Agni Purana

by N. Gangadharan | 1954 | 360,691 words | ISBN-10: 8120803590 | ISBN-13: 9788120803596

This page describes Mode of performing Laksha and Kotihoma which is chapter 149 of the English translation of the Agni Purana, one of the eighteen major puranas dealing with all topics concerning ancient Indian culture, tradition and sciences. Containing roughly 15,000 Sanskrit metrical verses, subjects contained in the Agni-Purana include cosmology, philosophy, architecture, iconography, economics, diplomacy, pilgrimage guides, ancient geography, gemology, ayurveda, etc.

Chapter 149 - Mode of performing Lakṣa and Koṭihoma

[Sanskrit text for this chapter is available]

The Lord said:

1. A homa (oblation) performed after having practised the prāṇāyāma (control of breath) hundred times and purifying with the rite of kṛcchra, confers victory in battle, gets kingdom and destroys obstacles.

2-5. After having repeated gāyatrī (mantra) (remaining) in the water, one should perform prāṇāyāma sixteen times. Oblation of havis (clarified butter) should be made into fire in the forenoon. One should eat only that which has been procured. after begging or eat only fruits and roots. One should take only single morsel of food such as milk or flour or ghee. O Pārvatī! as soon as the (rite of a) lakh of oblations concludes, one should give cows, clothes and gold as fees. (The oblation should be done) by fifteen brahmins in the case of all disasters that befall. There is no disaster in the world that does not get warded off by this oblation.

6-10. There is no such benevolent (rite) that could excel this (rite). A king, whosoever, arranges to do the rite of koṭihoma (making a crore oblations)as before (employing) the brahmins, his enemies cannot face him in battle any time. There cannot also be any disease in his country that would kill him. (By its virtue) excessive rainfall, deficient rainfall, mice,crickets, parrots demons and others get controlled. So also the enemies (get controlled) in the battle. One should employ twenty or a hundred or a thousand brahmins for the performance of koṭihoma. One would get fortunes as much as one desired. A brahmin or a king or a tradesman, whoever may perform the koṭihoma, would get whatever was desired by him. (Moreover) he would go to heaven with his mortal frame.

11-15. By the performance of this homa with the gāyatrī (mantra), or the mantras of planets, or those used in the (rite known as) kuṣmāṇḍa or those addressed to the Fire God or the gods of directions east, west, north-west, south and southeast or the mantras relating to (lord) Viṣṇu or the goddesses or Śambhu (Śiva) or Sun, one would get lesser benefits (if it is done) for ten thousand times. One who does homa a lakh times would be able to get rid of all distress. The all-yielding koṭihoma (is done) for the destruction of all afflictions. The following materials should be used for oblations—barley, paddy, sesamum, milk, ghee, kuśa, prasātikā (a variety of rice), petals of lotus, uśira (the fragrant root of a plant) and bilva. In the koṭihoma the fire-pit should measure eight cubits. Half its measure is laid down in the oblation for a lakh times. Thus the mode of performance of oblation ten thousand lakh and crore times have been explained.

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