Shiva Purana

by J. L. Shastri | 1950 | 616,585 words

This page relates “conclusion of the rite of shivaratri” as found in the Shiva-purana, which, in Hinduism, represents one of the eighteen Mahapuranas. This work eulogizes Lord Shiva as the supreme deity, besides topics such as cosmology and philosophy. It is written in Sanskrit and claims to be a redaction of an original text consisting of 100,000 metrical verses.

Disclaimer: These are translations of Sanskrit texts and are not necessarily approved by everyone associated with the traditions connected to these texts. Consult the source and original scripture in case of doubt.

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Chapter 39 - The conclusion of the rite of Śivarātri

[Sanskrit text for this chapter is available]

The sages said:—

1. Please narrate the Udyāpana (formal concluding) of the rite of Śivarātri as a result of which Śiva himself becomes delighted.

Sūta said:—

2. O sages, may the concluding rite be heard with devotion and respect. By performing it, the Vrata certainly becomes complete.

3. The auspicious Śivarātrivrata shall be performed for fourteen years. On the Trayodaśī day only one meal shall be taken and a complete fast shall be observed on the Caturdaśī day.

4-5. On the Śivarātri day after performing the routine, the devotee shall go to the temple of Śiva and perform worship. He shall make the mystical diagram famous in the three worlds by the name of Gaurītilaka.[1]

6. In the middle of the mystical diagram Liṅgatobhadra and Sarvatobhadra shall be delineated.

7. As in the Prājāpatya rite, auspicious water-pots shall be placed wrapped in cloth, with a cocoanut above and the Dakṣiṇā in.

8. The pots shall be carefully placed at the sides of the altar. In middle either a discus or a gold-pot shall be placed.

9-10. The devotee shall make an idol of Śiva accompanied by Umā, of gold a pala in weight. According to his capacity the weight may be reduced to half of a pala. Śivā shall be on the left side and Śiva on the right. The devotee shall worship the idol at night.

11. He shall woo a pious preceptor accompanied by Ṛtviks. With their formal permission he shall begin the worship of Śiva.

12. He shall keep awake during the night performing worship in the different 3-hour periods and singing songs of prayer or devoutly dancing.

13. After performing the worship thus in accordance with the injunctions he shall propitiate the lord. He shall worship again in the morning and perform Homa duly.

14. He shall perform the Prājāpatya rites according to his ability. With pleasure he shall feed brahmins and with devotion he shall make charitable gifts.

15. He shall give the Ṛtviks and their wives good clothes and ornaments for bedecking themselves and make gifts to them separately.

16. Saying “May Śiva be pleased”, he shall make the gift of a cow and a calf together with the essential requisites to the preceptor.

17. He shall offer to him the waterpot and the Śiva idol with all ornaments, placing them on a bullock.

18. He shall pray to lord Śiva the great lord with great pleasure, with palms joined in reverence, with shoulders drooping and words choked with emotion.

19. “O great lord, lord of the gods, favourably disposed to the devotees, be merciful to me, thanks to this Vrata.

20. O Śiva, this Vrata is performed by me according to my ability. O lord, if it is deficient in any respect let it become perfect by your favour.

21. Japa and worship and other things have been performed partly in ignorance and partly with knowledge by me. May these be fruitful, O Śiva, by your mercy.”

22. After saying this the flower-offering shall be made to Śiva the great soul. He shall make obeisance and pray again.

23. If the Vrata is performed thus it will be complete and no deficiency will remain. The devotee will attain Siddhi desired by him. There is no doubt in it.

Footnotes and references:

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Gaurītilaka, Liṅgatobhadra and Sarvatobhadra (Verses 5 and 6) are the circular diagrams of particular type depicting the positions of the deities to be invoked therein for offering worship, propitiation, eulogy etc.

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