Parables of Rama
by Swami Rama Tirtha | 102,836 words
Stories in English used by Swami Rama to illustrate the highest teaching of Vedanta. The most difficult and intricate problems of philosophy and abstract truths, which may very well tax the brains of the most intellectual, are thus made not only simple and easy to understand but also brought home to us in a concrete form in such an interesting and ...
Once in an examination the students were asked to write an essay on the miracle of Christ turning water into wine. The hall was filled with students and they were writing. One poor fellow (Byron) was whistling, singing, looking at this corner and at that. He did not write a single syllable looking at this corner and at that. He did not write a single word.. He went on making fun even in the Examination Hall, he went on enjoying himself. Oh, his was an independent spirit. When the time was up and the Superintendent was collecting the answers, he made a joke with Byron, and told him that the Superintendent was very sorry that Byron was fatigued by writing so long an essay. Byron. at that time took up his pen and wrote one sentence on the answer book and handed it to the Superintendent. When the result of the examination was out, he got the first prize. Byron got the first prize, the man who had written nothing, who simply took up his pen and with one stroke scribbled out a single sentence, got the first prize. The Superintendent of the Examination, who thought Byron to be an idler, was amazed, and all the other competitors asked the examiner to be kind enough to read before the whole classy before the whole congregation of students, the essay by which Byron got the first prize. The essay was: "The water saw her master and blushed." This was on the miracle of Christ by which he turned water into wine, that was the whole essay. Is it not really wonderful? In blushing the face becomes red; the water saw her master and blushed That is all. Splendid, is it not? Realise the true Self within you; like Christ, realise that the Father and Son are one. "In the beginning was the word; the word was with God" Realise it, realise it. The Heaven of heavens is within you. Realise that and wherever you go, the dirtiest water will blush into sparkling wine for you; every dungeon will be converted into the Heaven of heavens for you. There will not be a single difficulty or trouble for you; the master of all ye become.
MORAL: Self-realization makes you Master of all, and converts even Hell into Heaven.