Sundara Ramayana (translation and study)
by T. N. Jaya | 2004 | 76,950 words
This is a study and English translation of the Sundara Ramayana—a Sanskrit Kavya consisting of seven books having 1209 verses composed by the 20th century author Sri Sundaresa Sastri. It represents a condensed version of the original Valmiki Ramayana....
Part 4 - Kiskindha Kanda (English translation)
DESCRIPTION OF THE PAMPA Rama reached the lotus filled river Pampa, that would cleanse one's sins. Bees inhabited blooming flowers and kept singing, enthralled the by honey contained in them. There were tall creepers and trees. Thus T the forest around river Pampa were splendid due to the advent of the Spring season. The valorous Rama turned weak, timid on having been w separated from his life'. RAMA'S ANGUISH TOWARDS THE SEPARATION OF SITA Though Rama possessed powerful weapons, he was rendered inactive, afflicted by the weapon of Manmatha, due to his separation from his wife. Observing the animals and birds enjoying themselves happily, he lamented like a layman to his brother. "Time is all powerful. It renders a mighty man weak". Rama was perturbed by the noise made by the bird Natyuhakawhile Sita was beside him. He wondered how he would be able to tolerate the Spring season that induced desire in one3. "Oh, brother Laksmana! Spring season which is the prime accomplice of Manmatha would also trouble Sita. Surrounded by enemies, how will Sita cope with the situation !, The " 170
a pee-hen on seeing its male counterpart dancing with glee suffers from desire and dances along with him. A wife seeks her husband's close association during this romantic season". "The crow cawing from the skies caused my separation from Sita. The very same crow, by cawing from the trees would cause our reconciliation. Manmatha, the god of love, makes me long for Sita all the more, though she is away from me 1 cried Rama. He was consoled by Laksmana. Both the brothers kept a wondering along the banks of River Pampas. SUGRIVA'S SUSPICION ON SEEING RAMA While Sugriva was peerlessly traversing in the vicinity of the Rsyamuka Mountain, he happened to see Rama and Laksmana, who had with them powerful weapons and who could protect all three worlds. He mistook them to be powerful warriors sent by Vali in order to kill him. He rushed to the abode of Sage Matanga and hid himself there with his ministers, for a long time. Sugriva kept looking constantly in all the four directions. Never remaining stationed at a place for a second, he kept running along the hills with his associates. When Hanuman enquired of him the reason for his fear, he replied that Vali, on his behalf, had sent two skilled warriors cunningly to this place?. 171
SENDING HANUMAN TO MEET RAMA Sugriva asked Hanuman to meet Rama and Laksmana in the guise of a mendicant and find out the purpose of their visit. Accordingly Hanuman approached Rama and Laksmana and spoke to them humbly "Though your noble appearance resembles that of rests ing Devas, your feet heeds on the ground indicates your royal personage. Your arms and your matted hair clearly prove that you are not Devas". "Sugriva who commands the most powerful monkeys and rules over them with his might, wishes to gain the honour of establishing friendship with you. I am his minister Hanuman, in the guise of a mendicant", So saying, Hanuman waited earnestly for a reply 10. RAMA PRAISES HANUMAN'S ELOQUENCE Hanuman who deserved the acclamation of wise scholars, was considered an expert in all the Vedas and Vedangas by Rama. He told his brother Laksmana that they had atlast been approached by the minister of Sugriva, whom they had been looking for, and hence had to offer a suitable reply to Hanuman. LAKSMANA'S REPLY TO HANUMAN W Laksmana said, "Oh wise scholar we wish to establish a friendly bl relationship with your nobe master. We promise to abide by your 172
e words". On hearing these words Hanuman was sure of Sugriva's victory and Vali's defeat12. When Hanuman asked them the reason for their residing in the forest. Laksmana said, "Rama the saviour, who would grant everyone whatever they desired, as instructed by Kabanda Seeks the son of Tanu, sought Sugriva's assistance in seeking the whereabouts of his wife Sita13. Hanuman assured Rama and 13 Laksmana that Sugriva would fulfill their wish. He then placed both Rama and Laksmana on his shoulders and hastened to the place where Sugriva was awaiting anxiously for Hanuman's arrival14. 0 RAMA AND SUGRIVA BECAME FRIENDS Sugriva fears were allayed. He assumed the form of a human and being nad reached Rsyamuka from the Malaya mountains. Praising Rama and Laksmana, and having gone round the fire in all four directions, proclaiming friendship with Rama, Sugriva's hand was clasped firmly by Rama. Yet he did not gain happiness 15. PACT BETWEEN ^ RAMA AND SUGRIVA FORM A COMPACT "Oh Rama ! I have acquired an equal share of happiness and sorrow in my life. Since you have established friendship with me, you should kill Vali employing your weapons and remove my fears" said Sugriva. The generous and merciful Rama promised to do so1. Sugriva 173
