Agni Purana

by N. Gangadharan | 1954 | 360,691 words | ISBN-10: 8120803590 | ISBN-13: 9788120803596

This page describes Adding primary affixes known as unadi which is chapter 357 of the English translation of the Agni Purana, one of the eighteen major puranas dealing with all topics concerning ancient Indian culture, tradition and sciences. Containing roughly 15,000 Sanskrit metrical verses, subjects contained in the Agni-Purana include cosmology, philosophy, architecture, iconography, economics, diplomacy, pilgrimage guides, ancient geography, gemology, ayurveda, etc.

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Chapter 357 - Adding primary affixes known as uṇādi

[Sanskrit text for this chapter is available]

[Full title: The formation of the primary nominal bases by adding primary affixes known as uṇādi, beginning with affix u]

Kumāra said:

1-2a. The Uṇādis (a kind of primary nominal affixes) are spoken as pratyayas (suffixes) added to roots. (The word) Kāru (denoting) an artisan (is formed by adding the suffix) uṇ. (The other examples are) jāyuḥ (medicine or physician), māyuḥ (meaning) bile, gomāyuḥ (biles in the cow). These uṇādis are widely used in the Āyurveda (Indian system of medicine) terminology.

2b-4a. (The other examples are) āyuḥ (life), svādu (sweet), hetu (cause) etc. Kiṃśāruḥ [kiṃśāru] (means) the beard of a corn. Kṛkavāku denotes a cock. Guru is the master. Maru is (a desert). Śayu is known as a big serpent. Saru is said to be a weapon (sword). Svaru (denotes) the thunderbolt. Trapu (means) sīsam [sīsa][1]. Phalgu is said (to mean) worthless thing.

4b-6. (The following words) are known (to be derived by adding the corresponding suffixes): gṛdhraḥ [gṛdhra] (vulture) (from) kran, mandiram [mandira] (an abode) and timiraṃ [timira] (meaning) darkness (from) kirac, salilaṃ [salila] (meaning) water and bhaṇḍila (meaning) auspicious (from) ilac. Budhaḥ [budha] (meaning) a learned person (from) kvasu. (The word) śibira (denotes) a concealed position. Otuḥ [otu] (denotes) a cat (from the suffix) tun. (The words) karṇaḥ [karṇa] (ear), kāmī (a lustful person), gṛhaṃ [gṛha] (house), bhūḥ [bhū] (earth), vāstu (the site of a house) and jaivātṛkaḥ [jaivātṛka] (the moon) are known to be uṇādis because they denote (objects).

7. (The word) anaḍvān (a bull) is from (the root) vaḥ (to bear) with ḍvan. Jīva (life), arṇava (ocean) and auṣadha (herb) convey genus. (The word) vahni (fire) is (by adding the suffix) ni, hariṇaḥ (meaning) a deer (from inan) and kāmī (one who is lustful) (denotes) a fit person.

8. Saṅghāta (a collection); varūḍa (mixed caste), saraṇḍa (means) an animal, eraṇḍa (is a kind of) tree; sāma (chant). nirbhara (full).

9. (The word) sphāraṃ [sphāra] would mean (plenty)... (The words) cīra (denoting) a bark garment belongs to the same category. (The word) kātara (means) timid. But ugra (means) fierce. Javasa (denotes) grass.

10. Jagat (signifies) the earth and kṛśānu, the lustre of the Sun. Varvara (means) curled and dhūrta (a wicked person). Catvaraṃ [catvara] (denotes) a junction of four roads.

11. Cīvara (is) the dress of a mendicant. Āditya is said to be Mitra (the Sun). (The word) putra (stands for) a son and pitā, for father. (The words) pṛdāku (denotes) a tiger and a scorpion. Carta (denotes) a hole. Bharata (means) an actor. These are the other uṇādis.

Footnotes and references:

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But trapu denotes tin and sīsam [sīsa], lead.

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