Panchavimsha Brahmana (English translation)

by W. Caland | 1931 | 240,269 words

This is the English translation of the Panchavimsha Brahmana, named so because it consists of twenty-five chapters (prapathakas). The text is classified as a Vedic Shruti commentary attached to the Samaveda, belonging to both of its Kauthuma and Ranayaniya recensions (shakhas). The Panchavimsha Brahmana is also known as the Tandya Mahabrahmana or ...

Introduction 4: The contents of the Panchavimsha Brahmana

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General survey. Chapter I. The collection of yajusformulae. Chapter II and III. The vistutis. Chapter IV and V. The gavam ayana, the sacrifice lasting one year, the prakrti of all the sattras. Chapter VI-IX. 2. The jyotistoma, ukthya, atiratra, the prakrtis of all the ekahas and ahinas. Chapter IX 3-IX. 10. The somaprayascittas. Chapters X-XV. The twelve-day-rite. Chapters XVI-XIX. The one-day-rites. Chapters XX-XXII. The ahinas. Chapters XXIII-XXV. The sattras. Detailed table of contents. a. Thegavamayana. IV. 1. Introduction and general remarks. IV. 2. The "proceeding" overnight-rite (prayaniya atiratra). IV. 3, 4 and 7. The brahman's chant during the year. IV. 5. The svarasaman-days. IV. 6. The visuvat or middle day. IV. 8. 1-4. The go and ayus days. IV. 8.5-IV. 9.23. The ten-day-rite, especially its tenth day with the mental laud. IV. 10-V. 6. The mahavrata. V. 7-V. 8. The gaurivita and other samans during the whole year.

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V. 9. The time for the consecration (diksa) introducing the yearsV. 10. The years-rite with dismissed day-rites (utsarginam ayana). b. The jyotistoma, u kthya, atiratra. VI. 1-2. Origin of the sacrifice and its stomas. VI. 3. The name agnistoma, jyotistoma. VI. 4. The special functions of the udgatr: the erection of the pillar of udumbara wood. VI. 5-VI. 7.8. Continuation: the placing of the dronakalasa, of the pressing-stones, of the strainer; the pravrta oblations. Morning service. VI. 7.9-VI. 8. The out-of-doors laud. VI. 9-VI. 10. The verses of this laud (kamya-verses). VII. 1. The saman on which this laud is chanted (gayatra). VII. 2. The ajya-lauds. Midday service. VII. 3-5. The midday pavamana laud; its verses, (VII. 4), (metres) and samans (VII. 5). VII. 6-VIII. 3. The prstha lauds. VII. 6-7. Rathantara and brhat (1). VII. 8-9. Vamadevya (2). VII. 10. Naudhasa and syaita (3). VIII. 1-2. Variations on these (kamya). VIII. 3. Kaleya (4). Afternoon and night service. VIII. 4-5. The arbhavapavamana laud; its verses (metres) and samans. VIII. 6-7. The agnistoma laud. VIII. 8-10. The three uktha lauds and their variations. IX. 1-2. The night-rite: ratriparyayas and twilight laud (sandhistotra). IX. 3-10. The prayascittas (e.g. for samsava IX. 4; for somatireka IX. 7; for diksitamarana IX. 8).

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c. The twelve day rite. xxxi X. General remarks about the stomas, verses and chants; X. 6-12 the different characteristics of the first six days. XI-XIII. Prsthya six day period of the twelve day rite. XI. 1-5. First day. XI. 1. Out-of-doors laud. XI. 2. Ajya lauds. XI. 3. Midday pavamana laud. XI. 4. Prstha lauds. XI. 5. Arbhavapavamana laud. XI. 6-11. Second day. XI. 6. Out-of-doors laud. XI 7. Ajya lauds. XI. 8 Midday pavamana laud. XI. 9. Prstha lauds. XI. 10. Arbhavapavamana laud. XI. 11. Uktha lauds. XII. 1-6. Third day. XII. 1. Out-of-doors laud. XII. 2. Ajya lauds. XII. 3. Midday pavamana laud. XII. 4. Prstha lauds. XII. 5. Arbhavapavamana laud. XII. 6. Uktha lauds. XII. 7-13. Fourth day. XII. 7. XII. 8. Out-of-doors laud. Ajya lauds. XII. 9. Midday pavamana laud. XII. 10. Prstha lauds. XII. 11. Arbhavapavamana laud. XII. 12. Uktha lauds. XII. 13. Sodasin-laud.

