Tiruvaymoli (Thiruvaimozhi): English translation
by S. Satyamurthi Ayyangar | 388,514 words
This is the English translation of the Tiruvaymoli (or, Thiruvaimozhi): An ancient Tamil text consisting of 1102 verses which were sung by the poet-saint Nammalvar as an expression of his devotion to Vishnu. Hence, it is an important devotional book in Vaishnavism. Nammalvar is one of the twelve traditional saints of Tamil Nadu (Southern India), kn...
Pasuram 3.4.9
Tamil text and transliteration:
கண்ணனை மாயன் தன்னை கடல் கடைந்து அமுதம் கொண்ட,
அண்ணலை அச்சுதனை அனந்தனை அனந்தன் தன்மேல்,
நண்ணி நன்கு உறைகின்றானை ஞாலம் உண்டு உமிழ்ந்த மாலை,
எண்ணும் ஆறு அறியமாட்டேன், யாவையும் எவரும் தானே.
kaṇṇaṉai māyaṉ taṉṉai kaṭal kaṭaintu amutam koṇṭa,
aṇṇalai accutaṉai aṉantaṉai aṉantaṉ taṉmēl,
naṇṇi naṉku uṟaikiṉṟāṉai ñālam uṇṭu umiḻnta mālai,
eṇṇum āṟu aṟiyamāṭṭēṉ, yāvaiyum evarum tāṉē.
English translation of verse 3.4.9:
I know not how to comprehend Kaṇṇaṉ, the wondrous Lord,
The glorious Sire, Who the ocean churned and ambrosia delivered,
Accutaṉ (the Protector steadfast) of glory unlimited,
Who on Aṉantaṉ (Serpent) does repose, safe and sound,
Tirumāl (of tender solicitude), who (during deluge) sustained
All the worlds in His stomach and (later) spat them out;
Indeed all things and beings He does Himself constitute.
The Āḻvār who attempted earlier an enumeration of the Lord’s cosmic wealth, has now given it up as impossible and rests contented with a summary statement that He is the aggregate of all non-sentient things and sentient beings.
Cf. the Lord’s own declaration, in Bhagavad Gītā X-19, that there is no end to the details of things and beings under His control (the vibhūtīs).