Skanda Purana

by G. V. Tagare | 1950 | 2,545,880 words

This page describes The Proper Time for Sacred Bath in Viyadganga which is chapter 40 of the English translation of the Skanda Purana, the largest of the eighteen Mahapuranas, preserving the ancient Indian society and Hindu traditions in an encyclopedic format, detailling on topics such as dharma (virtous lifestyle), cosmogony (creation of the universe), mythology (itihasa), genealogy (vamsha) etc. This is the fortieth chapter of the Venkatacala-mahatmya of the Vaishnava-khanda of the Skanda Purana.

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Chapter 40 - The Proper Time for Sacred Bath in Viyadgaṅgā

[Sanskrit text for this chapter is available]

Śrī Sūta said:

1-3. After receiving the boon Añjanā rejoiced in the company of her husband. On seeing Brahmā and others come she became wonder-struck. But in the company of her husband the sweet-voiced Añjanā retained normalcy.

Permitted by Brahmā and others, Vyāsa, the most excellent one among those conversant with the Vedas, spoke to Añjanā in a voice as majestic in tone as the rumbling sound of clouds:

Vyāsa said:

4-7. O Añjanā, listen to my words which are beneficial unto the worlds.

On listening to the words of Sage Mataṅga you had gone to Veṅkaṭa with a mind free from impurities. You performed a very difficult penance. A heroic son with the greatest exploits in all the three worlds will be born to you.

Hence on the day of your perception (delivery) all the Tīrthas of the three worlds beginning with Gaṅgā will come into this excellent Tīrtha.

In the whole of this Cosmic Egg there is no other Tīrtha equal to Veṅkaṭādri. There too the splendid Svāmipuṣkariṇī is exceedingly meritorious.

8-11. Better still is this Tīrtha on the day of your perception (of your child?).

Listen, O gentle lady, of good holy rites. I shall recount to you the benefit of those who come for the sake of their holy bath to this Tīrtha on the auspicious Full-Moon day in conjuction with the constellation Citrā when the Sun has his transit into the Zodiac Aries. O lady of excellent countenance, they will have definitely that benefit which one derives by taking holy bath in all the Tīrthas beginning with Gaṅgā for a period of twelve years.

Listen to the height of benefit of those persons who make charitable gifts. O gentle lady of excellent countenance, know that their benefit will be what is mentioned in the appropriate place (sthāne [sthāna?]).

Añjanā said:

12. O eminent Brāhmaṇa, most excellent among those conversant with the Vedas, tell me about all those charitable gifts that should be given on Veṅkaṭādri, the most excellent one among all the mountains.

In Praise of the Charitable Gifts[1] to be made on Śrī Veṅkaṭācala as Explained by Vyāsa

Vyāsa said:

13. The two gifts, viz. of foodstuffs and garments and the Śrāddha unto the Manes in particular (offered) on Veṅkaṭādri, the most excellent one among mountains, are praiseworthy.

14. Those who give gold for the pleasure of the Slayer of Madhu attain all the worlds and rejoice, O excellent sages(?)

15. He who makes the gift of a Śālagrāma stone on the excellent mountain is not reborn. He obtains perfect knowledge.

16. He who makes a gift of cow to aa eminent Brāhmaṇa with a large family, shines in the world of Viṣṇu for as many (years) as there is hair on its (the cow’s) body.

17. Who in heaven or on the earth is competent to recount the meritorious fruit of that person, O gentle lady, who gives land to a Brāhmaṇa with a large family?

18. He who gives a girl (in marriage) to a Brāhmaṇa well-versed in the Vedas, attains the world of Viṣṇu and rejoices along with the Pitṛs.

19. It is impossible even for Śeṣa to recount the meritorious benefit of those persons who construct free-water booths, O gentle lady, storing cool water (for travellers).

20. He who gives gingelly seeds to a Brāhmaṇa well-versed in the Vedas and having a large family, shall be rid of all sins and he goes to the world of Viṣṇu.

21. The Brāhmaṇas, the most excellent ones among those conversant with the Vedas, praise the charitable gift of food-grains. Those who make gifts of foodgraiṇs will have many sons.

22-25. He who gives to a Brāhmaṇa sweet scents, Caṃpaka flowers etc., an umbrella, a fan, chowries, betel-leaves, camphor etc. enjoys worldly pleasures for a long time and then goes to heaven. For a thousand years according to the reckoning of gods he enjoys many pleasures there. Then he is born as an Emperor and enjoys the earth for a long time. Then he becomes a Brāhmaṇa and master of the Vedas and Vedāntas. Thereafter, by the grace of the Discus-bearing Lord he attains liberation. Thus, O gentle lady, the greatness of Veṅkaṭācala has been described.

26-28. He who always listens to this, he who glorifies it, shall be rid of all sins and he goes to the world of Viṣṇu.

He who listens to or reads this, originally spoken by the noble-souled Vyāsa, shall become contented and blessed. All the persons born in his family attain salvation. There is no doubt about it.

:: End of Veṅkaṭācalamāhātmya::

Footnotes and references:

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VV 13-25 state what gifts should be given and the fruit of the Dāna.

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