Mandukya Upanishad

With an Advaita Commentary from our Understanding

by Kenneth Jaques | 31,733 words

The Mandukya Upanishad is a short, just twelve verses, description of the material manifestation and the eventual return to unmanifest form of the Universe....

Verse 44

44. As an illusion elephant is spoken of as real because of perception and of the prevailing etiquette, similarly things exist is spoken of as depicting a real state of things because of perception and of the prevailing etiquette.

It is further being explained that objects, elephants etc. are simply accepted as being real because the need to question such reality does not occur to the aspirant because the aspirant simply credits the divine with the power of production of all phenomena including elephants. It follows that the implications of such reality would call for them to have individual origination is not realised or understood by householder or lay aspirants.

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