Shiva Purana
by J. L. Shastri | 1950 | 616,585 words
This page relates “consecration of the aspirant and the greatness of the mantra” as found in the Shiva-purana, which, in Hinduism, represents one of the eighteen Mahapuranas. This work eulogizes Lord Shiva as the supreme deity, besides topics such as cosmology and philosophy. It is written in Sanskrit and claims to be a redaction of an original text consisting of 100,000 metrical verses.
Disclaimer: These are translations of Sanskrit texts and are not necessarily approved by everyone associated with the traditions connected to these texts. Consult the source and original scripture in case of doubt.
Chapter 19 - The consecration of the aspirant and the greatness of the Mantra
[Sanskrit text for this chapter is available]
Upamanyu said:—
1. Hereafter I shall explain the consecratory rite ‘Sādhaka’ indicated by me while explaining the greatness of the mantra.
2. As before the lord shall be worshipped in the Maṇḍala and the vessels and the homa performed. The disciple shall be brought to the Maṇḍala without his headdress.
3-4. After performing hundred Āhutis and the rites upto the Pūrṇāhuti, and the rite of Tarpaṇa with the water from the jars repeating the Mūlamantra, the preceptor shall make offering and perform every rite as mentioned before. He shall pour water on the disciple and impart the excellent Mantra.
5. There, after imparting the Śaivitc lore in detail, he shall place this in the disciple’s hand with water from the flowers.
6. ‘By the grace of the supreme lord this great Mantra shall certainly confer on you the Siddhis both of this world and the next one.’
7. After saying this, the preceptor shall worship lord Śiva and secure his formal permission. He shall then impart to the aspirant the Yoga of Śiva, the means of liberation.
8-9. On hearing the instructions of the preceptor, the aspirant disciple shall practise the Mantra before utilising it. This practice of the Mūlamantra is called Puraścaraṇa since it has to be practised before the rite Viniyoga.
10. A devotee who desires salvation need not practise the mantra too often. If practised moderately it is auspicious here and hereafter.
11-16. On an auspicious day, in a holy spot, in the favourable season, the devotee shall take bath and perform the rites of the forenoon scrupulously keeping the teeth and the nails sparkling white in colour. He shall bedeck himself in scented flowers, garlands and ornaments readily available. He shall wear a white head-dress and a white upper cloth. His dress shall be white and pure. He shall sit comfortably in the.manner to which he is accustomed cither in the temple or in his own house or in any charming place. He shall make his body worthy of Śaivite rites along the path mentioned in the Śaivite scriptures. He shall worship the lord Nakul-Īśvara. He shall offer milk pudding as Naivedya and conclude the rite of propitiation. After bowing to him he shall formally take his permission. He shall repeat the mantra ten million or five million, or two and a half million or two million or a million times.
17. Thereafter his diet shall be limited in quantity and confined to milk pudding and such other as is devoid of salt and acidity. He shall not be violent. He shall be forbearing, quiet and self-possessed for ever.
18. If milk pudding is not available he shall take fruits and roots. They are ordained by Śiva himself and in the series of order gradually they are better.
19-20. Whatever he cats daily whether, Caru, ground flour of fried grains, gruel, vegetables, milk, curd, ghee, roots, fruits and water he shall take in only after consecrating it with the mantras while the practice of the mantra is being kept up. He shall remain silent too.
21. He shall take bath in the water from east-flowing or west-flowing rivers and purify himself by repeating hundred and eight mantras or sprinkle himself as strength permits him.
22. He shall perform the rites of Tarpaṇa and homa in the Śaivite fire with seven, five or three materials of worship or with ghee alone.
23. Nothing is inaccessible in this world or the next to him who is a devotee of Śiva and who is an aspirant practising the mantra of Śiva thus with devotion.
24. Or he shall perform the Japa of the mantra a thousand times everyday, with full concentration of the mind. He shall not take food before the thousand Japas are completed.
25. Nothing is difficult of access to him. Nothing is inauspicious to him. He attains learning, prosperity, happiness, and salvation.
26. Whether in the course of practice or application, whether done as a Nitya rite or a Naimittika rite he shall perform the Japa after taking bath with water or with Bhasma.
27. He shall perform the Japa of the five-syllabled mantra, pure in person and mind, with the tuft tied up, wearing the sacred thread on the body and having the Pavitra round the finger. He shall have the Tripuṇḍra marks and shall wear Rudrākṣa beads.