The Religion and Philosophy of Tevaram (Thevaram)

by M. A. Dorai Rangaswamy | 1958 | 410,072 words

This page describes “nayanar 17: rudra pasupathi (rudra pasupati)” from the religion of the Thevaram: a comparative study of the Shaivite saints the Thiruthondathogai. The 7th-century Thevaram (or Tevaram) contains devotional poems sung in praise of Shiva. These hymns form an important part of the Tamil tradition of Shaivism

The 17th saint is Rudra Pasupati Nayanar [Rudra Pasupathi]. We had already referred to Arurar’s reference to him along with Muruka Nayanar, probably because both of them belong to this Brahmin community. The description itself suggests that his proper name was Pasupati and that he recited the Sri Rudram of the Yajur Veda, thereby showing that Vedic worship had also become part of Shaivite worship.

Nampiyantar Nampi states that the saint was born at Tiruttalaiyur which according to Cekkilar is in the Cola country. It is the recital of Sri Rudram that is mentioned by Nampiyantar Nampi and Cekkilar as the greatness of this saint. The Sanskrit and Kannada traditions speak of him as one who pleased Shiva with his sweet chanting of the Rudra hymn.

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