Padarthadharmasamgraha and Nyayakandali
by Ganganatha Jha | 1915 | 250,428 words
The English translation of the Padarthadharmasamgraha of Prashastapada including the commentary called the Nyayakandali of Shridhara. Although the Padartha-dharma-sangraha is officially a commentary (bhashya) on the Vaisheshika-Sutra by Kanada, it is presented as an independent work on Vaisesika philosophy: It reorders and combines the original Sut...
Text 52
Sanskrit text, Unicode transliteration and English translation of Text 52:
रूपरसगन्धस्पर्शस्नेहसांसिद्धिकद्रवत्वबुद्धिसुखदुःखेच्छाद्वेषप्रयत्नधर्माधर्मभावनाशब्दा वैशेषिकगुणाः ॥ ५२ ॥
rūparasagandhasparśasnehasāṃsiddhikadravatvabuddhisukhaduḥkhecchādveṣaprayatnadharmādharmabhāvanāśabdā vaiśeṣikaguṇāḥ || 52 ||
Text (52):—Colour, Taste, Smell, Touch, Viscidity, Natural Fluidity, Intellect, Pleasure, Pain, Desire, Aversion Effort, Virtue, Vice, Faculty and Sound are the ‘Vaiśeṣika’ (‘specific’) qualities.
Commentary: The Nyāyakandalī of Śrīdhara.
(English rendering of Śrīdhara’s commentary called Nyāyakandalī or Nyāyakaṇḍalī from the 10th century)
These are called ‘Vaiśeṣika’ (specific), because they serve the purpose of specifying or differentiating the substances to which they belong from other substances. This purpose is not served by Number or other qualities; because they have got no specifications of themselves, all the specification that they have being due to the peculiarities of their substratum.