The Garuda Purana

by Manmatha Nath Dutt | 1908 | 245,256 words | ISBN-13: 9788183150736

The English translation of the Garuda Purana: contents include a creation theory, description of vratas (religious observances), sacred holidays, sacred places dedicated to the sun, but also prayers from the Tantrika ritual, addressed to the sun, to Shiva, and to Vishnu. The Garuda Purana also contains treatises on astrology, palmistry, and preci...

Chapter CCIX - Various other Recipes

Hari said:—The expressed juice, or sulphate of, Guduchi, taken with honey, cures all forms of Meha (urethral or urinary complaints). A decoction of Gohalika roots and sesame, taken through the vehicle of milkcurd and clarified butter, tends to set flow the suppressed urine. The same docoction taken with Sauvarchala salt relieves hiccough. Roots of Goraksha and Karkati pasted with Vasya water and taken for three days in succession relieves caries of the teeth and Danta-Sharkara. Malati roots (culled in summer) and pasted with goat’s milk should be administered for inducing urination, as well as for the cuie of Chlorosis and urinary concretions.

Plasters of Brahmadandi pasted with rice-washings should be applied to scrotal tumours, scrofulous glands, and goitres. This plaster mixed with the powders of Haritaki and Rasanjanam should be applied to the genitals in cases of loss of manhood, or of virile impotency. O Rudra, a plaster composed of Pugaphalnm and Karavira roots pasted together with water would remove virile impotency.

A plaster composed of Danti roots, Haridia(Harida?), and Chitrakam pasted together should be employed for the cure of fistula in ano. In treating a rase of fistula in ano, first apply leeches to the affected part, then wash it with a solution of Triphala, and then apply a plaster of pasted cat’s bone to it, whereby the discharge of blood from the locality would be undoubtedly arrested, O thou bull-ensigned deity, soak Haridra with the milky exudations of Snuhi plants and dry them in shade, do this many times in succession.

Applications of plasters of such Haridras pasted with water to the polypi prove curative in cases of rectal hæmorrhoids. A plaster composed of Haridia and Ghosha-phalam pasted together proves highly efficacious in removing rectal hæmorrhoids. O thou blissful one, Trikatukam taken wife thrice as much ashes or Alkali treated with clarified butter and dissolved in water speedily leads to the falling off of rectal polypi.

Pulps of burnt Vilva fruits prove highly efficacious in cases of bleeding piles. Black sesame taken with butter proves efficacious in the same disease. O thou bull-ensigned deity, a lambative composed of Yavakshara, Shunthi powders and treacle, taken in equal parts and pasted together, and licked, each morning, improves the digestive capacity. O Rudra, decoctions of Shunthi, or of Chittrakam, Pippali and Haritaki, taken with rock-salt, proves as a good digestant and stomachic remedy. Powders of the foregoing drugs taken with water, as well as bacon cooked with clarified butter tends to give an acute appetite.

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