing the Lord’s praise, as a sure and certain remedy for curing the Nāyakī of her malady, induced by the Lord Himself.