Tiruvaymoli (Thiruvaimozhi): English translation
by S. Satyamurthi Ayyangar | 388,514 words
This is the English translation of the Tiruvaymoli (or, Thiruvaimozhi): An ancient Tamil text consisting of 1102 verses which were sung by the poet-saint Nammalvar as an expression of his devotion to Vishnu. Hence, it is an important devotional book in Vaishnavism. Nammalvar is one of the twelve traditional saints of Tamil Nadu (Southern India), kn...
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Pasuram 3.2.10
Tamil text and transliteration:
தலைப்பெய் காலம் நமன்தமர் பாசம் விட்டால்,
அலைப்பூண் உண்ணும் அவ் அல்லல் எல்லாம் அகல,
கலைப் பல் ஞானத்து என் கண்ணனைக் கண்டுகொண்டு,
நிலைப் பெற்று என் நெஞ்சம் பெற்றது நீடு உயிரே
talaippey kālam namaṉtamar pācam viṭṭāl,
alaippūṇ uṇṇum av allal ellām akala,
kalaip pal ñāṉattu eṉ kaṇṇaṉaik kaṇṭukoṇṭu,
nilaip peṟṟu eṉ neñcam peṟṟatu nīṭu uyirē
English translation of verse 3.2.10:
Miseries gruesome, like unto yama’s yoke have ended,
And seen have I kaṇṇaṉ, my beloved Lord,
By many a sacred text comprehended;
My mind is steady and my soul restored,
To pristine purity, its due stature.
(i) Śrī Nampiḷḷai elucidates the context of this song, as follows:
Finding the Āḻvār in an extremely critical condition, the Lord calls upon him to enjoy His Iconic Form in Tiruvēṅkaṭaṃ and sustain himself. Thereupon, the Āḻvār feels greatly relieved and gives vent to his sense of relief, in this song.
(ii) Being away from the Lord is as gruesome as suffering from Yama’s yoke, the tortures inflicted by Yama’s hordes.
(iii) Tirukkurukaippirāṉ Piḷḷāṉ, in his commentary known as Aṟāyirappaṭi, presents the current scene of reunion of the Lord and the Saint as follows:
The Lord seems to have got frightened of His own loss of reputation when an ardent devotee, who has taken refuge at His feet, is left in the lurch, exposed to the vagaries of Yama’s assistants. C.F. Śloka 25, of Saint Yāmuna’s Stotra Ratna.
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