by Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī | 180,912 words
The English translation of the Sri Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu verse 2.1.200; a medieval era Sanskrit book, written by Rupa Goswami (fl. 15th century) which represents a devotional (bhakti) masterpiece. In this work Goswami describes the nature and different forms of pure love (rasa) as well as various other topics on Vaishnavism and devotion.
Verse 2.1.200
Sanskrit text, Unicode transliteration and English translation:
यथा तत्रैव (१०.१४.११) —
क्वाहं तमो-महद्-अहं-ख-चराग्नि-वार्-भू-
संवेष्टिताण्ड-घट-सप्त-वितस्ति-कायः ।
वाताध्व-रोम-विवरस्य च ते महित्वम् ॥२.१.२००॥yathā tatraiva (10.14.11) —
kvāhaṃ tamo-mahad-ahaṃ-kha-carāgni-vār-bhū-
saṃveṣṭitāṇḍa-ghaṭa-sapta-vitasti-kāyaḥ |
vātādhva-roma-vivarasya ca te mahitvam ||2.1.200||
English translation
An example from Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam [10.14.11]:
“What am I, a small creature measuring seven spans of my own hand? I am enclosed in a potlike universe composed of material nature, the total material energy, false ego, ether, air, water and earth. And what is Your glory? Unlimited universes pass through the pores of Your body just as particles of dust pass through the openings of a screened window.”