Saubhagyahrdayastotra by Sivananda
by Brian Campbell and Ben Williams | 2024 | 11,962 words
This is the English translation of the Saubhagyahrdayastotra (“praise to the heart of auspiciousness”) by Sivananda (fl. 13th century South India), who was one of the earliest interpreters of the Tantric tradition of goddess worship known as Shri-Vidya. The Saubhagyahrdaya Stotra embodies Shivananda’s synthesis of foundational Shaiva doctrine, Kund...
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Verse 14 (text and translation)
Sanskrit text, Unicode transliteration and English translation of verse 14:
इति विरचितम् एतत् त्रैपुरं स्तोत्रम् आप्तं प्रकटितपरमार्थं योगिवर्योपजुष्टम् ।
सकलदुरितरोगध्वंसनानन्यकार्यं प्रतियजनविधानं सेव्यतां भक्तियुक्तैः ॥ १४ ॥iti viracitam etat traipuraṃ stotram āptaṃ prakaṭitaparamārthaṃ yogivaryopajuṣṭam |
sakaladuritarogadhvaṃsanānanyakāryaṃ pratiyajanavidhānaṃ sevyatāṃ bhaktiyuktaiḥ || 14 ||Thus this praise poem dedicated to Tripura[sundarī] is concluded. Clearly manifesting the ultimate reality, delighting the best of yogīs, it uniquely dispels all afflicted conditions. Let it be recited by devotees as a practice in every ritual worship [of the Goddess].
In his concluding verse, Śivānanda proclaims that the Saubhāgyahṛdayastotra brings about the realization of ultimate reality and confirms that he envisions the recitation of his stotra as a new addition to Śrīvidyā ritual manuals amongst practitioners everywhere.
In the sixty-third verse of his Subhagodaya, Śivānanda further mentions that the Saubhāgyahṛdaya should be recited at the conclusion of Śrīcakra pūjā as follows:
वरिवस्यां विधायेत्थं सजपं सहुतक्रियम् ।
सह कामकलाध्यानं सौभाग्यहृदयं स्मरेत् ॥ ६३ ॥varivasyāṃ vidhāyetthaṃ sajapaṃ sahutakriyam |
saha kāmakalādhyānaṃ saubhāgyahṛdayaṃ smaret || 63 ||“Having completed the pūjā in this way together with the subsequent rites of japa and homa, one should recite the ‘Heart of Auspiciousness’ and along with it contemplate the Kāmakalā.”[1]
इति शिवानन्दमुनिविरचितं सौभाग्यहृदयस्तोत्रं समाप्तम् ॥
iti śivānandamuniviracitaṃ saubhāgyahṛdayastotraṃ samāptam ||
This concludes the Saubhāgyahṛdayastotra composed by Śivānandamuni.
Footnotes and references:
Translation by Ben Williams.