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XIII. 1-6. Fifth day. Out-of-doors laud. XIII. 1. XIII. 2. Ajya lauds. XIII. 3. Midday pavamana laud. XIII. 4. Prstha lauds. XIII. 5. Arbhavapavamana laud. XIII. 6. Uktha lauds. XIII. 7-12. Sixth day. XIII. 7. Out-of-doors laud. XIII. 8. Ajya lauds. XIII. 9. Midday pavamana laud. XIII. 10. Prstha lauds. XIII. 11. Arbhavapavamana laud. XIII. 12. Uktha lauds. XIV. 1--XV. 6. The three Chandoma days. XIV. 1-6. First Chandoma day (7 th day of the ten-day rite). XIV. 1. Out-of-doors laud. XIV. 2. Afya lauds. XIV. 3. Midday pavamana laud. XIV. 4. Prstha laud. XIV. 5. Arbhavapavamana laud. XIV. 6. Uktha lauds. XIV. 7-12. Second Chandoma day (8 th day of the ten-day rite). XIV. 7. Out-of-doors laud. XIV. 8. Ajya lauds. XIV. 9. Midday pavamana laud. XIV. 10. Prstha lauds. XIV. 11. Arbhavapavamana laud. XIV. 12. Uktha lauds. XV. 1-6. Third Chandoma day (9 th day of the ten-day rite). XV. 1. Out-of-doors laud. XV. 2. Ajya lauds. XV. 3. Midday pavamana laud.

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XV. 4. Prstha lauds. XV. 5. Arbhavapavamana laud. XV. 6. Uktha lauds. XV. 7-12. Tenth day XV. 7. Out-of-doors laud. XV. 8. Ajya lauds. XV. 9. Mid-day pavamana laud. XV. 10. Prstha lauds. XV. 11. Arbhavapavamana laud. XV. 12. Agnistoma laud. XVI-XIX. One-day rites (ekahas). XVI. 1. Jyotistoma. XVI. 2. Gostoma. XVI. 3. Ayusstoma. XVI. 4. Abhijit. XVI. 5, 6. Visvafit. XV 1. 7. Sarvajit or Mahavrata. XVI. 8. First Sahasra. XVI. 9. Second Sahasra. XVI. 10. Third Sahasra. XVI. 11. Fourth Sahasra. XVI. 12. First Sadyaskra. XVI. 13. Second Sadyaskra. XVI. 14. Third Sadyaskra. XVI. 15. Visvajicchilpa. XVI. 16. Ekatrika XVII. 1. First Vratyastoma. XVII. 2. Second Vratyastoma. XVII. 3. Third Vratyastoma. XVII. 4. Fourth Vratyastoma. XVII. 5, 6. First Agnistut. XVII. 7 Second Agnistut. XVII. 8. Third Agnistut. XVII. 9. Fourth Agnistut. XVII. 10. Prajapater apurva. XVII. 11. Brhaspatisava.