exclaimed happily that he would soon regain his long-coveted kingdom be that had been usurped by his brother Vali. He would also reunited with ren his wife who had been abducted by Vali. At that instant the left eye of Sita, Vali and Ravana throbbed indicating joy to Sita and evil to Vali and 17 Ravana17. SUGRIVA PROMISES TO SEARCH FOR SITA S been L Sugriva stated that Sita would not have devoured by anyone, as She had dropped her ornaments in a piece of cloth bundled up. Sugriva then made Rama happy by stating that he would bring back Sita from the earth or the netherworld, wherever Ravana might have placed her13. On looking at the ornaments, Laksmana identified her anklets, as he had seen them adoring Sitants ankless while he prostrated at her feet. that Rama, then realized the the jewels belonged to Sita. Filled with despair, to he started shedding tears. Rama filled with anger at the atrocity of his enemy cried, "Where is he? I shall kill him with my sharp weapon". Sugriva pacified Rama saying that he was not aware of the strength and location of his enemy, but that he would certainly restore Sita to Rama2º. 20 174
RAMA AND SUGRIVA EXCHANGE VIEWS Sugriva grieved over the loss of his kingdom and kinsmen. He requested Rama to wipe his grief soon. Rama promised him his support. Sugriva started explaining the reason for his enmity towards his brother 21 CAUSE OF VALI'S ENMITY Vali wanted to kill Mayavi, as they fought over a woman asking Sugriva to stand at the entrance of the cave till his return. He followed him into a cave. Sugriva waited for a year. When Vali did not return, he entrance blocked the & of the cave with a boulder. He had thus performed the unrivalled. the funeral rites and became a king, uvalled 22. After killing Mayavi, Vali emerged from the cave, opening the closed door. Furiously he rushed unheeding L to Sugriva's humble explanation, he abused him badly and chased him all over the world, clad only in a single cloth 23. Since Vali could not step chose it as his into the Rsyamuka hill, Sugriva recluse. He begged Sri Rama to save L him. Rama assured Sugriva that Vali would live only until Rama's arrow him. was aimed at 24. Sugriva described Vali as various acts of valour. Everyday he would perform Sandhyavandana in the four oceans, well before sunrise. He would split a strong tree. He would throw mountains, peaks like balls, with ease. The Asura Dundubi who was a 175
had spowerful as a thousand mad ephants and obtained the form of a bull l was killed by Vali as if by sport 25. It was Valias pride and haughtiness that made him toss Dundubi's corpse towards Matanga's asrama, polluting it with the drops of blood from the corpse's mouth. The Sage inflicted a curse on Vali and his ministers. SUGRIVA WITNESSED RAMA'S STRENGTH When Sugriva doubted Rama's ability to overpower the mighty Vali, Rama in order to convince him, tossed Dundubi's dead body with his toe over a long distance. Sugriva, being a monkey was still not convinced 27. Then Rama hit seven teak (sala) trees, the hill and earth with a single arrow. It was then that Sugriva grew confident of Rama's e power. He at once went to Kiskinda and challenged Vali for a dual28. SUGRIVAS FIRST ENCOUNTER WITH VALI Vali and Sugriva both equally handsome and identical in appearance fought with each other. Rama was unable to distinguish one from the other. Sugriva, was beaten by Vali fled to Rsyamuka. It was decided that Sugriva should wear a garland around his neck so as to enable Rama to differentiate Sugriva from Vali2. 29 176
RAMA PAYS OBEISANCE TO SEVEN SAGES The next time, while they were proceeding towards Kiskinda, Sugriva pointed out to Rama the hermitage of "Saptajana" a group of seven sages who performed severe penance and reached heaven with & their earthy bodies. Rama sought their unfailing blessings and proceeded to Kishkinda along with Lakshmana 30. SUGRIVA'S SECOND CHALLENGE Once again Sugriva requested Rama to relieve him of his sorrows. With enhanced power, on the strength of protection, offered by Rama, he once again challenged Vali to fight31. TARA DISSUADES VALI FROM FIGHTING As Vali got ready to face the fearless Sugriva, his wife Tara spoke led. to him about Rama and his unparallel strength. She advised Vali to make peace with Sugriva because Sugriva had secured the help and friendship of the greatest warrior Rama, who granted the things desired by his supplicants, like the Kalpaka VTksa32. VALI STRUCK DOWN BY RAMA Vali did not heed to the advice of Tara, as fate was all too powerful. He came out, fought with Sugriva, hit on the chest by Rama's 177
