Garuda Purana
by Manmatha Nath Dutt | 1908 | 245,256 words | ISBN-13: 9788183150736
The English translation of the Garuda Purana: contents include a creation theory, description of vratas (religious observances), sacred holidays, sacred places dedicated to the sun, but also prayers from the Tantrika ritual, addressed to the sun, to Shiva, and to Vishnu. The Garuda Purana also contains treatises on astrology, palmistry, and preci...
Chapter XLV - Characteristic marks of Shalagrama Stones (Shaligram)
Hari said:—As a side issue of this discourse I shall, describe the characteristic marks of Shalagrama (Shaligram), by touching which stone, one has the sins, accumulated in a Koti of births, dissipated.
The holder of conch-shell, discus, club and lotus, known as Keshava, is [also called] Gadadhara (the holder of club]. The Lord Narayana is also the holder of lotus, the bow Kaumodaki, discus and conch-shell. He is the holder of discus, conch-shell, lotus and club and is also named Madhava and Shri Gadadhara. Govinda, Gadadhara, the holder of club, lotus, conch-shell and discus is adorable.
Salutation unto thee of the form of Vishnu, the holder of lotus and the conch-shell, unto thee of the form of Madhusudana, the holder of conch-shell, lotus, club and discus. Salutation unto that form of thine which holds the club, conch-shell and lotus, unto that form, which is of three foot steps, unto that form which holds the bow Kaumodaki, lotus and conch-shell and unto thy dwarfish form. Salutation unto thee the holder of conch-shell, lotus, discus and club. Salutation unto that form which bears the mystic mark of Srivatsa, unto Hrishikesha, and the weilder of lotus, club, conch-shell and discus. Salutation unto the holder of lotus, discus, club, conch-shell, unto Padmanabha (lotus-navelled), unto Damodara, unto the weilder of conch-shell, discus, club and lotus. Salutation unto Vasudeva, unto the holder of conch-shell, club and lotus. Salutation unto Sangkarshana. Salutation unto the form of Pradyumna, the holder of a beautiful conch-shell, a beautiful club and a beautiful lotus. Salutation unto Aniruddha and the weilder of club, conch-shell and lotus. Salutation unto the Purusottama form with lotus, conch-shell, club and discus. Salutation unto the form of Adhokshaja, the holder of club, conch-shell, and lotus. Salutation unto Man-lion form, the holder of lotus, club and conch-shell. Salutation unto the form, Achyuta, the weilder of lotus, conch-shell and dub. I will bring here Janarddana with his conch-shell, discus, lotus and club and Upendra with his wheel, club, lotus and conch-shell Salutation.
Salutation unto this form of Hari, holding a beautiful discus, lotus, dub and conch-shell. Salutation unto the form. Srikrishna weilding club, lotus, wheel and conch-shell.
The Shalagrama stone, known as Vasudeva, is of a white colour and possesses two ring-like marks around its mouth. The one, known as Sankarshana, is of a red colour, has two ring-like marks around its mouth or lateral aperture and has the mark of a lotus on its eastern side. The one, known, as Pradyumna, is of a yellow colour, has a small ring-like mark, is of an elongated shape and bears on its surface a large number of impressions like pin-holes. The one, known as Aniruddha, is of a circular shape and blue colour and is marked with three lines around its mouth. The one known as Narayana is of a black colour, contains the mark of a club-like line in its cavity and has the circular mark at the navel or a little raised up. The Nrisimha alone is elevated on the breast, is of a twany colour, and is dotted with fine spots; while a Varaha resembles a Sakti in shape and has two rugged and uneven circular marks. A Sthula stone is of blue colour, has three lines, is of the form of a tortoise and is dotted with marks. The stone, known as Krishna, is round and depressed at the back. Sridhara has the marks of five lines, that of a garland of forest flowers and that of a club. The Vamana stone is of a round and puny size and Sureshvara has a circular mark on its left side. The one, known as Anantaka, has various forms and bears an impression like the hood of a serpent. The Damodara stone is thick, of blue colour, and contains a circular mark of blue colour in the central part of the cavity. Brahma stone has a small mouth and is of thick blue colour. Sushira stone has marks of long lines, while Amvuja stone has the mark of one circular figure and is thick. A Sthulachakra stone has deep holes and is dotted with dark marks. A Hayagriva stone is of the shape of a goad; while a Kaustava stone possesses marks of five lines. A Vaikuntha stone is of the hue of a jem on the hood of a serpent, of dark colour and bears one circular mark. A Matsya stone is of the shape of a long lotus and has marks of lines at the mouth. A Trivikrama stone bears the mark of a circle on the left side, that of a line on the right side and is of a dark-blue colour.
Salutation unto the holder of club who is situate in Shalagrama (Shaligram) as well as in Dvaraka.
A Lakshmi Narayana stone is of the shape of a Kadamva flower, bears marks of four circles at one mouth, is adorned with the figure of a garland of forest flowers, is marked with golden lines and cow’s hoofs.
The Sudarshana class has got only a single circular mark, while the existence of two characterises the class Lakshmi Narayana. The Tivikrama class has got three circular marks, the Chaturvyuha class has got four, the Vasudeva class has got five, the Pradyumna class has got six, the Sangkarshana class has got seven, the Purusottama class has got eight, the Navavyuha class has got nine, the Dashava-tara class has got ten, the Aniruddha class eleven, and the Dvadashatma class has twelve circular marks. The Ananta class bears more marks than twelve. He, who reads this poem, describing the forms of Vishnu, repairs to the celestial region.
The image of Brahma has four mouths and is endued with a staff and Kamandalu (water-pot). That of Mahesvara has five mouths, ten arms, is seated on a bull with weapons as well as Matrika goddesses, such as Gauri, Chandrika, Sarasvati and Mahalakshmi. The image of the sun holds a lotus in the hand. Gana has the head of an elephant-Skanda has six mouths.
Adored these images should be placed in the edifice worshipped of Vastu deities. By adoring them a man obtains religious profit, worldly objects and emancipation.