Tiruvaymoli (Thiruvaimozhi): English translation
by S. Satyamurthi Ayyangar | 388,514 words
This is the English translation of the Tiruvaymoli (or, Thiruvaimozhi): An ancient Tamil text consisting of 1102 verses which were sung by the poet-saint Nammalvar as an expression of his devotion to Vishnu. Hence, it is an important devotional book in Vaishnavism. Nammalvar is one of the twelve traditional saints of Tamil Nadu (Southern India), kn...
Pasuram 3.10.8
Tamil text and transliteration:
அல்லல் இல் இன்பம் அளவு இறந்து எங்கும் அழகு அமர் சூழ் ஒளியன்,
அல்லி மலர் மகள் போக மயக்குக்கள் ஆகியும் நிற்கும் அம்மான்,
எல்லை இல் ஞானத்தன் ஞானம் அஃதே கொண்டு எல்லாக் கருமங்களும் செய்,
எல்லை இல் மாயனை கண்ணனைத் தாள் பற்றி யான் ஓர் துக்கம் இலனே.
allal il iṉpam aḷavu iṟantu eṅkum aḻaku amar cūḻ oḷiyaṉ,
alli malar makaḷ pōka mayakkukkaḷ ākiyum niṟkum ammāṉ,
ellai il ñāṉattaṉ ñāṉam aḵtē koṇṭu ellāk karumaṅkaḷum cey,
ellai il māyaṉai kaṇṇaṉait tāḷ paṟṟi yāṉ ōr tukkam ilaṉē.
English translation of verse 3.10.8:
I have nothing to worry, worshipping, as I do, the feet compact
Of the Lord of bliss unalloyed and beauty unlimited,
Permeating all over, who is rapturous in contact
With (Lakṣmī), the lotus-born, of radiant knowledge unlimited
By which He, the work-a-day worlds does create
Who did as wondrous Kaṇṇaṉ of glory unlimited incarnate.
(i) Bliss unalloyed: This obtains only in Heaven. Even Svarga, the seat of enjoyment of the reward for one’s good acts, known to be pleasurable, does not provide unalloyed happiness, as the inmates are haunted by the fear of being thrown out at the end of the prescribed tenure of their stay there. This fear gathers momentum every time a fellow-being is hurled down.
(ii) The Lord is, no doubt, the natural embodiment of bliss (Ānanda) but it is only His conjunction with Lakṣmī of ravishing beauty that confers on Him, the bliss supreme (Paramānanda). It is this blissful conjunction, par excellence, that provides the necessary incentive for His creation of the Sportive Universe (Līlā Vibhūti). Although He could create the entire Universe by a mere resolve (Saṅkalpa), He came down as Kṛṣṇa, and enthralled every one by His entrancing beauty. As an ardent worshipper of Lord Kṛṣṇa, the Āḻvār confidently asserts that he has absolutely nothing to worry about.