The Skanda Purana

by G. V. Tagare | 1950 | 2,545,880 words

This page describes Greatness of Naleshvara (Nala-ishvara) which is chapter 55 of the English translation of the Skanda Purana, the largest of the eighteen Mahapuranas, preserving the ancient Indian society and Hindu traditions in an encyclopedic format, detailling on topics such as dharma (virtous lifestyle), cosmogony (creation of the universe), mythology (itihasa), genealogy (vamsha) etc. This is the fifty-fifth chapter of the Tirtha-mahatmya of the Nagara-khanda of the Skanda Purana.

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Chapter 55 - Greatness of Naleśvara (Nala-īśvara)

[Sanskrit text for this chapter is available]

Sūta said:

1. The deity known as Naleśvara is near the shrine of Carmamuṇḍā. He was installed by Nala. By visiting Naleśvara, the Lord of Devas one is liberated from sins.

2. A man who visits the Lord on the sixth lunar day in the bright half of Māgha, O Brāhmaṇas, shall be free from all ailments and attain the highest status.

3. Itching sensation, scab, herpes and cutaneous eruptions, leprosy with round spots-all these are cured in the case of creatures of purified souls.

4. It front of it there is a holy Kuṇḍa filled with clear water. It is adorned with clusters of lotuses and the holy pit is full of fishes and turtles.

5. Even if one is afflicted by the fell disease of leprosy, one shall become fresh (and handsome) once again by taking the holy bath there at dawn on a Monday.

6. When Śaṃbhu was installed by King Nala, the Lord was pleased and he said to him, Tell me what shall I do for you?”

Nāla said:

7. O Lord Śaṅkara, you should stay here. You shall be present here always for the sake of the welfare of all the worlds and for the destruction (healing) of sickness.

Śaṅkara said:

8. O king, at dawn on any Monday, I shall be here within the palace at your request. There is no doubt about it.

9. O king, throughout the day and night on the eighth lunar day in the month of Māgha, especially in the bright half, I will be present here for the eradication of ailments of living beings.

10. If a devotee takes his holy bath in the pure holy Kuṇḍa and sees me stationed here on that day with excellent ardour and faith, all the ailments of his body will perish.

11. A man who takes the clay our of this Kuṇḍa and applies it over his body in the morning on Monday, shall become free from ailments. He will be strong too.

12. O excellent king, a man without any personal desire who worships me devoutly at that time with flowers, incense and unguents shall be rid of all sins. He will attain my world.

Sūta said:

13. O Brāhmaṇas, after saying thus, Lord Hara, the illuminator of all the three worlds, vanished instantly like a lamp.

14-16. Nala too became satisfied, The king propitiated the Lord for a long time. Then he invited all the Brāhmaṇas hailing from Camatkārapura and said: “This deity Śaṃbhu has been installed by me very near your city. By visiting this Lord, all the ailments shall be destroyed. O Brāhmaṇas, I shall now go to the city of Niṣadha (modern Narwar, Rajasthan) for ruling over my kingdom. This deity should be adored by all with mental concentration and purity.”

The Brāhmaṇas said:

17-18. O tiger among kings, we shall do so with mental concentration and purity. Our sons and grandsons and others too yet to be born in our family shall devoutly perform his adoration. In such rites as religious procession etc., for the deity installed by you and his adoration we shall make all efforts to carry them out.

Sūta said:

19. On being told thus by those Brāhmaṇas the king became delighted. He was congratulated by them in loud voice. He bowed down to them and set off.

20. It was thus that Lord Saṃbhu became established there for the sake of the welfare of all the worlds. He is the destroyer of all ailments.

21. Hence with all effort the Lord should be visited especially on Mondays by one who wishes for permanent weal.

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Three worlds, Clear water, Lord of Devas, Holy bath, Purified soul, Lord Hara, Mental concentration, Welfare of all worlds, Lord Shankara, Devout worship, King Nala, Sixth lunar day, Devotional worship, Eighth lunar day, Highest status, Itching sensation, Clay application, Unguent.

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