to arrow and fell down on the earth, with much grief33. Though Rama's arrow had penetrated his chest and split it, he remained alive due to the golden garland of Indra that adorned his neck. Blood oozing from his body made the ground marshy. Yet Vali courageously pointed out to Rama that he had done an unrighteous act34. VALI REPROACHES RAMA "Oh. Rama! The radiant, born of a noble clan! Is it right that you > have struck me when I have not in anyway offended you? Unheeding the good advice of Tara, I believed in your virtues and foolishly engaged myself in a fight 35. Just as a well concealed under the cover of thick grass, your fault remains hidden by your acclamation. Have you lost your rare virtues that are naturally inherent in you? People claim desire for land, gold, silver and other material things, as causes for enmity. I am after all a monkey inhabiting the forest, thriving on fruits. For what purpose, have you killed me? Don't you wish to lead the path of Dharma? Aren't you scared of hell? My hide is not meant for wearing. My flesh cannot be eaten. How can such a sinful and outrageous son be born of the virtuous Dasaratha? How will you justify your act. to " righteous people?37 "O destroyer of enemies! You have employed power against me, while I haven't done anything wrong. Why didn't 178
you punish the wicked? You have betrayed me. Had you faced me 38 directly, I would have inflicted death on you38. If only you had approached me for rescuing your wife, I would have released her from the oceans or the netherworld, within a day, wherever she might be. But you have approached my younger brother and befriended him. Now justify your act of causing my death"39. RAMA'S JUSTIFICATION Vali, a monkey with fluctuating senses and on the verge of death, hurled harsh words at Rama. Rama, the dispeller of darkness of ignorance, equivalent to 16,000 Suns, answered him lucidly and vividly 40. Rama said, "You speak out of pride and haughtiness. You have neither learnt virtue and righteousness all by yourself, nor acquired it from learned and good men. The entire earth is protected by Iksvaku kings. They are of eternal glory. The wicked are punished, the the " weak and the good are saved from the atrocities of wicked". "Bharata, n the embodiment of Dharma, now rules over the world. You have committed the atrocities of depriving your younger brother of his legitimate kingdom and his wife. By his command, we have ventured into the forest, to punish sinners and wrong-doers in the forest 42. When the path of Dharma cannot be realized even by sages, monkeys like you 179
cannot be expected to follow this divine quality. The elder brother equals the father and the younger brother is equivalent to his son. To 1) take away his wife and live with her is a heinous sin 43. "Since you abducted Sugriva's wife "Ruma", while Sugriva was alive, the righteous Bharata desires your punishment. A king being punished who does not punish the wicked, has his sin accrued on hima. On the other hand, the sinner is relieved of evil, by undergoing the punishmentª. "Oh Vali, my friendship with Sugriva is eternal. Hence I vowed before the Vanaras to get rid of his enemy. I have to honour the promise. A king is at liberty to hunt animals in the forest, either directly or indirectly. Since you are a monkey, there is no harm in killing you, concealing myself 45. A king is considered to be divine. Hence criticizing his act is equivalent to condemning God himself. Having learnt this Vali begged Rama's pardon and pleaded with him to deliver him from sin* "O Divine king! your generosity would confer Indra's status to one. Neglecting Tara's advice, I indulged in war, desiring death at your hands. I do not grieve over my death. My only prayer is that you must the 1/ 46 look after my son Angada with same concern and love which have 4 bestowed upon Sugriva 47. Rama spoke sweetly to the dying Vali, assuring him that he would fulfill all his wishes 48. 180
