Tiruvaymoli (Thiruvaimozhi): English translation

by S. Satyamurthi Ayyangar | 388,514 words

This is the English translation of the Tiruvaymoli (or, Thiruvaimozhi): An ancient Tamil text consisting of 1102 verses which were sung by the poet-saint Nammalvar as an expression of his devotion to Vishnu. Hence, it is an important devotional book in Vaishnavism. Nammalvar is one of the twelve traditional saints of Tamil Nadu (Southern India), kn...

Tamil text and transliteration:

வள்ளலே மதுசூதனா என் மரகத மலையே, உனை நினைந்து,
எள்கல் தந்த எந்தாய் உன்னை எங்ஙனம் விடுகேன்,?
வெள்ளமே புரை நின் புகழ் குடைந்து ஆடிப்பாடி களித்து உகந்து உகந்து
உள்ள நோய்கள் எல்லாம் துரந்து உய்ந்து போந்திருந்தே.

vaḷḷalē matucūtaṉā eṉ marakata malaiyē, uṉai niṉaintu,
eḷkal tanta entāy uṉṉai eṅṅaṉam viṭukēṉ,?
veḷḷamē purai niṉ pukaḻ kuṭaintu āṭippāṭi kaḷittu ukantu ukantu
uḷḷa nōykaḷ ellām turantu uyntu pōntiruntē.

English translation of verse 2.6.4:

My generous Lord! Matucūtaṉā! my delectable emerald Mount!
My Sire! unto me You granted a mind, in you engrossed,
Immersed in Your oceanic traits singing in merriment
Your glory great and dancing; from all ills and evils released,
You I have attained, how shall I give you up indeed?


In the preceding song, the Āḻvār was again harping on his lowliness while acknowledging the many favours done to him by the Lord. Naturally, such expressions of the Āḻvār’s abject humility make the Lord ill at ease but the Āḻvār hastens to assure Him that, as the recipient of His spontaneous grace in the form of multifarious favours, he shall not give up the Lord, on any account. These favours include, of course, the removal of many an impediment in the way of their union, not the least of which is the Āḻvār’s inferiority complex, even as the Lord slew the demon, Madhu. All the erstwhile miseries and shortcomings of the Āḻvār stand drowned in the rapturous enjoyment, currently going on, singing and dancing in great merriment. There is, therefore, no question of his giving up such a generous Lord.

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