Saubhagyahrdayastotra by Sivananda
by Brian Campbell and Ben Williams | 2024 | 11,962 words
Summary: This is the English translation of the Saubhagyahrdayastotra (“praise to the heart of auspiciousness”) by Sivananda (fl. 13th century South India), who was one of the earliest interpreters of the Tantric tradition of goddess worship known as Shri-Vidya. The Saubhagyahrdaya Stotra embodies Shivananda’s synthesis of foundational Shaiva doctrine, Kundalini practices, and devotional worship, underscoring the Goddess’s omnipotence and allure.
Alternative transliteration: Śivānanda Saubhāgyahṛdayastotra (शिवानन्द सौभाग्यहृदयस्तोत्र) Shivananda Saubhagyahridayastotra, Śiva-ānanda Saubhāgyahṛdaya-stotra (शिव-आनन्द सौभाग्यहृदय-स्तोत्र), Shiva-ananda Saubhagyahrdaya or Saubhagyahridaya-stotra, Saubhāgya-hṛdaya-stotra (्सौभाग्य-हृदय-स्तोत्र), Saubhagya-hridaya-stotra [hrdaya-stotra].
The Saubhāgyahṛdayastotra “Praise to the Heart of Auspiciousness” © 2024 by Ben Williams and Brian Campbell is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit
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The full text of the Saubhagyahrdayastotra by Sivananda in English is available here and publically accesible (free to read online). Of course, I would always recommend buying the book so you get the latest edition. You can see all this book’s content by visiting the pages in the below index: