Mahabhagavata Purana (translation and study)

by Prabir Kumar Nanda Goswami | 1999 | 107,488 words

The English translation of the Mahabhagavata Purana including an introduction and study. Another name for this text is the Devi Purana and it represents an ancient Sanskrit text comprising 81 chapters and belonging to the Shaktism tradition (worship of the Goddess). The Shakti cult, focusing on the worship of the female principle, is a significant ...

Chapter 56 - The killing of Kichaka

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CHAPTER LVI Maha deva said O the best among the sages the noble minded Pandavas passing many days in the forest went to visit goddess Bhagavati, the bestower of direct fruit at the yonipitha Kamakhya where meditation was practised by Sambhu. (1 & 2) At that place the pious Pandavas worshipping goddess Bhagavati praperly appeale for the recovery of their kingdom as well as the death of their enemies such as sinful Kurus and their wicked ministers in the battle. (3 & 4) When the moble Pandavas asked thus the gotless Bhagavati appearing before them said. (5) Devi said O magnanimous the son of Dharma, the accomplisher of fame to the Kuru race, you observed your promise bykall wicked and valonous son's of Dhrtarastra you will be able to get back your mingdom nodoubt. Your four brothers are worriors and unconquerable in the world. They will kill all the sons of Dhrtarastra along with their soldiers in the war. Being requested by gods to abolish the burden of the earth I have been born from devaki in the house of Vasudeva out of my own illusion as a human being to help you. (6-9) Due to my order Visnu has been born as your brother Arjuna, the most powerful to abolish the burden of the earth. (10) :

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339 That is why I in the form of Krsna will help you by putting Arjuna in the front, will kill the great warriors like Bhisma, Drona and many other barbarous Kauravas who have come from many different states. (11 & 12) Your valorous brother bhima, the son of Vayu will kill all the sons of Dhrtarastra in the war. (13) Your other Ksatriya chiefes will also kill the rest and remove hundred and thousands of others to Lighten the burden of the earth. (14) Thus in the Bharata war while the Ksatriyas will die you will no doubt get back your kingdom due to my favour. (15) Sri Mahadeva said Thus being favoured with the boon of the mother goddess Yudhisthira, the son of Dharma became glad and satisfied the supreme mother goddess. (16) Ya distira said O supreme goddess identified with Brahma, the eternal adonable to god, demon, and the whole world, the Kamesvari I salute you. (17) The gods headed by Brahma do not know your grandeur. 0 Kamesvari the primodial being of creation I salute you. (18) O Kame svari you are the eternal and supreme knowledge, represent the form of worldly beings you are adorable by the world I salute you. (19)

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340 0 Kamesvari you are the root cause of all the creation, you are the knowledge, the fortitude consciousness. You are wake (vigil) as well as sleep, I salute you. (20) Even Malesa feels obliged by worshipping you, you are the supreme soul, O Kamesvari I salute you. (21) O the destroyer of wicked, the bestower of the result of virtue and sin, the remover of pains from the creation O Kame svari I salute you. (22) O Kamesvari you are the cause of creation, preservation and destruction of the whole creation. O Kali with terrible face, I salute you. (23) O mother having dilighted lotus-face you remove the sufferings of your supplicants 0 supreme absolute Kamesvari, I salute you, have mercy on me. (24) Those who take shelter with devotion, you protect them, O Kame svari the nourisher of the three worlds, I salute thee. (25) O Kamesvari you are the pure knowledge, absolate nature and crearix of the world, you are the mother of the world, I salute you. (26) Sri Mahadeva said Thus eulogised by the pious son of Dharma the goddess Bhagavati appeared before and said, O king, ask any other boon you like. (27) _

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341 The kind said O mother, due to your favour I passed twelve years in the forest with various impendiments as promised earlier. The thirteenth year is to be spent even remaining incognito to the enemy as promised by me at the game of dice. Now the same difficult and unaccomplishable task appears before us. So you plea se do something so that we will be able to over come it. (28-30) Devi said Staying at the palace of Matsya king with Pancali and your brothers, and observing over your promise, you will again get back your kingdom soon. (31) Sri Mahadeva said Informing thus the goddess Bhagavati at once disappeared like the lightning in the sky in the presence of the son of Dharma. (32) O sage, then the best among the pious, addressing his brothers, discussed about their settlement. (33) O magnanimous, deciding thus, and leaving others, went to the palace of Virata in disquice. (34) Coming near to the city they kept their bows, strings arrows, and other weapons at Sami tree. (35) Then the king saluting mother goddess and getting her favour went quickly to the palace of Matsya king in the guise of a noble minded Brahmin. (36)

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342** Beholding the moble minded approaching the assembly hall, the king of the Matsya asked, who are you? Why have you come? and from where have you come from? I think you appear as the lord of the king nodoubt. (37) He informed, O king you know I am a refugee, have lost everything in dice and come here for shelter I am a Brahimin, named Kanka nourished by the son of Dharma. (38) Listening thus the king of Matsya receiving himself, kept the noble minded one in his own assembly. (39) Due to the favour of goddess Bhagavati nobody could know him at the assembly of the king in the thirteenth year. (40) Likewise Bhimasena, appearing before, the king, was appointed at the kitchen with the consent of the king. (41) As desired Arjuna attaining the female form was appointed at the wish of the king of Matsya at music hall as a dancer for his daughter. (42) The most beautiful Draupadi, becoming Sairandhri stayed at the harem of Sudesna, the queen of that king. (43) Two warrior son of Madri appearing before king, were appointed at a cow stall and a stable. (44) Nobody could reiognise all these kings due to the favour of the mother goddess in the thirteenth year. (45)

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343 In the eleventh month the warrior Kichaka, the brother of Sadesna, glanced Sairandiri at his sister's apartment. (46) As he is the real protector of the kingdom of the old Matsya king. So the king does not dare to take any step against his will. (47) Beholding the charming Sairanduri possesing divine lusture asked his sister, who is this most beautiful lady? Is she Sachi of Mahendra, or Kamala of Visnu? I have not come across any A such a beautiful lady where before. (48 & 49) Sudesna said O my brother hear, she is @ Sairandiri, who has approched us from the son of Darma, the lord of all kings. (50) te Kichaka said 1 You work in such a manner, so that she will be available to other-wise I shall commit suicide and procced towards the abode of Yama. (51) Sudesna said 0 my brother I will reveal before you some thing strange and secret by listening which you decide definitely what is to be done by me so that I will do it accordingly. (52) When charming Sairandhri came here desiring shelter at that time she was told by me. (53)

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344 O Sairandiri you are hundred times more charming than myself that is why you are not fit for my sevice; above all I do not appreciate it. (54) If the king beholds you having lotus face than. O charming lady he will always desire you. Being perplexed with your beauty and lusture he will be under your control at that time hewill not appreciate me. O Sairandhri what can be more ill luck for me than this. (55:8 56) That is why there is no such suitable place for you here Go any where else you like. Listening this Sairandhri said 0 Kalyani as long as I will stay at your house nobody would desire me as there are my five valorous Gandharva husbands. Who protect Why me day and night. That is no one else in the world will be able to seduce me. That is why, O queen, you do not be afraid and arrange my stay beside you. Listening this I kept Sairandhri in my own apartment, other wige who else, giving up one's own happiness will retain a beautiful lady. Then definitely if you approach that charming Sairandhri than her five Gandharvas will kill you. Kichaka said I tell you the truth that I am not affraids of the Gandharvas, I will kill those who will come to me with my own powerful hands. Delighting Sairandhri with sweet words you bring the beautiful lady quickly to my bed. You do not be afraid of Gandharvas ...

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345 Sri Mahadeva said Delighted Sudesna addressing Sairandiri said, O fortunate, please visit Kichakas apartment as the handsome one desires you. 757-65) Sairan Ahri said I do not attend any without my five husbands, even the most wicked and the sinful will not be able to seduce me. (66) Beholding me, if the wicked, being overpowered with passion comes to me, nodoubt he will be killed by them. (67) Thus listening her speech Sude: sna informed her brother that Sairandhri would not approach you valuntarily. (68) Hearing her speech the wicked and sinful Kicaka attempted to seduce her with force. (69) Knowing his attempt the daughter of Drupada begged for shelter before mother goddess, the nowrisher the of world. (70) Draupadi said O Durga, the mother of the world, the protector of all. You are the remover of poverty and sorrows of the distressed O mother have mercy. (71) O Katyayani, the great goddess, the mistress of the world, the destroyer of the wicked, the perplexer of the universe, the embodiment of cit, I salute you. (72)

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346* You are embodied with great illusion and pure knowledge. In this world he who remembers you gets rid of all dangers and difficulties. (73) O Jagadamba, you stand for the devoted wife. O darling of Sankara, please save me from terrible fear. (74) 10 mother goddess, you are always the receptacle of all distressed people, I have come to your resque, please save me from such impending dangers. (75) Sri Mahadeva said Being eulogised by Pancali mother goddess Durga, the destroyer of distress moving in the atmosphere said, O Sairandhri, do not be afraid. The other passionate man who desires you, nodoubt he would be under the spell of death. (76-77) Thus getting the boon from the mother goddess the delighted Sairandhri moved fearlessly in the house of Matsya king. (78) O the great sage, once at night the charming, eyed lady went to the apartment of the wicked Kichaka for some work. (79) At that time the sinful one beholding the beautiful daughter of Drupada approched him, rising up from his bed clasped her lotus hands, within a moment she throwing him went out from that room. (80) She The sinful being angry followed the daughter of Drupada being afraid of him went to the assembly of the king of the Mat sya

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347 in a sorrowful mind where the son of Dharma and Bhima were playing dice with the old king. her there. (81 & 82) Holding her hair he kicked Then the daughter of Drupada, crying and angryly blaming the Matsya king, went inside the house with closing eyes after glancing Bhima in red eyes and the poor son of Dharma and . awaited for the opportune moment. Blima also, beholding Kichaka thought of his destruction. (83 & 84) The strongest of the Pandavas once advised Sairandhri to invite Kichaka to the dancing apartment at night where he would kill him for their pleasure. But you would announce that he could attain his death by Gandharvas. (85 & 86) communicating her consent the devoted ladydid as directed. At the midnight the sinful Kichaka was killed by Bhima, Sairandhri informed the citizens that Kichaka was killed by Gandharva. (87 & 88) Hearing this many people came to see the corpse of Kichaka. Arranging for his cremation they carried (Kicaka) him out at night after crying much for a long time. In the meantime they arranged for the cremation of Sairandhri along with Kichaka. They forcefully brought her to the corpse of Kichaka. Sairandiri cryed loudly which Bhima know properly. Then the valorous one jumping the boundary, came outside, released Sairandiri from the corpse of Kichaka. (89 & 93)

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348 The people knew that he has been killed by Gandharva, king fearfully and humblly said, Sairandhri the protector of my kingdom ! is no more for you. So leaving my palace you stay anywhere you like. Sairandhri said, please be merciful for some times, I shall have your palace. Then their thirteenth year came to a close. (94-96) The king Suyodhana could not identify them with the help of his spy. So the king listening the death of Kichaka and consulting with Bhisma, Drona etc confirmed the presence of Pandavas there. Thereafter he marched towards the Matya kingdom along with a large number of soldiers. (97 & 98) A severe war took place with the archer Partha during that time of stealing of cows. All headed by Bhisma and Drona were defeated. (99) Then Virata knew them who were staying with him as Pandavas and the king worshipped properly with devotion. There the marriage ceremony book place between the son of Arjuna and the daughter of Virata which caused delight to all. (100 & 101) O magnanimous one. Then the arrangement for the battle started after which they came to Pancala accompanied with all soldiers. The other kings knowing from the king of Kasi assembled inorder to help them. They all went to Kuruksetra desiring to fight severely. (102 & 103) Here ends the fifty sixth chapter called the killing of Kichaka of Sri Mahabhagavata Upapurana.

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