Rig Veda (translation and commentary)
by H. H. Wilson | 1866 | 1,999,864 words | ISBN-10: 8171101380 | ISBN-13: 9788171101382
The Rig-Veda, English translation, including the commentary of Sayana and grammatical analysis. The hyms of the Rigveda Samhita represents some of the oldest and complex of Hindu Sanskrit literature. In ten books, these mantras form the core essence of rituals and ceremonies once widely performed throughout ancient India. This edition contains the...
Disclaimer: These are translations of Sanskrit texts and are not necessarily approved by everyone associated with the traditions connected to these texts. Consult the source and original scripture in case of doubt.
Rig Veda 1.63.4
Sanskrit text [Accents, Plain, Transliterated]:
त्वं ह॒ त्यदि॑न्द्र चोदी॒: सखा॑ वृ॒त्रं यद्व॑ज्रिन्वृषकर्मन्नु॒भ्नाः । यद्ध॑ शूर वृषमणः परा॒चैर्वि दस्यूँ॒र्योना॒वकृ॑तो वृथा॒षाट् ॥
त्वं ह त्यदिन्द्र चोदीः सखा वृत्रं यद्वज्रिन्वृषकर्मन्नुभ्नाः । यद्ध शूर वृषमणः पराचैर्वि दस्यूँर्योनावकृतो वृथाषाट् ॥
tvaṃ ha tyad indra codīḥ sakhā vṛtraṃ yad vajrin vṛṣakarmann ubhnāḥ | yad dha śūra vṛṣamaṇaḥ parācair vi dasyūm̐r yonāv akṛto vṛthāṣāṭ ||
English translation:
“You verily did animate him to (acquire) such (renown) as that which, sender of rain and wielder of the thunderbolt, you (dis-acquire) when you slew Vṛtra, and when, munificent hero, who easily conquer (your foes) you did put to fight the Dasyus in battle.”
Commentary by Sāyaṇa: Ṛgveda-bhāṣya
Dasyus are enemies of Kutsa: kutsasyopakṣayatāraḥ
Ṛṣi (sage/seer): nodhā gautamaḥ [nodhas gautama];Devatā (deity/subject-matter): indra:;
Chandas (meter): virāṭtrisṭup ;
Svara (tone/note): Swar;
Padapatha [Accents, Plain, Transliterated]:
त्वम् । ह॒ । त्यत् । इ॒न्द्र॒ । चो॒दीः॒ । सखा॑ । वृ॒त्रम् । यत् । व॒ज्रि॒न् । वृ॒ष॒ऽक॒र्म॒न् । उ॒भ्नाः । यत् । ह॒ । शू॒र॒ । वृ॒ष॒ऽम॒णः॒ । प॒रा॒चैः । वि । दस्यू॑न् । योनौ॑ । अकृ॑तः । वृ॒था॒षाट् ॥
त्वम् । ह । त्यत् । इन्द्र । चोदीः । सखा । वृत्रम् । यत् । वज्रिन् । वृषकर्मन् । उभ्नाः । यत् । ह । शूर । वृषमणः । पराचैः । वि । दस्यून् । योनौ । अकृतः । वृथाषाट् ॥
tvam | ha | tyat | indra | codīḥ | sakhā | vṛtram | yat | vajrin | vṛṣa-karman | ubhnāḥ | yat | ha | śūra | vṛṣa-maṇaḥ | parācaiḥ | vi | dasyūn | yonau | akṛtaḥ | vṛthāṣāṭ
Multi-layer Annotation of the Ṛgveda
[Rigveda 1.63.4 English analysis of grammar]
[noun], nominative, singular
“indeed; ha [word].”
[noun], accusative, singular, neuter
[noun], vocative, singular, masculine
“Indra; leader; best; king; first; head; self; indra [word]; Indra; sapphire; fourteen; guru.”
[verb], singular, Aorist inj. (proh.)
“urge; rush.”
[noun], nominative, singular, masculine
“friend; companion; sakhi [word].”
[noun], accusative, singular, masculine
“Vṛtra; vṛtra [word].”
“once [when]; because; that; if; how.”
[noun], vocative, singular, masculine
“Indra; vajra; Euphorbia neriifolia L.; abhra; Buddha.”
[noun], masculine
“bull; Indra; stallion; Vṛṣan; man.”
[noun], locative, singular, neuter
“action; saṃskāra; ritual; procedure; karman; treatment; object; function; production; job; operation; karman [word]; act; job; passive voice; activity; consequence; function; yajña; pañcakarman; cooking; occupation; profession; construction; duty; method; natural process; duty; therapy.”
[verb], singular, Present injunctive
“once [when]; because; that; if; how.”
“indeed; ha [word].”
[noun], vocative, singular, masculine
“hero; cock; śūra; Śūra; Vatica robusta; Plumbago zeylanica; warrior; hero; attacker; lentil; wild boar; lion; dog.”
[noun], vocative, singular, masculine
“apart; away; away.”
[noun], accusative, plural, masculine
“savage; outcast; mugger.”
[noun], locative, singular, feminine
“vagina; vulva; uterus; beginning; origin; reincarnation; birthplace; family; production; cause; race; grain; raw material; birth; kind; caste; kinship; bed.”
[noun], nominative, singular, masculine
“undone; akṛta [word].”
“vainly; incorrectly; unnecessarily; at will.”
[verb], singular, Root aorist (Ind.)
“endure; overcome; habituate.”