Skanda Purana

by G. V. Tagare | 1950 | 2,545,880 words

This page describes Greatness of Tulasi which is chapter 249 of the English translation of the Skanda Purana, the largest of the eighteen Mahapuranas, preserving the ancient Indian society and Hindu traditions in an encyclopedic format, detailling on topics such as dharma (virtous lifestyle), cosmogony (creation of the universe), mythology (itihasa), genealogy (vamsha) etc.

Chapter 249 - Greatness of Tulasī

[Sanskrit text for this chapter is available]

Vāṇī said:

1. Undoubtedly there can never be poverty in the house of that householder by whom the excessively beneficial Tulasī is planted.

2. By the mere sight of Tulasī a heap of sins gets destroyed. Tulasī, very dear to Hari, originated from drops of nectar for the sake of Śrī.

3a. While (Śrī) was drinking the exquisite beverage Tulasī originated. It quells the sins of all living beings.

3b-4. Lakṣmī always resides in its figure; the Ocean-born One (Sāgarasaṃbhavā) resides on its stem. Śrī dwells always in the leaves. Kamalā herself resides in its branches. Indirā is always present in the flowers. Kṣīrābdhisaṃbhavā (Lakṣmī born of the Milk Ocean) is present in the fruit.

5. She is present in the form of Viśvavyāpinī (Pervaḍer of the universe) in the dry twigs of Tulasī. Padmavāsā resides in the pith and Haripriyā in the bark.

6. It is omni-formed and goddess of all, bestower of the greatest bliss. A man who eats Tulasī never goes to the world of Yama.

7. He on whose head there is Tulasī, is not assailed by Yama’s men. It bestows the status of salvation on a person who has Tulasī in his mouth.

8. He who has Tulasī in his hand is rid of the three types of distress. If Tulasī is in the chest (heart) of living beings, it grants all desires.

9. He who has Tulasī on his shoulders is never touched by sin. He who has Tulasī round his neck always is a living liberated soul.

10. A man who holds (carries with him) a Tulasī leaf always, shall undoubtedly attain whatever he wishes (to have) mentally.

11. Tulasī facilitates the attainment of all objectives and restrains wicked ones. A man who waters it daily never goes to the abode of Yama.

12-18. If it is saluted especially during Cāturmāsya it bestows salvation.

On coming to know that Nārāyaṇa resides in water as well as on the tree (Aśvattha), Lakṣmī resorted to the plant (Tulasī) out of compassion for all living beings.

At the advent of Cāturmāsya, if Tulasī is resorted to (by people), thousands of their sins are split into thousands.

Remembering Govinda always, resorting to a park of Tulasī plants, sprinkling Tulasī plants with milk is rare during Cāturmāsya. If a man nurtures Tulasī plant with faith and waters by filling a basin made round its roots the family is sanctified.

Just as Śrī stationed in Tulasī increases daily so also (the attainment of) the desires of the householder increases.

Whether a religious student, or a householder or a forest hermit or an ascetic or all types of Prakṛtis (castes and subcastes) if they are engaged in serving Tulasī with faith, Hari will ward off their miseries.

19. Hari though single pervades all plants. His form is meditated upon as permeated by various Rasas (juices). So also Kamalā, the goddess, took up residence on a tree (Tulasī) destroying miseries etc., on being remembered always.

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