Saubhagyahrdayastotra by Sivananda

by Brian Campbell and Ben Williams | 2024 | 11,962 words

This is the English translation of the Saubhagyahrdayastotra (“praise to the heart of auspiciousness”) by Sivananda (fl. 13th century South India), who was one of the earliest interpreters of the Tantric tradition of goddess worship known as Shri-Vidya. The Saubhagyahrdaya Stotra embodies Shivananda’s synthesis of foundational Shaiva doctrine, Kund...

Verse 13 (text and translation)

Sanskrit text, Unicode transliteration and English translation of verse 13:

सौभाग्यहृदयं गुह्यं शिवानन्देन योगिना ।
समाराधनपूर्त्यर्थं स्तुतं सकलकामदम् ॥ १३ ॥

saubhāgyahṛdayaṃ guhyaṃ śivānandena yoginā |
samārādhanapūrtyarthaṃ stutaṃ sakalakāmadam || 13 ||

The yogī Śivānanda offers as praise this Saubhāgyahṛdaya (‘Heart of Auspiciousness’), a secret that fulfills all desires, to complete the worship [of Tripurasundarī].


[No notes available.]

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