Prem Sagar (English translation)

by W. Hollings | 1848 | 128,812 words

This is the English translation of the Prem Sagar written by in the early 19th century. This was one of the first modern Hindi books written in the Delhi dialect. The Prem Sagar (meaning “ocean of Love”) narrates the exploits of Krishna, an avatar of Vishnu, based on the tenth book of the Bhagavata Purana. This book however conists of fifty chapter...

Chapter LVII

SHRI SHUKADEVA JEE said,—O great king! Satrajit charged Shri Krishna Chund first with the theft of a jewel; and afterwards, finding his accusation to be false, he was ashamed, and gave his daughter Satyabhama in marriage to Hari. Raja Parikshit enquired from SHRI SHUKADEVA Jee, "O abode of compassion! who was Satrajit, where did he obtain the jewel, and how did he accuse Hari of theft, and afterwards finding the charge false, in what manner did he give his daughter in marriage; explain these circumstances to me?" SHRI SHUKADEVA Jee replied,—O great king! be pleased to listen, and I will explain all the circumstances. Satrajit belonged to the family of Yadu, who for a long time was engaged in an act of very difficult religious penance in honour of the sun. The sun-god was highly gratified, called him and having given him a jewel, said, "This jewel’s name is Soomuntka, it contains an unbounded power of conferring happiness and wealth; Worship it continually, and look upon it as equal to me in power and splendour; if you meditate upon it, having offered up prayers, and performed acts of penance, abstinence and fasting, you shall obtain whatever you ask for; into whatever country, city and house this jewel shall enter, there misery, poverty and death shall not have access. There shall be constant plenty and increase, and prosperity."

O great king! having thus spoken the sun-god allowed Satrajit to take leave; who went home with the jewel. After this, rising, early and performing his morning ablutions, and finishing his religious meditations and libations, he was in the habit of offering adoration to the jewel, with unbroken rice, flowers, sandal, perfumes, lamps and consecrated food; and taking away the eight loads of gold, which came from the jewel, he was delighted.

One day whilst engaged in worship, beholding the beauty and brilliancy of the jewel, he thought to himself,—"It will be a good act to take this jewel and show it to Shri Krishna Chund." Having come to this resolution, and fastening the jewel on his arm, Satrajit went to the court of the descendants of Yadu. On seeing the brilliancy of the jewel from a distance, the descendants of Yadu stood still with admiration, and began to say to Shri Krishna Jee, "O great king! the sun is coming here from a longing desire to see you. Brahma, Rudra, Indra and all the gods worship you; and meditating upon you during the eight puhurs, sing of your celebrity. You are the immortal first male, Vishnu, Luchmee has become your servant, and constantly waits upon you. You are the god of all the gods. No one knows your nature. Your attributes and qualities of mind are limitless; now, O lord I will you be concealed, having come into the world?"

O great king! when the descendants of Yadu began to discourse thus, on seeing Satrajit approach, Hari said, "This is not the sun; it is Satrajit, one of the family of Yadu, who has obtained a jewel for having performed an act of penance in honour of the sun. Its splendour is equal to that of the sun. He is coming with that jewel, fastened on his arm."

O great king! whilst Shri Krishna Jee was thus speaking, Satrajit came and sat down in the court, where the descendants of Yadu were playing at "choupur" and dice. The. minds of all were fascinated by beholding the brilliant lustre of the jewels, and Shri Krishna Chund remained also looking at it. Satrajit, then, upon something occurring to his mind, took leave, and returned home; and afterwards used constantly to come to the court with the jewel fastened about his neck. One day, the descendants of Yadu said to Hari, "O great king! take the jewel from Satrajit, and give it to Raja Ugrasena and obtain celebrity in the world. This jewel does not suit him, but is fit for a Raja."