TARA'S MOURNING a Tara with a heavy heart, rushed to the spot, fell to the ground, near the dead king's body and started wailing 49. Tara with her roaring noise saw her husband lying lying dead like an uprooted tree, killed by the the protector Rama, decided to fast unto death along with many wives of Vali 50. HANUMAN CONSOLES TARA ^ Hanuman advised Tara to derive happiness from the prosperous life. a pure life and happy Her son would lead under the care of Rama. Still Tara wished to die along with her husband". HIS VALI'S LAST MESSAGE TO BROTHER AND SON l Vali spoke to Sugriva, "Do not entertain any hatred towards me. It is all the work of supreme fate. No one has the ability to undergo sorrows and pleasures simultaneously. Take care of my child Angada and be guided by the words of Tara of unfailing wisdom. Rule over the monkey kingdom. I give you this gold necklace", so saying Vali gave him the gold garland and offered him his kingdom 52. All the monkeys were sad that their great leader had been killed. They wept at his death 53. 181
SUGRIVA'S GRIEF Sugriva was very much stricken with remorse at the death of his elder brother. He cursed himself for his bashful act of having caused the death of his own brother. He was not interested in the kingdom any longer 54. Sugriva felt that he had brought shame to his clan. He requested Rama to permit him to leap into the fire. Rama was moved by his words. He then consoled Tara and Sugriva 55. VALI'S CREMATION the When Sugriva and other monkeys were drenched in the ocean of sorrow, just as Agastya made the oceans dry up, Rama too consoled them and made them perform the last rites of Vali 56. SUGRIVA'S CORONATION Then Rama asked Hanuman to perform the coronation of Sugriva as king and also made Angada Yuvaraja. Rama also said that efforts must be undertaken for search of Sita as soon as the rainy season was over 57. Just as one attains benefits at the appropriate time due to his righteous acts for a long time, Sugriva attained the long coveted kingdom, by Rama's decree. He made Angada rule over the place and was worshipped by all the monkeys. He lived happily just as Indra in his kingdom 58. 182
THE BROTHERS IN THE PRASRAVANA CAVE Rama reached the Prasravana mountain. He resided in a small cave devoid of ventilation. Nearby was a river with pure water and on whose banks were trees inhabited by birds. His brother Laksmana who was an ocean of love and power served him devotedly 59. While residing ed at the Prasravana mountain that showered joy on its residents, Rama long for his wife on observing the moon at nights. Consoled by his brother Laksmana, he without losing hope kept anxiously awaiting the arrival of Sugriva and the autumn season 6. RAINY SEASON 60 Lightning filled the clouds. Thunder roared. There was darkness everywhere. Directions could not be ascertained. The whole earth was drenched in heavy downpours. Clouds in the sky indicated rainy seasonº1. Rama waited patiently for Sugriva to take up the task of locating Sita and vanquishing the enemies. He was happy as those who sought his protection grew happy. Sugriva's gratitude on regaining the kingdom pleased Rama 62. HANUMAN REMINDS SUGRIVA OF HIS DUTY Sugriva in his enjoyment of the pleasures of the palace forgot all about Rama's sufferings, but Hanuman reminded him of his promise. 183
Sugriva pronounced an order that all the monkeys should report to him within fifteen days, failing which they would be killed. He commanded his chieftain to gather his armies 63. RAMA'S ANGER EMERGED WHEN AUTUMN COMES As autumn advanced, Rama became disappointed and angry at the indifferent attitude of Sugriva. He called Laksmana and commanded him thus 64. LAKSMANA SENT TO SUGRIVA Go to Kiskinda and remind Sugriva of his promise. Tell him the path tread upon by Vali would soon be trodden upon by Sugriva. Sugriva should not be made to follow the same course due to his recklessness and ingratitude. Let him help me and gain bliss in life. Tell him that this is my desire 65. Laksmana who was quick to quarrel grew all the more angry on hearing Ramaas words. Rama pacified him 11 a advising him to speak gently as he was descendant of the Surya dynasty. He went to Kiskinda and informed Angada to announce his arrival to the ungrateful Sugriva". 184
the SUGRIVA CONSULTS HIS MINISTERS Angada reminded Sugriva of his duty. Though Sugriva indulged in acts of lust, he came to his senses, awakened by the frightful gibbering the of monkeys. His ministers righteous and law abiding Plaksa and Prabhasa informed him about the furious Laksmana's arrival 67. The wise Hanuman told Sugriva that he should have gone to Rama's aid with the advent of the autumnal season. Laksmana, abiding by Rama's orders had come there. to chide Sugriva for his ingratitude. Therefore he should welcome Laksmana and pacify him 68. Laksmana advanced towards the palace, noticing the wonderful houses and reached Sugriva's excellent palace. As he passed the seven halls, he heard sound of the anklets of ladies. He stopped and made a loud twang of his A bow string. It was such a terrible noise, shattering the eight directions and all the monkeys shuddered in fear, when they heard it 69. TARA GOES TO LAKSMANA TO PACIFY HIM The frightened Sugriva wisely sent Tara, who tried to pacify Laksmana by her subtle speech. She requested Laksmana not to grow angry with Sugriva who had already ordered all the monkeys chieftains to assemble at Kiskinda 70. 185
