by Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī | 180,912 words
The English translation of the Sri Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu verse 3.1.44; a medieval era Sanskrit book, written by Rupa Goswami (fl. 15th century) which represents a devotional (bhakti) masterpiece. In this work Goswami describes the nature and different forms of pure love (rasa) as well as various other topics on Vaishnavism and devotion.
Verse 3.1.44
Sanskrit text, Unicode transliteration and English translation:
यथा बिल्वमङ्गलोक्तिः —
अद्वैत-वीथी-पथिकैर् उपास्याः
स्वानन्द-सिंहासन-लब्ध-दीक्षाः ।
शठेन केनापि वयं हठेन
दासी-कृता गोप-वधू-विटेन ॥३.१.४४॥yathā bilvamaṅgaloktiḥ —
advaita-vīthī-pathikair upāsyāḥ
svānanda-siṃhāsana-labdha-dīkṣāḥ |
śaṭhena kenāpi vayaṃ haṭhena
dāsī-kṛtā gopa-vadhū-viṭena ||3.1.44||
English translation
In the words of Bilvamaṅgala:
“Though I was respected by the followers of jñāna and worshiped by them on the throne of realizing the bliss of Brahman, I was forcibly made into a female servant (dāsī) by the crafty boyfriend of the cowherd women.”