On hearing this, Shri Krishna Jee smilingly said to Satrajit, "Give this jewel to the Raja, and acquire for yourself a great name and reputation in the world." On hearing this proposal to give the jewel away, he made an obeisance, and rose up; and, engaged in thought, went to his brother, and said, "Shri Krishna Jee asked me for the jewel to-day, and I did not give it him." When Satrajit had thus spoken, his brother, Pursen, was angry, and took the jewel, and threw it on his own neck; and arming himself, and mounting a horse, went out hunting. Having gone into an extensive forest, he began to kill various kinds of deer and antelopes with his bow and arrows. A deer having rushed out before him, he was enraged, and pursued it on horseback; and in the course of the pursuit came alone to a large deep cave, which had existed for ages. On hearing the sound of the deer and horse’s feet, a lion came forth from the cave; and killing all three, and carrying off the jewel, went into his cave again. The light was so great in consequence of the jewel coming into the cave, that its rays extended to the infernal regions. A bear, named Jamwunt, that had been with Shri Ramchund in the descent of Ram upon the earth, and had since the Treta age dwelt in the regions below with all his family, seeing that shining light in the cave, rose up; and pursuing his journey came to the lion. Having killed the lion, he carried off the jewel, and went with it to his wife who fastened it in her daughter’s cradle. The child constantly played and amused herself with the jewel, which filled their abode with a perpetual stream of light.

Having recited thus much, SHRI SHUKADEVA Jee said,—O great king! the jewel was thus lost, and such was the fate of Pursen. The people, who had accompanied Pursen, came and said to Satrajit, "O great king! he left us, and went off alone, and we have found no trace of where he went. They searched again in consequence of their statements not being believed, but could not find Pursen any where in the forest."

On hearing this statement, Satrajit abstained from all food and drink; and being greatly depressed and troubled in mind began to say to himself, "This is Shri Krishna's doing, he has killed my brother for the sake of the jewel, and has carried off the jewel to his own home. First of all he asked me for it; but I did not give it, and he has thus carried it off." With these thoughts, he passed his time in great anxiety. One night, he was sitting on his wife’s bed, emaciated, low-spirited, silent and deeply engaged in thought, when his wife said to him, "Why are you so thoughtful, husband! tell me your secret anxieties?" Satrajit replied, "It is not right to reveal important secrets to a wife, as she cannot keep them; what she hears at home, she publishes abroad; she is ignorant, and without knowledge of any thing, good or bad." Satrajit’s wife was angry at this speech, and said, "When did I ever publish abroad any thing I heard at home, as you state? Are all women alike?" She added, "Until you mention to me, what is preying upon your mind I will abstain from all sustenance." Satrajit replied, "Truth and falsehood are known to Bhagavan; but I will inform you of what I am thinking, provided you will not tell any one." His wife assented. Satrajit began to say, "One day Shri Krishna Jee asked me for the jewel, and I did not give it, I, therefore, think that he has killed my brother in the forest, and taken away the jewel; this must have been done by him, as no one else has the power to perform such an act."

Having proceeded thus far in the narrative, SHRI SHUKADEVA Jee said,—O great king! his wife did not sleep after hearing this account, and passed the night in great perplexity of mind. Early in the morning, she said to her female companions and servants, "Shri Krishna Jee has killed Pursen, and taken away the jewel, I heard this from my husband last night, but do not mention it to any one." They went away silently agreeing not to speak of the matter; but in private, began to talk to each other, in astonishment, upon the subject. At length one of the servants went and mentioned the subject in the female apartments of Shri Krishnū Chund. On hearing it, all the women thought, that if Satrajit’s wife had said so, the statement could not be false; and having formed this opinion, they began to blame, and speak ill of, Shri Krishna." In the mean while, some one came, and said to Shri Krishna Jee, "You are under a suspicion, O great king! of having killed Pursen, and taken away the jewel; why are you sitting idle? You should adopt some measures to counteract these statements." On hearing this statement, Shri Krishna Jee was at first frightened; afterwards, reflecting on the subject, he came to the court, where Ugrasena and Vasudeva and Balarama were sitting, and said, O great king! I am accused of having killed Pursen, and carried off the jewel; I will, therefore, with your permission, go and search for them both, in order that this disgrace may be wiped away."