LAKSMANA THREATENS SUGRIVA Laksmana approached Sugriva who was seated on his throne in the midst of damsels. That made Laksmana grew all the more furious t and declared that the ungrateful king who had commiited a blunder would never gain happiness in life". Laksmana further said, "Oh, monkey! You obtained the kingdom by the grace of Rama. But carried away by lust, you have forgotten to launch the search for Sita during this autumnal season. There is atonement to every other sin except that of ingratitude. You must remember that the path by which Vali was sent out of this world still remains open. You need not be punished in the same manner" 72. TARA PACIFIES LAKSMANA the Again Tara had to intercede, "Sugriva has not at all forgotten a great help rendered by Rama. He should not be scolded thus. He is now under the spell of lust and therefore has neglected his duty. Such great should 73 souls like you not grow angry with Sugriva13. Ravana a the abductor of Sita" is in Lanka. He commands innumerous demons, almost 1000000399600 in number. Rama has to kill them in order to rescue Sita. Vali informed me of this. O mighty warrior! Sugriva seeks the assistance of the monkeys to help you 74. " 186
SUUGRIVA'S APOLOGY When Sugriva pleaded for mercy, pointing out the noble help rendered by Rama and his duty to follow him with all his enemies, Laksmana's anger gradually subsided. Sugriva begged his pardon. Laksmana then requested him to bear with him for his harsh expression, that was the result of witnessing the extreme soorow of his brother Ramas. When Sugriva sent Hanuman to summon all the monkeys, the ones from the Himalayas returned bringing with them food that was a part of oblations offered while worshipping Lord Siva. and Sugriva accepted it with great respect received the monkeys happily". SUGRIVA MEETS RAMA Sugriva, adorned in a royal manner approached Rama and prostrated before him. Sugriva said, "The armies of monkeys have that arrived with one intention of searching for Sita in heaven and earth, and after killing the enemy and his armies would return with Sita". ARRIVAL OF MANY MONKEYS Rama praised Sugriva comparing him to the Sun who would shower his light on everything. Sugriva then informed Rama that the chieftains surrounded by armies of monkeys, were arriving in large numbers. This was evident from the dust raised by from their steady 187
march, that even seemed to rise sky-high to the Sun 78. VINATHA IS SENT IN THE EAST a Sugriva ready to abide by Rama's decree, summoned Vinatha, a monkey chieftain and asked him to proceed towards the east. He could go as far as Udayachalam inorder to locate Sita and to kill the enemy". The place beyond Udaya mountains was inhabited by Devas, therefore human beings could not be traced, gain entry there. Further it was very dark. Sugriva added, "The one who does not return within a month to to report me shall be punished with death''80. A ANGADA IS SENT TO THE SOUTH Sugriva described the places in the southern direction. "Beyond the Mahendra Hills, was located the island of Ravana. Sita must have been kept there, whoever locates her will gain rewards and joy", so saying, he sent the monkeystowards the southern direction3. Even the valiant could travel only as far as the Pitruloka in the south. Beyond that, the place is plunged in darkness. Yama's powerful chieftains make sinners suffer there. You can kill anyone causing you hinderance and proceed. this was Sugriva's order to his armies 82. 188
SUSENA IS SENT IN THE WEST Sugriva ordered Susena and others to proceed in the western direction and described all the features and the glory of the kingdom of Varuna. He further reminded them that they could not go beyond the hill where the Sun set, for beyond the region lay only utter darkness 83. SATABALI GOES TO THE NORTH Sugriva called Satabali a chieftain who was almost as powerful as himself, asking him to proceed in the northern direction. He described the rivers and mountains of the region, stating that the Soma parvatan was the last point in that direction, beyond which was the unreachable dark region 84. On hearing Sugriva's words, Rama decided that the mighty Hanuman was most likely to fulfill his desire. He gave Hanuman ing. ing his ring bearing his name, develop faith in Hanuman and recognize him 1 locate as an ally so as to enable Sita. Sugriva having assigned the task of having t locating the virtuous Sita to various monkeys, sending them in all directions, Rama remained contented in the Prasvana Hill. The monkeys departed, each with the sole determination of bringing Sita by himself without the aid of the strong ones. When Rama was surprised at Sugriva's knowledge of the important places in each direction, Sugriva replied that he learnt these details when he ran all over the 189
