The Garuda Purana
by Manmatha Nath Dutt | 1908 | 245,256 words | ISBN-13: 9788183150736
The English translation of the Garuda Purana: contents include a creation theory, description of vratas (religious observances), sacred holidays, sacred places dedicated to the sun, but also prayers from the Tantrika ritual, addressed to the sun, to Shiva, and to Vishnu. The Garuda Purana also contains treatises on astrology, palmistry, and preci...
Chapter CCXXIV - The Chudamani
Now I shall discourse on Chudamani for the ascertainment of auspicious or inauspicious auguries. Having made obeisance to Gana, Soma, and the goddess, the sooth-sayer should obliquely put down three lines on the paper, in the shape of a stream of cow's urine. Then the different symbols of calculation such as the banner, camal, lion, dog, bull and the ass should be put down in the different chambers. The crow should be regarded as the eighth symbol in the diagram. Banner seen in the chamber of the banner presages thoughts about a kingdom or wealth, Dhumra (camel) seen in the chamber of the banner presages thought about metals and gain. Lion seen in the chamber of the banner presages acquisition of wealth and gain. Dog, seen in the chamber of the banner, presages thought about a female slave and the advent of happiness. Bull seen in the chamber of the banner presages thought about, and acquisition of, landed property. Ass seen in the chamber of the banner presages misery and sorrow. Elephant seen in the chamber of the banner presages victory and acquisition of place by the enquirer. Crow seen in the chamber of the banner presages loss of wealth, and thought about pain or misery.
Similarly, banner seen in the chamber of the camel, presages pain followed by pleasure. Camel seen in the chamber of the camel presages misery due to evil propensities of the enquirer. Lion seen in the chamber of the camel foretells an anxiety about, and acquisition of, wealth by the enquirer. Dog seen in the chamber of the camel predicts victory and wealth. Ball seen in the chamber of the camel predicts the acquisition of cattle and wives by the enquirer. Ass seen in the chamber of the camel presages disease and loss of wealth. Elephant seen in the chamber of the camel augurs the acquisition of wealth and kingdom by the enquirer. Crow seen in the chamber of the camel presages loss of wealth and kingdom. Banner seen in the chamber of the lion predicts the gain of wealth and kingdom; camel seen in the chamber of the lion presages the acquisition of a bride and wealth by the enquirer. Lion seen in the chamber of the lion predicts victory and arrival of friends. Dog seen in the chamber of the lion predicts the gain of a village by the enquirer and the fact that he is thinking about a woman. Bull seen in the chamber of the lion foretells the acquisition of a field, house and money by the enquirer. Ass seen in the chamber of the lion augurs the lordship of the enquirer over his own native village. Elephant seen in the chamber of the lion presages good health, joy and longevity to the enquirer. Crow seen in the chamber of the lion predicts the acquisition of a wife, food grain and wealth.
Banner seen in the chamber of the dog indicates the thought about a place and presages the advent of joy and pleasure. Camel seen in the chamber of the dog predicts quarrel and failure in business. Lion seen in the chamber of the dog predicts the success of an undertaking. Dog seen in the chamber of the dog presages foss of wealth. Bull seen in the chamber of the dog predicts the recovery of a patient from a disease. Ass seen in the chamber of the dog predicts quarrel and danger. Elephant seen in the chamber of the dog foretells the meeting of the enquirer with his wife and children. Crow seen in the chamber of the dog augurs disease and loss of bodily strength.
Banner seen in the chamber of the bull predicts the honouring of the enquirer by kings. Camel seen in the chamber of the bull predicts royal favour and pleasure to the enquirer. Lion seen in the chamber of the bull augurs happiness and prosperity to the enquirer. Dog seen in the chamber of the lion predicts beauty, strength and gain of creature-comforts to the enquirer. Bull seen in the chamber of the bull augurs fame, contentment, pleasure. Ass seen in the chamber of the bull predicts great joy and gain for the enquirer. Elephant seen in the chamber of the bull augurs the acquisition of wives and elephants. Crow seen in the chamber of the bull presages the gain of place and honour by the enquirer.
Banner seen in the chamber of the ass augurs sorrow and disease. Camel seen in the chamber of the ass presages terror from thieves and robbers in respect of the enquirer. Lion seen in the chamber of the ass presages honour, prosperity and victory to the enquirer. Dog seen in the chamber of the ass presages loss of wealth and anguish. Bull seen in the chamber of the ass presages happiness and meeting with dear ones. Ass seen in the chamber of the ass predicts pain and disease. Elephant seen in the chamber of the ass predicts joy and birth of sons. Crow seen in the chamber of the ass augurs quarrel and disease.
Banner seen in the chamber of the elephant foretells joy and birth of sons. Camel seen in the chamber of the elephant predicts acquisition of wealth and food grain by the enquirer. Lion seen in the chamber of the elephant augurs success and victory. Dog seen in the chamber of the elephant predicts happiness, prosperity and recovery from disease. Bull seen in the chamber of the elephant presages royal favour and wealth. Ass seen in the chamber of the elephant presages the advent of misery to be followed by days of prosperity. Elephant seen in the chamber of the elephant predicts joy and acquisition of fields and food grain by the enquirer. Crow seen in the chamber of the elephant presages the acquisition of wealth and food grain by the enquirer.
Banner seen in the chamber of the crow augurs the failure of an undertaking. Camel seen in the chamber of the crow presages misery from gratification of wicked inclinations. Lion seen in the chamber of the crow predicts quarrel and mental unrest. Dog seen in the chamber of the crow augurs terror and family dissensions. Bull seen in the chamber of the crow presages terror and loss of place or home. Ass seen in the chamber of the crow presages loss of wealth and defeat. Elephant seen in the chamber of the crow augurs the advent of fortune and fame. Crow seen in the chamber of the crow predicts a sojourn to a foreign country.