Padma Purana

by N.A. Deshpande | 1951 | 1,261,945 words | ISBN-10: 8120838297 | ISBN-13: 9788120838291

This page describes shuklatirtha which is chapter 19 of the English translation of the Padma Purana, one of the largest Mahapuranas, detailling ancient Indian society, traditions, geography, as well as religious pilgrimages (yatra) to sacred places (tirthas). This is the nineteenth chapter of the Svarga-khanda (section on the heavens) of the Padma Purana, which contains six books total consisting of at least 50,000 Sanskrit metrical verses.

Disclaimer: These are translations of Sanskrit texts and are not necessarily approved by everyone associated with the traditions connected to these texts. Consult the source and original scripture in case of doubt.

[Sanskrit text for this chapter is available]

Nārada said:

1-2a. Thence he should devoutly go to Bhārgaveśa where the demons were destroyed by god Viṣṇu with his huṃkāra sound. O lord of kings, having bathed there, he is free from all sins.

2b-6. O son of Pāṇḍu, also listen to the (description of) Śuklatīrtha. Mārkaṇḍa, seeing god (Mahādeva) with Umā, who was seated on the peak of Himālaya which was charming, variegated with various minerals, which resembled the young sun and heated gold, which had the staircase of strong crystals, which had a slab of stone with a variegated strap, which was golden, which was divine and adorned with many lotuses, asked (Mahādeva) who was omniscient, who was the immutable lord, who favoured the worlds, who was surrounded by the hosts of attendants and by Skanda, Nandi, Mahākāla, and attendants like Vīrabhadra:

7. “O Mahādeva, god of gods, praised by (gods like) Indra and Kāma, I am afraid of the worldly existence. Tell me the means of happiness.

8. O you revered lord, the lord of what has been and what will be, O you great god, describe to me the greatest among the holy places, destroying all sins.”

The lord said:

9-29a. O illustrious brāhmaṇa, well-versed in all branches of knowledge, go, surrounded by the groups of sages, and have a bath etc. The sages Manu, Atri, Yājñavalkya, Kaśyapa, and Aṅgiras, Āpastamba, Saṃvarta, Kātyāyana, Bṛhaspati, Nārada and Gautama, desiring to secure righteousness asked him. At Kanakhala Gaṅga is holy; and also Prayāga, Puṣkara and Gayā (are holy places). When the Sun is swallowed by Rāhu (i.e. on a solar eclipse day) Kurukṣetra also is holy. By day or at night, Śuklatīrtha gives a great fruit. On seeing it, touching (i.e. having contact with) it, bathing there, meditating, practising penance, (or performing) a sacrifice, (or by) fasting Śuklatīrtha gives great fruit. Śuklatīrtha is very holy and is well situated on the river. A royal sage named Cāṇikya attained perfection there. This holy place that sprang up extends over a yojana. Śuklatīrtha is very holy; it destroys all sins. When seen from the top of a tree it removes (the sin of) the murder of a brāhmaṇa. O best sage, I stay here with Umā. During the pure month of Vaiśākha, on the fourteenth day of the dark half, I go out from Kailāsa and stay there. Gods, kinnaras, gandharvas, siddhas, vidyādharas, my attendants, nāgas, and all gods gather here; and remaining in the sky they have aeroplanes satisfying all desires. O lord of kings, those who desiring piety, come to Śuklatīrtha, (have their sins washed) as a garment is made (i.e. washed) white by a washerman. The sin collected from birth melts away at Śuklatīrtha. Even if he dies within the limit of half a yojana (of this holy place) he is not reborn. O Mārkaṇḍa, best of the sages, giving gifts and bathing (at this holy place) give a great merit. A holy place superior to Śuklatīrtha was never there nor will be there. A man having committed sins during his youth, removes (i.e. is free from) them by observing a fast for a day and night at Śuklatīrtha. That perfection which is had by means of penance, self-restraint, sacrifices, giving gifts and offering presents to deities, is not had even by (performing) hundreds of sacrifices. On the fourteenth day of the dark half of Kārtika a man should observe a fast and bathe (the image of) the lord with ghee. He, along with (members of his family) till the twenty-first (descendant) will not fall from the divine position. Śuklatīrtha is a great holy place. It is resorted to by sages and siddhas. O king, having bathed (i.e. if he bathes) there, he is not reborn. Having bathed at Śuklatīrtha, he should worship Śiva. He should keep awake (during the night) by (resorting to) auspicious (things) like dancing, singing etc. In the morning he should bath in the Śuklatīrtha, and worship the deities. Being pure and devoted to Śiva’s vow, he should then feed his preceptor according to his capacity; then he should take food; he should not be dishonest about wealth. Then after circumambulating he should gently approach the deity.

29b-36. Listen to the meritorious fruit that he who does like this, gets. Having got into a celestial car, being extolled by bevies of celestial nymphs and endowed with strength like that of Śiva, he lives till deluge. Listen to the meritorious fruit that a woman who gives pure gold (to a brāhmaṇa) at Śuklatīrha and would bathe Kumāra (i.e. Kārtikeya) with ghee and worship him—who does like this devoutly—obtains. As long as the fourteen Indras live in heaven he rejoices. He having fully restrained himself and composed, having bathed and observed a fast during the period of the sun’s passage—north or south of the equator, on the fourteenth day, on a Saṃkrānti day or on (the day of) the equinox, should give gifts according to his capacity. (Thereby) Viṣṇu and Śiva would be pleased. By the efficacy of Śuklatīrtha all (this) becomes inexhaustible. Listen to the meritorious fruit which he who carries a helpless person, an indigent brāhmaṇa, or even one who is dependent, obtains. He is honoured in Śiva’s heaven for as many thousand years as the number of hairs (on the bodies of the persons) that are born in his family.

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