Padarthadharmasamgraha and Nyayakandali

by Ganganatha Jha | 1915 | 250,428 words

The English translation of the Padarthadharmasamgraha of Prashastapada including the commentary called the Nyayakandali of Shridhara. Although the Padartha-dharma-sangraha is officially a commentary (bhashya) on the Vaisheshika-Sutra by Kanada, it is presented as an independent work on Vaisesika philosophy: It reorders and combines the original Sut...

Sanskrit text, Unicode transliteration and English translation of Text 69:

संयोगविभागसंख्यैकपृथक्त्वगुरुत्वद्रवत्ववेगधर्माधर्मास्तूभयत्रारम्भकाः ॥ ७० ॥

saṃyogavibhāgasaṃkhyaikapṛthaktvagurutvadravatvavegadharmādharmāstūbhayatrārambhakāḥ || 70 ||

Text (69):—Conjunction, Disjunction, Number, Single Location, Gravity, Fluidity, Speed, Virtue and Vice are productive (of qualities) in both.

Commentary: The Nyāyakandalī of Śrīdhara.

(English rendering of Śrīdhara’s commentary called Nyāyakandalī or Nyāyakaṇḍalī from the 10th century)

That is to say, these produce qualities in their own substrates, as well as in other things. For instance, the conjunctions existing in the threads produce in themselves the cloth; while the conjunction of the object and the sense-organs produces knowledge in the Self. The Disjunction of the bamboo fibres produces sound elsewhere, in the Ākāśa; and the Disjunction of the bamboo fibre and the Ākāśa produces sound in the Ākāśa which is also a substrate of the Disjunction. The Number one inhering in the constituent parts produces the same Number in the whole, and also, the Numbers two and the rest in themselves. The single separateness in the parts produces similar separateness in the whole, and the double and treble separateness in their own substrates. The Gravity, Fluidity and Speed of the cause produce like qualities in the Effect, and also action in their own substrates. Virtue and Vice produce Pleasure and Pain in the Self, and also the action of burning &c., in the Fire (kindled at sacrifices).

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