Having thus spoken, Shri Krishna Jee went thence to the forest, taking with him several of the descendants of Yadu, and the companions of Pursen. When they had gone some distance, they saw marks of horse’s feet, on tracing which, they reached the spot where a lion had devoured Pursen and his horse. On seeing the remains of their bodies, and the marks of a lion’s feet, they were all of opinion, that the lion must have killed them. Thinking thus, and not having obtained the jewel, Shri Krishna Chund went, accompanied by them all, to that deep, dark and terrible cave. At the entrance, he saw a lion lying dead, but did not find the jewel there. On beholding this strange sight, they all said to Shri Krishna Jee, "O great king! whence has such a powerful animal come into this forest, as to be able to kill a lion, and carry off the jewel into the cave? Adopt measures immediately against him. You have made all necessary search, and have obliterated all the suspicions, that were raised against you, the disgrace is now upon the lion’s head." Shri Krishna Jee said, Come let us go into the cave, and see who has killed the lion, and taken away the jewel." They all replied, "O great king! we are terrified at beholding the mouth of the cave; how shall we be able to enter it? Moreover, we beseech you also, not to go into this frightful cavern, let us return home; we will all say in the city, that a lion killed Pursen, and carried off the jewel; and that some animal killed the lion, and went into a deep and very terrible cave with the jewel. We all saw this with our own eyes." Shri Krishna Chund replied, "My mind is intent upon the jewel, and I will go into the cave alone; in ten days, I will return, stay here that time; and if I delay beyond that time, return home, and give information of the matter." O great king! having thus spoken, Hari entered that dark, frightful cave, and pursuing his journey arrived at the place, where Jamwunt was sleeping, and his wife rocking her daughter in a cradle of chalk. On beholding Krishna, she called out through fear, and Jamwunt awoke, and making a rush, grappled Krishna, and they both began to wrestle. When neither his stratagems nor strength succeeded against Hari, he began to reflect and say, "Luchmun Ram is my equal in strength, who else in the world is so powerful as to be able to fight with me?" O great king! Jamwunt having thus reflected, and meditating upon Krishna, shrunk back with joined hands, and said, "O Rugoonath! "appear to me, I know you to be acquainted with the secrets of the heart, and recognize you by beholding your exploits. You have done well in descending upon the earth; remove the burthens of the world. I have dwelt here since the Treta age. Narada has told me your history; that Krishna would come here for the jewel, and then he will appear to you."

Having narrated thus much of the history, SHRI SHUKADEVA Jee said to the Raja Parikshit,—Raja! When Jamwunt, having recognised Krishna, spoke thus, Shri Murari, the friend of his worshippers, beholding the attachment of Jamwunt, was delighted; and assuming the appearance of Ram, appeared to him with a bow and arrows, and Jamwunt, having prostrated himself so as to touch the ground with the eight principal parts of his body, stood up; and joining his hands said, with the greatest humility, "O sea of compassion and brother of the "poor! with your permission, I will explain my wishes." Krishna granted permission. Then Jamwunt said, "O purifier of the guilty and lord of the poor! it is the wish of my mind to give you this damsel, Jamwutee, in marriage, and obtain celebrity and greatness in the world by so doing." Bhagavan replied, "If such is your desire, it is acceptable to me." When Krishna had thus spoken, Jamwunt took sandal, unbroken rice, flowers, perfumes, lamps and consecrated food, and worshipped him; and afterwards married his daughter to him in the manner, and with the ceremonies prescribed by the Vedas, giving her the jewel as a part of her dowry.

