Shiva Purana

by J. L. Shastri | 1950 | 616,585 words

This page relates “mars is born and is raised to the status of a planet by shiva’s grace” as found in the Shiva-purana, which, in Hinduism, represents one of the eighteen Mahapuranas. This work eulogizes Lord Shiva as the supreme deity, besides topics such as cosmology and philosophy. It is written in Sanskrit and claims to be a redaction of an original text consisting of 100,000 metrical verses.

Disclaimer: These are translations of Sanskrit texts and are not necessarily approved by everyone associated with the traditions connected to these texts. Consult the source and original scripture in case of doubt.

Chapter 10 - Mars is born and is raised to the status of a Planet by Śiva’s grace

[Sanskrit text for this chapter is available]

Nārada said:—

1. O Brahmā, the fortunate disciple of Viṣṇu, O lord, foremost among the devotees of Śiva, please narrate the divine sport of Śiva in detail to me.

2. What did Śiva, separated from Satī, do? When did He go to the excellent ridge of the Himavat to perform penance?

3. How did the discussion between Śivā and Śiva take place? How did Pārvatī attain Śiva by performing penance?

4. O Brahmā, these and other things, connected with the divine life of Śiva, pleasing and auspicious, you kindly narrate.

Sūta said:—

5. On hearing this inquiry of Nārada, Brahmā, the excellent lord of the worlds, remembered the lotus-like feet of Śiva and spoke.

Brahmā said:—

6. O celestial sage, most excellent among the devotees of Śiva, listen to His glory that sanctifies, renders everything auspicious and increases devotion.

7. Returning to His mountain, Śiva in his excitement caused by his separation from his beloved, remembered Satī, who was dearer to Him than his very life.

8. Addressing His Gaṇas, He bewailed her and narrated her good qualities heightening love. In this way He showed the way of the world to the people.

9. Abandoning the polished manners of a householder, He cast off his dress and roamed about all the worlds, clever in divine sports that He was.

10-11. Not seeing her anywhere, the pangs of his separation from Satī increasing, Śiva, the benefactor of His devotees, returned to His mountain and entered into trance for the destruction of misery. Thereupon He saw His imperishable real form.

12. Thus Śiva remained for a long time eliminating the three attributes, and unaffected by aberrations. The lord Himself, the controller of illusion remained in the state of the Supreme Brahman.

13. Then He gave up trance. Many years elapsed. What happened thereafter, I shall now recount to you.

14. The drops of sweat caused by exhaustion fell on the Earth from the lord’s forehead and took the shape of a child immediately.

15. O sage, the child was tawny-coloured and had four arms. He was comely in features. His brilliance was supermundane and unbearable to others.

16. Like a common child he cried in front of the Great lord who was engaged in worldly activities.

17. Afraid of Śiva, the Earth pondered deeply over it and appeared before him in the guise of a good lady.

18. She lifted up the child immediately and held him to her chest. Lovingly she suckled the child with her excellent breast milk that flowed over her body.

19. She kissed the child’s face lovingly and petted him smilingly. In the absence of Satī she herself acted as his mother in the interest of lord Śiva.

20. Śiva knew that she was the Earth. Śiva, the cause of protection and enjoyment, the immanent soul, on seeing her activities became contented and eagerly said to her laughingly.

21. “O Earth, you are blessed. Rear this child of mine lovingly, born of my glittering drops of sweat over you.

22. Although the child is born of the sweat of my body, O Earth, he will be famous in the world after your name. He will be a bestower of pleasures and will be free from the three distresses always.

23. This boy of yours will be a bestower of lands and will have good qualities. He will make me too happy. Accept him with pleasure”.

Brahmā said:—

24. After saying this He stopped. He was a bit relieved of His pangs of separation. Śiva, free from aberrations, and a lover of good men, acted thus only for following the worldly conventions.

25. The Earth too, as Śiva bade her, returned to her abode along with the child. She was extremely happy.

26. The child acquired the name Bhauma (son of the Earth). He attained youth immedately. For a long time he worshipped lord Śiva at Kāśī.

27. By the grace of lord Śiva, the son of the Earth, acquired the status of a planet. He went to the heavenly sphere beyond the region of Venus.

28. O sage, thus I have told you the story of Śiva and His separation from Satī. Now listen to the story of His performance of penance.

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