entire world, when pursued by Vali. At last, under Hanuman's guidance 7 he had sought recluse in the Rshyamuka hills along with four of his ministers, as this place spelt Vali's doom 87. THREE OF THE SEARCH PARTIES RETURN The monkeys that traversed in the three directions other than the and south, returned within the stipulated time informed Sugriva of their inability to locate Sita, despite their efforts. They wished Hanuman would be successful in his venture 88. HANUMAN'S PARTY FACES DIFFICULTIES Hanuman and the other monkeys that went in the southern direction reached the unapproachable Vindhya mountains searched the caves there, and then passed through the Dandaka forest which had been rendered barren and dry by Sage Khandu's curse. Angada killed a demon there mistaking him for Ravana. They rested under a tree 89. They realized that they were exceeding the time limit specified by Sugriva and had no right to rest. Angada encouraged them to search once again for Sita and their enemy. Hence the search was continued 90. 190
THE RKSABILA CAVE The monkeys were filled with fatigue by their continuous search. They reached a dark cave known as Rksabila, thinking that they would find some water there as indicated by birds emerging from the cave. They ventured deep into the dark cave". Within the cave they came across many wonderful things like golden houses, treasure, beautiful trees and were tempted by the various objects found there. They also saw a lady clad in bark garment engaged in penance. Hanuman approached her radiant form and spoke to her thus: 92. "Oh wise one! e who owns this place? We are very much hungry and tired". That lady replied that the place had been constructed by a demon "Thyam" who had been blessed by Brahma. He had fallen in love with a divine damsel "Hema" and had disappeared due to Indrans wrath". SVAYAMPRABHA'S HOSPITALITY 11 Brahma had gifted the place to the adept dancer Hema; And now it was being protected by herself, the daughter of Svarna Meru. What sort of help can I do for you? How did you reach this place? She offered the monkeys food and drink and treated them kindly 94. Having regained their energy, all the monkeys were pleased. Hanuman then the told that lady whose name was Svayamprabha, the purpose of their 191
visit. He thanked her for her great help. In return for her kindness, he asked her what she wished to acquire? Svayamprabha replied that her only aim in life was to establish Dharma9. MONKEYS EXIT FROM THE CAVE When the monkeys informed her that as the dead line was over they would have to face Sugriva's wrath and therefore had to leave the cave quickly, Svayamprabha asked them to close their eyes and made them all reach Vindhya Hills. They found themselves very near to the ocean. She then returned to her abode9 MONKEYS RESOLVED TO STARVE UNTIL DEATH and Angada feared the king's punishment stated that they could fast unto death on the sacred banks of the ocean. One of the monkeys called Taran then suggested that they could go back to Rksabila and stay there instead of going to Kiskinda, inorder to escape the wrath of Sugriva and Rama". Hanuman foreseeing the consequences of such a sinful act, warned them against it. He spoke to them of Sugri (va's virtues and Laksmana's ability to kill them with his arrows, wherever they be98. Hanuman told Angada that Laksmana's arrows were powerful enough to destroy the Rksabila of Maya. Sugriva would definitely bestow on him the kingdom for Sugriva always respected Tara. Hence he asked 98 192
dw Angada to meet his uncle and explain the matter to him. "The weak should not challenge the mighty". Angada ignored Hanuman's advice. He decided to lie on the grass and fast unto death. As he spread darba grass and lay on it, all the other monkeys followed him, unmindful of death 100. The entire Vindhya hills echoed the cries of the monkeys as they narrated Ramaas venture into the forest, Dasaratha's death, Jatayu being murdered, Sita being abducted, Vali being slain, Rama's intense anger and finally their dreadful plight 101. SAMPATI SEES THE MONKEYS Sampati, a vulture, emerged from a cave in the Vindhya hill. Though he desired that the monkeys would break their fast, on hearing that his brother Jatayu has been killed, he grew anxious to know more about Jatayu's friendship with Rama and his father Dasaratha. He requested the monkeys to tell him to get down from the cave and gave him a detailed account of the happenings 102. Angada helped Sampati get him of the ren down from the mountain peak and told Rama's trip into the forest, abduction of Sita, the slaying of Jatayu, and how Sugriva had obtained his kingdom. Finally he told him about the purpose of their visit to Vindhya mountains and their dejection 103. Sampati then told them how he had lost his wings while trying to protect his brother. He had fallen 193