Having related thus much of the history, SHRI SHUKADEVA, the sage, said,—Raja! Shri Krishna Chund, the root of joy, taking with him Jamwutee and the jewel, came forth from the cave. And now be pleased to listen to what befel the descendants of Yadu, and companions of Pursen and Shri Krishna, who were standing at the mouth of the cave. When twenty-eight days had elapsed and Hari did not return, they went thence, devoid of all hope; and came to Dwarka, troubled with all kinds of perplexing thoughts, and shedding tears. The descendants of Yadu were very much alarmed at the intelligence they brought; and calling on the name of Shri Krishna, and suffering great affliction, they began to weep and lament; and there was mourning in all the female apartments. At length, all the women being much agitated, emaciated and in low spirits, went forth from the palace, and weeping violently came to a temple of Devee, distant about a toss outside the city. Having worshipped and propitiated Devee, joining their hands and bowing their heads, they began to say, "O Devee! gods, men and sages, all meditate upon thee, and receive from thee whatever boon they ask, tell us, when will Shri Krishna Chund, the root of joy, come?"

O great king! all the women sat down at the entrance of the temple, and continued imploring Devee; Ugrasena, Vasudeva, Baladeva and the other descendants of Yadu were sitting in a state of great anxiety, when Shri Krishna, the immortal, the dweller in Dwarka, smiling and bringing Jamwutee with him, came and stood in the royal court; all were delighted at beholding the moon-like face of Krishna. And on hearing the good news of his arrival, all the women having worshipped Devee, returned home; and began to engage in festive rejoicings.

Having narrated thus much, SHRI SHUKADEVA Jee said,—O great king! Shri Krishna Jee, sitting in the court, sent for Satrajit, and, having given him the jewel, said, "I did not take away this jewel, and you suspected me falsely. Jamwunt took away this jewel, and has given it to me, together with his daughter." Taking the jewel, Satrajit went away, bowing his head, and thoughtful:—"I have committed a great crime against Hari, and ignorantly abused his family; I have cast a slur and suspicion on the lord of the Yadus, and have shown great enmity to him for the sake of the jewel. I must now endeavour to atone for my fault, and give the jewel, Satyabhama, to Krishna." With these thoughts in his mind, Satrajit went home with the jewel, depressed in spirits, and explained all his anxieties to his wife. His wife said, "O husband! this is a good thought of yours. Give Satyabhama to Shri Krishna, and obtain celebrity in the world."

On hearing these words, Satrajit sent for a brahmin; and having fixed upon a favourable rising of a sign of the zodiack, and a division of time equal to forty-eight minutes, and placing on a dish a coloured mixture for the forehead, unbroken rice, a rupee and a cocoanut, sent the nuptial gifts to Shri Krishna Chund by the hands of the family priest. Shri Krishna Jee came to the marriage with great pomp and splendour, wearing a high crowned hat. Then Satrajit, having observed all the usual forms and ceremonies, gave his daughter in marriage according to the injunctions of the Vedas, and having bestowed great wealth upon her, added the jewel also to her dowry. On beholding the jewel, Shri Krishna Jee drew it forth, and said, "This jewel is of no use to me, because you have obtained it for having performed a penance in honour of the sun. Keep this in your own house, as my family do not accept the things bestowed by other gods, with exception of Bhagavan."

O great king! when Shri Krishna Chund had thus spoken, Satrajit took the jewel, and was ashamed, and Shri Krishna Jee returned home in musical procession with Satyabhama, and lived happily with her in the royal palace. The Raja Parikshit interrupted SHRI SHUKADEVA Jee in this part of the story, and enquired, "O abode of compassion! kindly explain, why the suspicion and calumny of the theft were fastened upon Shri Krishna Jee?" SHUKADEVA Jee replied, Raja! Mohana had seen the moon, when it was four days old in the month of Bhadon; and hear me, whoever, having heard this history, shall see the moon when four days old in the month of Bhadon, shall escape unblemished.

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