Padarthadharmasamgraha and Nyayakandali
by Ganganatha Jha | 1915 | 250,428 words
The English translation of the Padarthadharmasamgraha of Prashastapada including the commentary called the Nyayakandali of Shridhara. Although the Padartha-dharma-sangraha is officially a commentary (bhashya) on the Vaisheshika-Sutra by Kanada, it is presented as an independent work on Vaisesika philosophy: It reorders and combines the original Sut...
Text 72
Sanskrit text, Unicode transliteration and English translation of Text 72:
बुद्धिसुखदुःखेच्छाद्वेषप्रयत्नधर्माधर्मभावनानां निमित्तकारणत्वम् ॥ ७३ ॥
buddhisukhaduḥkhecchādveṣaprayatnadharmādharmabhāvanānāṃ nimittakāraṇatvam || 73 ||
Text (72):—Intellect, Pleasure, Pain, Desire, Aversion, Efort, Virtue, Vice and Faculty have the character of efficient (or instrumental) causes.
Commentary: The Nyāyakandalī of Śrīdhara.
(English rendering of Śrīdhara’s commentary called Nyāyakandalī or Nyāyakaṇḍalī from the 10th century)
These can be efficient causes alone, (and not Material or Immaterial causes.)