Agni Purana
by N. Gangadharan | 1954 | 360,691 words | ISBN-10: 8120803590 | ISBN-13: 9788120803596
This page describes Vows observed on the third lunar day which is chapter 178 of the English translation of the Agni Purana, one of the eighteen major puranas dealing with all topics concerning ancient Indian culture, tradition and sciences. Containing roughly 15,000 Sanskrit metrical verses, subjects contained in the Agni-Purana include cosmology, philosophy, architecture, iconography, economics, diplomacy, pilgrimage guides, ancient geography, gemology, ayurveda, etc.
Chapter 178 - Vows observed on the third lunar day
[Sanskrit text for this chapter is available]
Fire-god said:
1. I shall describe the vows (to be practised) on the third lunar day which would confer enjoyment and emancipation. Listen to me. (I shall describe) the mūlagaurīvrata for the (goddess) Lalitā (a form of consort of Śiva) (to be done) on the third lunar day.
2-23. Goddess Gaurī was married by Hara (Śiva) on the third day of the bright (fortnight) in (the month of) caitra (April-May). (Then on that day) one should bathe with sesamum and worship Śambhu (Śiva) in the company of Gauri with golden fruits etc. “Obeisance to Pāṭalā” (saying so one should worship) the feet of the goddess and Śiva. One should worship ankles for Jayā after saying “to Śiva”. (One should worship) the two shanks (by saying obeisance) to the destroyer of the three cities, to Rudra, to Bhavānī, the two knees (by saying obeisance) to Śiva, to Rudra, to Īśvara (the lord) and to Vijayā (the victorious), the hip (by saying obeisance) to Iśa for the goddess and to Śaṅkara for Śaṅkara. The two bellys (should be worshipped by saying obeisance) to Koṭavyā and the Śūlin (lord Śiva) (by saying obeisance) to the one having trident in the hand. The stomach should be worshipped (by saying) obeisance to you, Maṅgalā (the auspicious). Rudra (should be worshipped by saying) obeisance to the soul of all beings, the two breasts (by saying obeisance) to Īśānī. Similarly (lord) Śiva should be worshipped (by saying) (obeisance) to Hlādinī. Lord Śiva (should be worshipped by the words obeisance) to the great lord and the two hands (by saying obeisance) to Anantā. (Lord) Hara (should be worshipped with the words obeisance) to the three-eyed one and the arm (with the words obeisance) to the consort of the destructive fire at the end. The ornaments should be worshipped (by saying obeisance) to Saubhāgyā (the fortunate) and the great lord. The lips (should be worshipped by saying obeisance) to the (goddess) dwelling in the honey of aśoka (flowers) and to the lord. The face (should be worshipped) by saying obeisance to the consort of the fourfaced one and to Hara and the immovable one. Obeisance to lord Hara, the lord of the man-woman form and the nose (should be worshipped) (by saying obeisance) to measured limbs. The lord of the universe (should be worshipped by saying) obeisance to the fierce one and then the two eyes (saying obeisance) to Lalitā. The destroyer of the cities (should be worshipped saying obeisance) to Sarva (all) and the palate (with the words obeisance) to Vāsantī (the one belonging to the spring), Obeisance to the consort of Śrīkaṇṭha (one having the auspicious mark on the throat) and the hair (saying obeisance) to Śitikaṇṭha (having black mark on the throat). (Obeisance) to fierce one and (the goddess) of good form and (worship) the head (by saying) obeisance to the soul of all beings. The (following) flowers should be used in order in the respective months—jasmine, aśoka, lotus, jasmine, tagara, mālatī, kadamba, karavīra, bāṇa, mlāna, kuṅkuma and sindhuvāra After having worshipped (goddess) Umā and (lord) Maheśvara, the (following) eight auspicious things should be placed in front: ghee, niṣpāva, kusumbha, kṣīrajīvaka, tarurāja, ikṣu, lavaṇa and kustumburu. One should take śṛṅgodaka in (the month of) Caitra (April-May) and sleep in front of the god and goddess. One should bathe in the morning, worship (the god and goddess) and worship the brahmin couple. The above (mentioned) eight (things) should be given to the brahmin. (He should then say) “Let (the goddess) lalitā (consort of Śiva) be pleased (by this gift of) mine. Śṛṅgodaka, cow-dung, mandāra, bilva leaf, water [? with?] kuśa, curd and milk are the things and ghee mixed with coagulated milk (are the things offered) in (the month of) kārttika (November-December). Cow’s urine, clarified butter, black sesamum and the five things got from a cow (are the) food to be eaten duly. “(Goddesses) Lalitā, Vijayā, Bhadrā, Bhavānī, Kumudā, Śivā, Vāsudevī, Gaurī, Maṅgalā, Kamalā and Satī be pleased.” Thus one should say at the time of making a gift in (the months of) Caitra (April-May) etc. He should then offer one pala (a measure of weight) of the purifying clarified butter and a bed should be given at the end of the vow, A golden (image of) Umāmaheśvara, (Śiva and his consort), a bull and a cow (should also be given). The performer would get enjoyment and emancipation by (offering) clothes etc. and worshipping the teacher couple. (One would get) fortune, health, beauty and longevity from the (performance of the) vow saubhāgyaśayana. One should perform the vow in the (month of) nabhas (śrāvaṇa—July-August) or vaiśākha (June-July) or mārgaśira (December-January) on the third lunar day in the bright. fortnight. One should worship (saying) “Obeisance to (goddess) Lalitā”. After having worshipped in every fortnight and having worshipped twenty-four couples at the end of the vow by (giving) clothes etc, the performer gets enjoyment and emancipation.
24-28. Thus a second way (of performance of the vow) has been told. I shall describe the saubhāgyavrata (the vow which confers fortune). One should avoid salt on the third lunar day in the (month of) phālguna (March-April). When (the vow) is completed he should give a bed and a house with household things after having worshipped a brahmin couple (by saying) "Let (goddess) Bhavānī be pleased”. The.vow on the third lunar day for the sake of (getting) fortune has been told. (Goddess) Gaurī confers heaven etc. So also (one would get) by doing the vow on the lunar day in (the months of) māgha (February-March), bhādra(pada) (September-October) and vaiśākha (May-June) A person who performs (the vow of) damanakatṛtīyā should worship with damanaka (fragrant leaf used for worship) in (the month of) caitra (April-May). (The third lunar day) in (the month of) mārga (śīrṣa) (December-January) (is known as) ātmatṛtīyā (the third lunar day relating to the soul). One who worships by giving the goddesses) Gaurī, Kālī, Umā, Bhadrā, Durgā, Kānti, Sarasvatī, Vaiṣṇavī, Lakṣmī, Prakṛti, Śiva and Nārāyaṇī duly commencing from the third lunar day in (the month of) mārga (mārgaśīrṣa) (December-January), (by giving) the desired things, food etc would get fortune and gold.