Sahitya-kaumudi by Baladeva Vidyabhushana

by Gaurapada Dāsa | 2015 | 234,703 words

Baladeva Vidyabhusana’s Sahitya-kaumudi covers all aspects of poetical theory except the topic of dramaturgy. All the definitions of poetical concepts are taken from Mammata’s Kavya-prakasha, the most authoritative work on Sanskrit poetical rhetoric. Baladeva Vidyabhushana added the eleventh chapter, where he expounds additional ornaments from Visv...

यथा वा,
प्रणमत्य् उन्नति-हेतोर् जीवन-हेतोर् विमुञ्चति प्राणान् ।
दुःखीयति सुख-हेतोः को मूढः सेवकाद् अन्यः ॥

yathā vā,
praṇamaty unnati-hetor jīvana-hetor vimuñcati prāṇān |
duḥkhīyati sukha-hetoḥ ko mūḍhaḥ sevakād anyaḥ ||

For the sake of elevation, he bows to his master. He gives up his life in order to live. And he toils to get happiness. Except a servant, who is a fool? (Sāhitya-darpaṇa 10.71)


This is Jagannātha’s example of vicitra,

bandhonmuktyai khalu makha-mukhān karma-pāśān
  antaḥ-śāntyai muni-śata-matānalpa-cintāṃ vahanti
tīrthe majjanty aśubha-jaladheḥ pāram āroḍhu-kāmāḥ
  sarvaṃ prāmādikam iha bhava-bhrānti-bhājāṃ narāṇām

“In this world, everything people who are bewildered by material life do is fraught with error. To become free from bondage, they perform fire sacrifices, which are ropes of karma. To achieve inner peace, they entertain elaborate thoughts conceived by hundreds of sages. Desiring to reach the other side of the ocean of inauspiciousness, they take a dip in places of pilgrimage” (Rasa-gaṅgādhara, KM p. 452).

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