
by Manmatha Nath Dutt | 1891 | ISBN-13: 9788171101566

This page describes Chapter LXIV of the English translation of the Ramayana, one of the largest Sanskrit epics of ancient India revolving around the characters Rama, Sita and Ravana. It was orignally authored by Valmiki at least over 2500 years ago. This is the first book of the Bāla-kāṇḍa (Bala-kanda) of the Ramayana, which consists of 24,000 Sanskrit metrical verses divided oer seven books.

O Rambhā, this mighty service you will have to perform in the interest of the celestials, even to lake Kauśika with the witchery of love.’

Thus addressed by the intelligent thousand-eyed deity, the Apsarā, O Rāma, with clasped palms, thus bashfully answered the chief of the celestials,

O lord of the celestials, this mighty ascetic, Viśvāmitra, is a terrible person; and, without doubt, he will, O divine one, waxing wroth, curse me.

And O god, even this is my fear, and therefore it behove you to favour me. Thus apprehensively addressed by her in fear, the thousand-eyed one answered that damsel trembling and staying with clasped hands, ‘Never fear, O Rambhā, good to you! Do you perform my bidding;

Assuming the form of a Cole, captivating the heart, I will in this spring crowned with graceful trees, stay by your side in company with Kandarpa.

Do you adding to your beauty, diverse blandishments bewitch this ascetic, Kuśika’s son, O gentle one?’

Hearing Indra’s words, that comely damsel of luminous smiles, heightening her charms exceedingly inspired Viśvāmitra with desire,

He listened to the mellifluous strains of the Cole; and with a delighted heart, he beheld the fair one.

Anon, listening to the warbling of the Cole and her own incomparable singing, as well as beholding Rambhā, the ascetic began to entertain doubts.

And knowing for certain that it was the thousand-eyed deity who had devised all that, that foremost of anchorets, Kuśika’s son, overwhelmed with anger, cursed Rambhā, saying,

Since, O Rambhā, you endeavour to seduce me who is bent upon subduing his anger and lust, you shall, O luckless one, remain as a stone for ten thousand years.

And a highly energetic Brāhmaṇa equipped with ascetic energy, will, O Rambhā, deliver you, stained because of my ire.’

Thus said that exceedingly energetic and mighty ascetic Viśvāmitra, unable to contain his anger and indignation of heart.

And in consequence of his mighty curse, Rambhā was turned into a stone. Hearing the curse of the mighty saint, both Kandarpa and Indra left the place.

O Rāma, on account of his anger, and his sense remaining still unsubdued he found no rest from deterioration of ascetic merit. And coming by decrease of ascetic merit, he thought within himself, ‘No more shall I suffer anger to exercise me,—nor will I ever say anything to any.’

And I shall not breathe for an hundred years; and controlling my sense, I shall dry up my body.

And so long as I do not attain Brāhmaṇa-hood as earned by my austerities, I shall suspending my breath and abstaining from food, stay for a long lapse of time.

And engaged in austerities, my form will not undergo any deterioration. That foremost of ascetics bound himself by this unparalleled vow to lead a life of such self-denial.

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