Sahitya-kaumudi by Baladeva Vidyabhushana
by Gaurapada Dāsa | 2015 | 234,703 words
Baladeva Vidyabhusana’s Sahitya-kaumudi covers all aspects of poetical theory except the topic of dramaturgy. All the definitions of poetical concepts are taken from Mammata’s Kavya-prakasha, the most authoritative work on Sanskrit poetical rhetoric. Baladeva Vidyabhushana added the eleventh chapter, where he expounds additional ornaments from Visv...
Text 7.136
अवश्य-विधेयत्वेन प्रकृत-वाक्यार्थ-परिपोषकत्वे गर्भितत्वं च. यथा,
avaśya-vidheyatvena prakṛta-vākyārtha-paripoṣakatve garbhitatvaṃ ca. yathā,
Garbhita (parenthesis) (7.74) is a quality when, as a needed predicate clause, it enhances the contextual meaning:
vande kuḍmalitāñjalir muhur ahaṃ vīraṃ mayūradhvajaṃ
yenārdhaṃ kapaṭa-dvijāya vapuṣaḥ kaṃsa-dviṣe ditsatā |
kaṣṭaṃ gadgadikākulo’smi kathanārambhād aho dhīmatā
sollāsaṃ krakacena dāritam abhūt patnī-sutābhyāṃ śiraḥ ||
vande—I praise; kuḍmalita—are made into a bud; añjaliḥ—whose folded hands; muhuḥ—repeatedly; aham—I; vīram—a hero (dayā-vīra); mayūradhvajam—Mayūradhvaja; yena—by whom; ardham—half; kapaṭa-dvijāya—[to Kṛṣṇa,] who was a Brāhmaṇa by deceit; vapuṣaḥ—of the body; kaṃsa-dviṣe—to Kṛṣṇa (“Kaṃsa’s enemy”); ditsatā—[by whom,] who wanted to give; kaṣṭam—gosh; gadgadikā—by tremor in the throat; ākulaḥ—overwhelmed; asmi—I; kathana—of the narration; ārambhāt—from the beginning; aho—how amazing; dhīmatā—[by whom,] who is intelligent; sa-ullāsam—enthusiastically; krakacena—with a saw; dāritam—caused to be split; abhūt—became; patnī-sutābhyām—by the wife and the son; śiraḥ—the head.
Joining my hands, I repeatedly praise Mayūradhvaja, a hero. That intelligent man desired to give half of his body to Kṛṣṇa, who had the guise of a Brāhmaṇa. Gosh, from the beginning of the narration I have been overwhelmed by a tremor in the throat; what a wonder. On his order, his head was vertically sliced in half with a saw by his wife and son, with enthusiasm. (Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu 4.3.51)
atra kaṣṭam ity-ādikaṃ dayodrekam advitīyaṃ bodhayitum antarāle vinyastam. evam anyad api sudhībhiḥ prekṣaṇīyam.
Here the words beginning from kaṣṭam (gosh) are inserted to cause the understanding of an unparalled upsurge of compassion (in Mayūradhvaja). Other instances should be looked into in this manner by clever persons.
Baladeva Vidyābhūṣaṇa’s preliminary avaśya-vidheyatvena (as a needed predicate clause) is a rewording of Kavikaṛnapūra’s avaśya-viśeṣatvena (as a needed specialty) (Alaṅkāra-kaustubha 10.126). Mammaṭa writes: madhye dṛḍha-pratyayotpādanāya, “It is in the middle for the purpose of giving rise to a firm understanding” (Kāvya-prakāśa, verse 320 vṛtti). Viśvanātha Kavirāja says garbhita is not a fault when it increases astonishment: camatkārātiśayaṃ puṣṇāti (Sāhitya-darpaṇa 7.28).
Mayūradhvaja was a typical dayā-vīra (a hero of compassion). Had he known the Brāhmaṇa was Kṛṣṇa, he would have been classed as a dāna-vīra (a hero in giving) (Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu 4.3.52). For the underlying pastime between King Mayūradhvaja and Śrī Kṛṣṇa, consult Bhānu Svāmī’s explanation in his translation of Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu.