Mandukya Upanishad (Madhva commentary)
by Srisa Chandra Vasu | 1909 | 15,464 words | ISBN-13: 9789332869165
The English translation of the Mandukya Upanishad including the commentary of Madhva called the Bhasya. The describe the secret meaning of Om as the four names and aspects of the Lord (Vishva, Taijasa, Prajna and Turiya). This Upanishad is associated with the Atharva Veda and contains tweelve verses although Madhva reads the Gaudapada’s Karikas as ...
Karika verses 4.5-7
5. (K27). The Prāṇava is the creator of the whole universe, its preserver and destroyer as well. Thus knowing the Prāṇava, one reaches finally the Inmost Brahman.—39.
6. (K28) Let him know that the Prāṇava is the God residing in the hearts of all beings. The wise having realised the Oṃ-kāra as allpervading does not grieve.—40.
7. (K29) He who knows the Oṃ-kāra as partless and yet full of infinity of parts, as the. destroyer of all false knowledge and blissful, is verily a sage and no one else: he is verily a sage and no one else.—41.
[Note.—Sthitam (Sthita)—residing, staying. He is the minutest as dwelling in the heart of all.]
[Note.—Śivaḥ (Śiva)—auspicious, the blissful, Free from sorrrow, and whose form is bliss and joy.]
[Note.—Oṃkāraḥ (Oṃkāra)—The Oṃ-kāra, the Hari in His four aspects of Viśva.]
Madhva’s Salutation.
I praise Viṣṇu, who has the forms of Viśva, etc., who is wisdom and bliss, who though one and without difference has yet a four-fold aspect in the world.