! departure, as he down and had remained helpless ever since Jatayu/who had been scarched by the heat of the Sun, as they had flown very near the Sun, i onorder to prove their strength. They had never met after the incident. that Sampati even said, since he was old, he was too weak to avenge the death of his brother. Angada then spoke to him 104. Angada asked Sampati if he knew the whereabouts of Sita and Ravana. Sampati told the monkeys that Sita was there on the other bank of the ocean. They should find a way to cross the ocean. The monkeys were happy to hear some information about Sita 105. Sampati described the various powers a's assigned to different birds. Since vultures were born of Garud's brother plane Aruna, they were assigned a place in the seventh palne in the sky. Hence their vision was powerful enough to see far off things clearly. Sampati expressed his wish to perform the ritual of offering libation to his dead brother. The monkeys carried him to the sea-shore and later brought him back to his abode 106. SAMPATI TELLS HOW HIS SON MET SITA AND RAVANA When enquired by the wise Jambavan as to how Sampati was aware of the incident, Sampati said that his son Suparasva had actually seen Ravana carrying away Sita. Ravana had requested Suparsva to permit him to go his way 107. 194
SAMPATI NARRATES NISAKARA'S SYMPATHY When Sampati had lost his wings, he remained unconscious for six nights. When he regained consciousness, he met Sage Nisakara, who lived in the mountain and who was an embodiment of kindness. The Sage,pleased with Sampati's humble worship asked him the reason for his misery 108. Sampati said that he had entered into a challenge with his brother as to who would reach the Sun before sunset. They had flown high passing over hills, forests and countries. But their adventure turned disastrous, when he lost his wings and fell to the hill 109. NISAKARA'S ADVICE e ph Sampati having lost his brother and his wings, wished for death. Then the great Sage Nisaakara had told him, "Monkeys could come to this place in search of Sita, the noble wife of Rama. Offer them assistance and you shall regain your wings. I am now on my way to the celestial region. You remain here till the arrival of the monkeys"110. Sampati had acted according to the Sage's words. He found that he had obtained his wings. He blessed the monkeys' success in their mission, placing faith in the sage's words. The monkeys were very happy. the During the auspicious Muhurta they reached sea shore. 195
THE MONKEYS DEBATE AS WHO IS TO CROSS THE SEA When they saw the vast expanse of water and the underworld creatures in the sea, they became scared and disappointed. Angada asked them "Is there anyone amongst us capable of crossing the ocean and pleasing the king?"112. JAMBAVAN PERSUADES HANUMAN Even those who considered themselves capable could not W crossed hundred yojanas when Angada once again decided to kill himself, Jambavan summoned Hanuman and commanded him to complete the task113. Jambavan said, "Oh, the son of the wind God! You have immense powers. Why don't you put them to use and save us? Brahma has granted you the boon that you cannot be killed by weapons. Indra has given you special powers. Please leap across the ocean, locate Sita and return to us"114. HANUMAN AGREES TO CROSS THE SEA Having been encouraged by Jambavan thus, Hanuman assumed a gigantic form and grew convinced of leaping across the mighty ocean, hundred yojanas wide. With the intention of pleasing his friends, and proving himself worthy of their confidence in him, he ascended the ready Mandara hiils, reday to take a mighty leap across the ocean115 196
H PALASRUTI ren Just as the sun dispels darkness, just as the rainy season bringing the showers of the noble association of sages, the Sundara Ramayana, bringing much adored by scholars and that which is capable of blessing wealth and prosperity to all listeners, the Kiskinda Kanda, confers happiness and that which is desired, to one who reads or listens to it116. Thus is narrated the Kiskinda Kanda in Sundara Ramayana, composed by Sundaresa Sastrigal the son of Janaki, wife of Subrahmanya117. 197