Agni Purana
by N. Gangadharan | 1954 | 360,691 words | ISBN-10: 8120803590 | ISBN-13: 9788120803596
This page describes The use of the hymns of Samaveda (samavidhana) which is chapter 261 of the English translation of the Agni Purana, one of the eighteen major puranas dealing with all topics concerning ancient Indian culture, tradition and sciences. Containing roughly 15,000 Sanskrit metrical verses, subjects contained in the Agni-Purana include cosmology, philosophy, architecture, iconography, economics, diplomacy, pilgrimage guides, ancient geography, gemology, ayurveda, etc.
Chapter 261 - The use of the hymns of Sāmaveda (sāmavidhāna)
[Sanskrit text for this chapter is available]
Puṣkara said:
1. I have described the use of (the hymns of) Yajur (veda). I shall (now) describe the use of (the hymns of) Sāma (veda) [i.e., sāmavidhāna]. One will get all the pleasures by repeating the vaiṣṇavī hymns.
2. One pleases (Lord) Śaṅkara (Śiva) by repeating the chāndasī (Sāman) hymns well. One will get the grace by repeating the skāndī and paitrī hymns.
3. (The repetition of the hymn) yata indra bhayāmahe[1] is capable of destroying the harmful effects (of incantations). One who has broken the vow of continence will be released (from the fault) by repeating (the hymn) agnistigmena[2].
4. (The repetition of the hymn) paritoṣaṃ ca[3] is known to be capable of destroying all sins. One who has sold (a thing) that should not be sold, should repeat (the hymn) ghṛtavatī[4].
5-6. (The hymn) adyā no deva savitaḥ[5] is known to be capable of destroying bad dreams. O Rāma! The foremost of Bhṛgus! It is laid down that the girdle may be tied with the remnant of the ghee that has been sprinkled with (the hymn) abodhyagniḥ[6] as laid down, in the case of the women who have a miscarriage.
7. Then it should be tied on the wrist of the child that is born, with (the repetition of the hymn) somaṃ rājānaṃ[7]. This will make the child free from all diseases.
8-9. By the use of sarpasāma[8] one will not have the fear of serpents. A brahmin will not have any fear from weapons by tying the śatāvarī (a herb) after making a thousand oblations with (the hymn) mādya tvā vādyate[9]. One will get plenty of food by making oblation (with the hymn) dīrghatamaso'rka[10].
10. One who repeats (the hymn) samamadhyāyantī[11] will not die of thirst. One will not get a disease by repeating (the hymn) tvamimā oṣadhīḥ[12].
11. One will become free from fears by repeating (the hymn) devavrata[13] on the journey. Oblations offered with (the hymn) yadindro munaye tvā[14] increase fortune.
12. O Rāma! Collyrium applied to the eyes (with the hymn) bhago na citra[15] will increase fortune. There need be no doubt.
13-14. The repetition (of the hymn) indreti varga[16] will also increase fortune. A man who seeks the love of a woman should make her listen to (the hymn) pari priyā divaḥ kaviḥ[17]. O Rāma! There need be no doubt that she will love him in return. (The repetition of the hymns) rathantara[18] and vāmadevya[19] increases the divine splendour.
15. A child should be fed with the powder of vacā soaked in ghee daily with the repetition of (the hymn) indramidgāthino[20]. It will give him good memory.
16. There is no doubt that one will get progeny after repeating (the hymn) rathantara[21] and offering oblations. The hymn mayi śrīḥ[22] has to be repeated for the increase of fortune.
17. The repetition of the eight vairūpya[23] (hymns) daily confers fortune. One will get all the desires fulfilled by repeating the saptāṣṭaka[24] (hymns).
18. One who worships cows daily morning and evening (with the repetition of the hymn) gavyoṣuṇo[25] unweariedly will always have cows in his house.
19. One who offers a droṇa (a measure) of barley soaked in ghee into fire (with the repetition of the hymn), vāta āvātu bheṣajaṃ[26] as laid down will ward off all spells.
20-21 a. Oblations of sesamum with (the repetition of the hymn) pra daivo dāso[27] destroys witchcraft. (Repeating the hymn) abhi tvā pūrva pītaye [pitaye?][28] followed by the syllable vaṣaṭ while offering oblations made with perfumed fuel will yield victory in battle.
21b-24. A wise man should make good figures of elephants, horses and men with flour and represent the chief men of the enemy with oily cakes of flour and cut them into pieces with a knife. Then the knower of the sacred formulas should offer oblations (with these cakes) soaked in mustard oil with wrath while reciting the hymn abhi tvā śūranonumaḥ.[29] The wise man gets victory in battle by this act. The hymns gāruḍa[30], vāmadevya,[31] rathantara[32] and bṛhadratha[33] are without any doubt said to destroy all sins.
Footnotes and references:
SV. 1.274a; 2.671a.
Tait. Sam.; SV. 1.512a.
Cf. parīto ṣiñcatā SV. 1.512a.
SV. 1.378a.
SV. 1.14Ia.
SV. 1.73a; 2.1096a.
Cf. Vedic Concordance p. 1033b.
Could not be traced.
Could not be traced.
Could not be traced.
Could not be traced.
ṚV. 1.91.22a.
Could not be traced.
Could not be traced.
SV. 1.449ab.
Could not be traced.
SV. 1476a; 2.285a.
Tait. Sam.
MS. 4.9.11 : 132.10.
SV. 1.198a.
See 14.1.
ṚV.Kh. 5.87.10d.
Cf. Tait. Sam.
Could not be traced.
SV. 1.186a.
SV. 1.184a; 2.1190a.
SV. 1.51a; 2.867a.
SV. 1.256a; 2.923a.
SV. 1.233a; 2.30a.
Could not be traced.
MS. 4.9.11:132.10.
See p. 706, note 6.
Tait. Sam.