Tiruvaymoli (Thiruvaimozhi): English translation

by S. Satyamurthi Ayyangar | 388,514 words

This is the English translation of the Tiruvaymoli (or, Thiruvaimozhi): An ancient Tamil text consisting of 1102 verses which were sung by the poet-saint Nammalvar as an expression of his devotion to Vishnu. Hence, it is an important devotional book in Vaishnavism. Nammalvar is one of the twelve traditional saints of Tamil Nadu (Southern India), kn...

Tamil text and transliteration:

மா யோனிகளாய் நடை கற்ற வானோர் பலரும் முனிவரும்
நீ யோனிகளைப் படை என்று நிறை நான்முகனைப் படைத்தவன்
சேயோன் எல்லா அறிவுக்கும்; திசைகள் எல்லாம் திருவடியால்
தாயோன் எல்லா எவ் உயிர்க்கும் தாயோன் தான் ஓர் உருவனே.

mā yōṉikaḷāy naṭai kaṟṟa vāṉōr palarum muṉivarum
nī yōṉikaḷaip paṭai eṉṟu niṟai nāṉmukaṉaip paṭaittavaṉ
cēyōṉ ellā aṟivukkum; ticaikaḷ ellām tiruvaṭiyāl
tāyōṉ ellā ev uyirkkum tāyōṉ tāṉ ōr uruvaṉē.

English translation of verse 1.5.3:

He who created the profound Nāṉmukaṉ (Brahmā) and bade him create
The exalted Vānōr (Devas), Sages and several others.
He who is beyond comprehension, whose lovely feet
Spanned the worlds, who unto all is like a Mother,
Is our unique Lord (as condescending as He is great).


Finding the Āḻvār in a state of unparalleled humility, shrinking back, the Lord draws his attention to the other mellowing aspect, namely, His loving condescension. Did He not span the entire universe with utter impartiality and set His tender feet over hill and dale, and one and all, without distinction of high and low? Contemplating this episode, the Āḻvār got into a mid-condition in which he would neither approach the Lord nor get away from Him but keep talking of the unique combination in the Lord, of exaltation and condescension, which cannot be found in any one else.

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