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Sarvasvara. XVII. 13, 14. Caturmasyas. XVIII. 1. Upahavya. XVIII. 2. Rtapeya. XVIII. 3. Dunasa. XVIII. 4. Vaisyastoma. XVIII. 5. Tivrasut. XVIII. 6, 7. Vajapeya. XVIII 8-11. Rajasuya. XIX. 1. Raj. XIX. 2. Viraj. XIX. 3. Aupasada. XIX. 4. Punastoma. XIX. 5, 6. Two Catustomas. XIX. 7. Udbhid, Valabhid. XIX. 8, 9. Two Apacitis. XIX. 10, 11. Two Agne stomas. XIX. 12. Rsabha. XIX 13. Gosava. XIX. 14. Marutstoma. XIX. 15. Indragnyoh kulaya. XIX. 16. Indrastoma. XIX. 17. Indragnyo stoma. XIX. 18, 19. Two Vighanas. XX-XXII. Ahinas. XX. 1. Jyotistoma-atiratra. Sarvastoma-atiratra 4. Navasaptadasa-atiratra. Visuvat atiratra. XX. 2. XX. 3. Aptoryama. XX. XX. 5. XX. 6, 7. XX. 8, 9. XX. 10. XX. 11. Go- and Ayus-atiratra. Visvajit and Abhijit as atiratras Four Ekastomas. Angirasam two day rite. XX. 12. Caitraratha's two day rite XX. 13. Kapivana's two day rite.

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XXXV XX. XXI. 3. Sabali sacrifice. XXI. 4. XXI. 5. XXI. 8. XXI. 9. Atri's four day rite. XXI. 10. Jamadagni's four day rite. XXI. 11. Vasistha's four day rite. XXI. 12. 14-XXI. 2 Three day rite of Horse sacrifice. Baida's three day rite. XXI. 6. Chandomapavamana three day rite. XXI. 7. Antarvasu three day rite. Paraka three day rite. Garga's three day rite. Visvamitra's four day rite. XXI. 13. Abhyasanga five day rite. XXI. 15. XXII. 1. XXII. 2. XXII. 3. XXII. 4. XXI. 14. Pancasaradiya five day rite. Vratamadhya five day rite. Six day rite of the Rtus. Six day rite for ayuskama. Prsthyavalamba six day rite. Seven day rite of the Rsis. Seven day rite of Prajapati. Seven day rite for pasukama. Seven day rite of Jamadagni. Seven day rite of Indra. XXII. 5. XXII. 6. Seven day rite of Janaka. Prsthyastoma seven day rite. Eight day rite. XXII. 7. XXII. 8. XXII. 9. XXII. 10. XXII. 11. XXII. 12. XXII. 13. XXII. 14. XXII. 15. Kusurabinda ten day rite. XXII. 16. XXII. 17. Devapuh ten day rite. XXII. 18. Nine day rite of the Gods. Nine day rite for pasukama. Trikakubh ten day rite. Chandomavat ten day rite. Paundarika eleven day rite. XXIII-XXV. Sattras. Two thirteen day sattras. Three fourteen day sattras. XXIII. 1, 2. XXIII. 3-5. XXIII. 6-9. Four fifteen day sattras. XXIII. 10. Sixteen day sattra.

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Twenty day sattra. XXIII. 11. Seventeen day sattra. XXIII. 12-13. Two eighteen day sattras. XXIII. 14. XXIII. 15, 16. XXIII. 17, 18. XXIII. 19. Two twenty-one day sattras. Twenty-two and twenty-three day sattra Twenty-four day sattras. XXIII. 20-28. Twenty-four-thirty-two day sattras. XXIV. 1-3. Three thirty-three day sattras. XXIV. 4-10. Thirty-four-forty day sattras. XXIV. 11-17. Seven forty-nine day sattra. XXIV. 18. Sixty-one day sattra. XXIV 19. Hundred day sattra. XXIV. 20. One year's sattra. XXV. 1. The ayana of the Adityas. XXV. XXV. 4 XXV. 5. 2. XXV. 3. The ayana of the Angiras. The years sattra of Drti and Vatavat. The years sattra of the Kundapayins. The years sattra of the Tapascits. XXV. 6. Twelve years sattra. XXV. 7. Sixty-six years sattra. XXV. 8. Hundred years sattra. XXV. 9. Agni's sahasrasarya. XXV. 10-12. Three sarasvata ayanas XXV. 13. Darsadvata ayana. XXV. 14. Turayana. XXV. 15. Sattra of the Serpents. XXV. 16. XXV. XXV. 17. Three years sattra. Thousand years sattra of Prajapati. 18. Thousand years sattra of the Visvasrfs.

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