Agni Purana

by N. Gangadharan | 1954 | 360,691 words | ISBN-10: 8120803590 | ISBN-13: 9788120803596

This page describes The extent of the universe (bhuvanakosha) which is chapter 120 of the English translation of the Agni Purana, one of the eighteen major puranas dealing with all topics concerning ancient Indian culture, tradition and sciences. Containing roughly 15,000 Sanskrit metrical verses, subjects contained in the Agni-Purana include cosmology, philosophy, architecture, iconography, economics, diplomacy, pilgrimage guides, ancient geography, gemology, ayurveda, etc.

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Chapter 120 - The extent of the universe (bhuvanakoṣa)

[Sanskrit text for this chapter is available]

The Fire-god said:

1. The extent of the earth is believed to be seventy-thousand (yojanas). Its height is ten thousand. The nether worlds (extend) to one thousand each.

2-3. The seven nether worlds are Atala, Vitala, Nitala, Gabhastimat, Mahātala, Sutala and Pātāla. The demons dwell in those pleasant lands which are respectively coloured black, yellow, red, white, stony and golden.

4. Lord Viṣṇu in the tāmasa (darkness) form as Śeṣa (the serpent) lies under the nether worlds. He, the Ananta (infinite) on account of his infinite (good) qualities, (lies there) supporting the earth with his head.

5. There are many hells under the earth. A vaiṣṇava (devotee of lord Viṣṇu) should not fall therein. The extent upto which the earth is illuminated by the sun is known as the sky.

6. O Vasiṣṭha! The region of the sun is at (a distance of) one lakh (yojanas) from the earth, the region of the Moon at one lakh (yojanas) from the Sun, and the region of the stars at one lakh (yojanas) from the moon.

7-8. (Planet) Mercury is at two lakhs (yojanas) from the region of the stars. (Planet) Venus (is) at two lakhs from Mercury. (Planet) Mars (is) at two lakhs from Venus. (Planet) Jupiter (is) at two lakhs from Mars. (Planet) Saturn (is) at two lakhs from Jupiter. (The region of) the seven sages (ursa Major) (is) at one lakh from Saturn, the polestar (is) at one lakh from the sages (Ursa Major) and is at the apex of the three worlds.

9. The Maharloka (lies)at a crore (yojanas) from the polestar, where those who have seen a full cycle of time reside. The Jana (loka), wherein dwell (the sages) Sanaka and others, (lies) at two crores (of yojanas) from that.

10-11. The Tapo (loka) (is) at eight crores from Jana (loka) where Vairājas (a class of celestial beings) are the presiding deities. The Satyaloka is at ninety-six crores from the Tapo (loka). It is known as the Brahmaloka where dwell celestials who do not die. The region fit for one to move on foot is the Bhūloka (the earth). The region of Bhuvarloka is said to be between (the earth and) the Sun.

12. The Svargaloka lies between the Sun and the pole-star in the fourteen lakhs (yojanas of space). These regions cover as an exterior shell of the universe.

13. They are again covered by ten-fold layers of elements water, fire, wind and ether.

14. O Great sage! Each one of the ten latter regions lie enfolded in one another and thus form an exterior cover of the primary thing.

15. O sage! One does not have any knowledge about the limit of that infinite. That nature has been the source of everything else.

16. This kind of innumerable eggs had come into being there. The pumān (brahman) exists in a potent state in the universal nature just as the fire in the wood and oil in the sesamum.

17-19. This pumān lies embedded in the nature as a conscious onlooker and knower. O Wiseman! The nature and the brahman are held together by the force of Viṣṇu, the form of the essential virtues of all beings. That is the cause for their separate existence as well as union. O Great sage! That is the cause for the agitation at the time of creation (of beings). It is similar to the wind sustaining hundreds of water particles after its contact with water.

20. The celestial beings and others are born through the concerted action of the nature and the effect of the force of Viṣṇu acted upon by the force of the former.

21-29. Viṣṇu is identical with brahman itself from whom this entire universe (has come into being). The chariots of the Sun are nine (occupying) thousand yojanas. O Excellent sages! The axis is double that (measure). The axle of its wheel is one and half crores and seven lakhs (yojanas). The wheel is fixed there. It has three naves[1], five spokes[2], six circumferences[3], two movements[4] consisting in the cycle of period. O Great intellectual! The second axis of the Sun’s chariot is twenty-two thousand seven hundred and fifty (yojanas). The measurement of the two axles is equal to its yoke. The shorter axis and its yoke rest on the polestar. O Best disciplined! The seven metres gāyatrī[5] and others are its horses. Sun’s rise and setting are his being perceived and not being perceived. O Vasiṣṭha! The regions from the earth to those where the polestar remains get lost at the time of deluge. The region where the polestar is stationed to the north of Ursa major is the excellent shining third place of (lord) Viṣṇu in heaven. This is the excellent place of ascetics who have become free from impurities.

30. The river Gaṅgā which purifies one by mere remembrance flows from there. It is to be known that the porpoise shape of the planets in the sky is that of lord Viṣṇu.

31-32. The polestar is situated at its tail. It revolves (on its non axis) and causes the planets to go round. That chariot of the Sun is ridden by different celestials, Ādityas (sons of Aditi), sages, gandharvas (semi-divine beings), apsaras (semidivine beings), grāmaṇī (semi-divine beings), serpents and demons. Lord sun is the cause of snow, heat and rain.

33-36. He is the manifestation of lord Viṣṇu of the form of Ṛgveda and other (vedas) and is the cause of good and evil. The chariot of moon has,three wheels drawn by ten horses yoked to its left and right and of the colour of jasmine. Thirty-six thousand three hundred and thirty-three celestials drink (the phases of) the moon. The manes (drink) one phase. One (phase) (is lost) being associated with the rays of the new moon. The chariot of the son of the Moon Mercury is composed of the fiery and windy material. Mercury moves on drawn by its eight horses.

37-41. The chariot of Venus (has got) eight horses, as also the chariots of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn (drawn) by horses. The chariot of Rāhu (ascending node of the Moon) (has) eight horses. The chariot of Ketu (descending node of the Moon) (has) eight horses. O Brahmin! From this body of (lord) Viṣṇu this lotus-shaped earth with the mountains etc. has originated. (Lord) Hari (Viṣṇu) is the galaxy, worlds, rivers, mountains, oceans and forest. Whatever exists or ceases to exist is (lord) Viṣṇu, known through true knowledge about (lord), Viṣṇu. There is nothing beyond the purview of knowledge. Knowledge is the supreme place, the (lord) Viṣṇu. One has to do that act by which that true and infinite knowledge, namely, (lord) Viṣṇu, may be attained. Whoever reads (the section on) cosmogony would attain happiness.

Footnotes and references:

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Forenoon, midday and afternoon.


Parivatsara etc.


The seasons.


Northern and southern.


gāyatrī, bṛhatī, uṣṇik, jagatī, triṣṭup, anuṣṭup and paṅkti.

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