Parables of Rama
by Swami Rama Tirtha | 102,836 words
Stories in English used by Swami Rama to illustrate the highest teaching of Vedanta. The most difficult and intricate problems of philosophy and abstract truths, which may very well tax the brains of the most intellectual, are thus made not only simple and easy to understand but also brought home to us in a concrete form in such an interesting and ...
In the Mahabharata, the greatest book of the world,. consisting of four hundred thousand verses, the story is given of a queen who, in a vision, sees the most beautiful prince and falls in love with him. She was so deep in love with him that her body under the severe passion of love, fell sick. Her father sends for all sorts of doctors and physicians, but to no avail. At last somebody discovers that her disease is the blessed disease of love. The Prime Minister of the king comes up and he puts his hand upon her pulse, and orders one of the greatest painters to come up and paint the pictures of all the beautiful kings in India. This painter was a woman. This woman-painter comes up, and, on a board against the wall, she draws picture after picture of the great kings that lived in India in those days. This Prime Minister is watching the beating of the pulse of the princess. The paintress draws the picture of Shri Krishna. Then her pulse beats faster, and the Prime Minister stops short. He thinks that here is the man perhaps whom she had seen in her vision. But he sees that the pulse did not beat fast enough, and orders the painter to go on painting pictures. Then she pain ts the picture of the youngest son of Krishna, and when that picture is painted, lo, not only to say nothing about the pulse, but her whole heart begins to heave and beat up to the very earth, as it were. Then the Prime Minister comes to the conclusion, "Here is the man who will drive away her sadness." This we believe to be no story but historical fact.
As to this paintress, what about her? Did she see all the kings and princes of the land? No! She was under what we call Divya Drishti (clairvoyance), under that higher vibration with the All, so much so that the book of Nature remained no longer sealed book, but everything was an open book to her.
MORAL: The feeling of oneness with all under higher vibrations makes one clairvoyant.