
by Manmatha Nath Dutt | 1891 | ISBN-13: 9788171101566

This page describes Chapter L of the English translation of the Ramayana, one of the largest Sanskrit epics of ancient India revolving around the characters Rama, Sita and Ravana. It was orignally authored by Valmiki at least over 2500 years ago. This is the first book of the Bāla-kāṇḍa (Bala-kanda) of the Ramayana, which consists of 24,000 Sanskrit metrical verses divided oer seven books.

Then proceeding north-east Rāma is company with Sumitrā’s son, placing Viśvāmitra at their head, appeared before the sacrificial ground.

And Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa said to that puissant ascetic, Great is the pomp and splendour of the high-souled Janaka’s sacrifice. And, O pious one, many thousand of Brāhmaṇas inhabiting various regions, and well-read in the Vedas (have come to this sacrifice);

And the abodes of ascetics are thronged with hundreds of cars. Do you, O Brāhmaṇa, arrange for some place were we may put up.

Hearing Rāma’s words, the mighty ascetic Viśvāmitra selected for their abode a well-watered spot free from bustle and tumult.

And hearing of Viśvāmitra’s arrival, the best of monarchs without blame, placing the priests Śatānanda before him, as well as the high-souled family priests, speedily taking the Arghya, at once went out in humble guise, and offered it to Viśvāmitra according to the ordinance.

Having accepted that homage of the high-souled Janaka, the ascetic enquired after the king’s welfare, and the uninterrupted performance of his sacrifice. And the king together wiṃ his priests, having enquired of the ascetics as to their welfare, cheerfully embraced them all in a proper way.

Then he with clasped hands, spoke to that foremost of anchorets, saying, O worshipful one, do you along with these eminent ascetics take your seat.

Hearing Janaka’s words, the mighty ascetic sat him down. And the king also, in company with his priests and counsellors sat down around in order of rank.

And then the monarch looking into Viśvāmitra’s face, said, To-day by the grace of the gods, has my sacrifice been crowned with success, to-day.

Have I reaped the fruit of my sacrifice by beholding your worshipful self. Blessed and obliged am I whose sacrificial ground, O Brāhmaṇa, has been graced by you along with these ascetics.

Twelve days, O Brahmarṣi, have been fixed for the period of initiation by the sages. On the expiry of that term, you will, O Kauśika, behold the celestials come to the sacrifice for claiming their respective shares.

Having said this, the king with a cheerful countenance, with folded hands, again intently asked that foremost of ascetics.

These youths, good betide you, like to celestials in prowess, of the gait of lions or elephants, heroic, and resembling tigers or bulls, of expansive eyes like to lotus-patals, bearing scimitars, quivers and bows, graceful like to the Aśvins, endowed with youth, resembling immortals fancy-led from heaven to the earth, whose sons, O ascetic, are they, and what for have they come, and why again have they come afoot? And bearing excellent arms, whose sons, O mighty anchorite, are these heroic ones, who grace this place even as the sun and the moon do the welkin, and resemble each other in bodily proportions, expression, and gestures; wearing side-locks and of warlike mien? This I would hear truly related.

Hearing this speech of the high-souled Janaka, that ascetic of immeasurable soul related all about Daśaratha’s sons.

Their sojourn in Siddhāśrama, and the slaughter there of the Rākṣasas, their undaunted journey, the sight of Viśālā, the encounter with Ahalyā and Gautama, Rāma’s curiosity about the mighty bow, and visit there for beholding the same.

Having related all this to the high-souled Janaka, that one endowed with exceeding energy, the mighty ascetic Viśvāmitra, paused.

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