Sanatkumara Samhita
30,142 words
The is is the english translation of the Sanatkumara Samhita. Sanatkumara in Sanskrit means “eternal youth”. Sage Sanatkumara was one of the Four Kumaras, the four Manasputras (mind-born-sons) or spiritual sons of Brahma. Sanatkumara is also the author of the Sanatkumara Samhita, which is part of the Shiva Purana, and has 59 chapters. Alternative ...
verse 154
Sanskrit text and Unicode transliteration:
नीरूपं निर्गुणं व्यापी क्रिया-हीनं परात् परम्
वदन्ति वेद-शिरसा इदम् एव ममानघnīrūpaṃ nirguṇaṃ vyāpī kriyā-hīnaṃ parāt param
vadanti veda-śirasā idam eva mamānagha
Word-for-word Sanskrit-English equivalents:
nīrūpam—without form; nirguṇam—without qualities; vyāpī—all-pervading; kriyā-hīnam—without activities; parāt—than the greatest; param—greater; vadanti—say; veda-śirasaḥ—the Upaniṣads, who are the crowns of the Vedas; idam—this; eva—indeed; mama—of Me; anagha—O sinless one.
English translation of verse:
"O sinless one, the Upaniṣads, which form the crown of all the Vedas, say that I am formless, without qualities, all- pervading, inactive, and greater than the greatest.