Padarthadharmasamgraha and Nyayakandali

by Ganganatha Jha | 1915 | 250,428 words

The English translation of the Padarthadharmasamgraha of Prashastapada including the commentary called the Nyayakandali of Shridhara. Although the Padartha-dharma-sangraha is officially a commentary (bhashya) on the Vaisheshika-Sutra by Kanada, it is presented as an independent work on Vaisesika philosophy: It reorders and combines the original Sut...

Sanskrit text, Unicode transliteration and English translation of Text 66:

संयोगविभागसंख्यागुरुत्वद्रवत्वोष्णस्पर्शज्ञानधर्माधर्मसंस्काराः समानासमानजात्यारम्भकाः ॥ ६६ ॥

saṃyogavibhāgasaṃkhyāgurutvadravatvoṣṇasparśajñānadharmādharmasaṃskārāḥ samānāsamānajātyārambhakāḥ || 66 ||

Text (66):—Conjunction, Disjunction, Number, Gravity, Fluidity, Hot touch, Knowledge, Virtue, Vice and Faculty are productive of likes as well as unlikes.

Commentary: The Nyāyakandalī of Śrīdhara.

(English rendering of Śrīdhara’s commentary called Nyāyakandalī or Nyāyakaṇḍalī from the 10th century)

From Conjunction there proceeds a like quality in the shape of the secondary conjunction,—and also an unlike quality in the shape of the Dimension of the double layer of cotton (which is produced by the conjunction of the two layers).

From Disjunction is produced the like quality of another Disjunction, and the unlike quality of Sound.

From the Number one in the cause is produced the like quality of the number one in the effect; and from the Numbers two and Many are produced the unlike qualities of the Atomic and Large Dimensions.

From Gravity is produced a like quality in the shape of. further Gravity, and also an unlike one in the shape of Falling.

From Fluidity follows another fluidity, as also the action of flowing.

From Hot Touch is produced another Hot Touch, and also the Colour &c., of the Earth-atom.

From Knowledge is produced knowledge, as well as Faculty.

From Virtue follows another Virtue, as also Pleasure.

From Vice follows Vice, and also Pain.

From Faculty follows Faculty, and also Remembrance.

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