Parables of Rama

by Swami Rama Tirtha | 102,836 words

Stories in English used by Swami Rama to illustrate the highest teaching of Vedanta. The most difficult and intricate problems of philosophy and abstract truths, which may very well tax the brains of the most intellectual, are thus made not only simple and easy to understand but also brought home to us in a concrete form in such an interesting and ...

Story 44 - Ignorance, the Cause of Ruin

The Three Intoxicated Men

Once there were three men sitting together and drinking a great deal; they all became very intoxicated. One of them said, "Let us have a little picnic,*' and so they sent one of the party for meat and other things that they might all have a good time of it. While he was gone, one of the two remaining began to feel peculiar and said to his partner, "The breath is going out of me." The other said, "No, no, the breath must not go out of you," and he held the one of the sick men that the breath might not escape; he stopped up his ears and held his mouth shut, thinking thereby to keep the breath in the body, but we know fully well what he could accomplish thereby.

They did not realize the truth and the inefficacy of such a performance.

MORAL: Ignorance shrouds knowledge and is thus the cause of ruin.

Vol. 3 (53-54)

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