Mahabhagavata Purana (translation and study)

by Prabir Kumar Nanda Goswami | 1999 | 107,488 words

The English translation of the Mahabhagavata Purana including an introduction and study. Another name for this text is the Devi Purana and it represents an ancient Sanskrit text comprising 81 chapters and belonging to the Shaktism tradition (worship of the Goddess). The Shakti cult, focusing on the worship of the female principle, is a significant ...

Chapter 55 - The defeat of Pandava in dice and their access to forest

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Sri Mahadeva said CHAPTER LV Goddess Bhagavati in the guise of a blue charming form destroyed the wickeds causing the burdens to the earth. (1) O the best among the sages, for the destruction of many (2) other wickeds he waited at Mathura with Rama. Sambhu also divided himself into eight female forms on the earth and stayed in his father's house at waiting Goddess in the form of Krsna. (3) Visnu also was born as Arjuna from Kunti due to the favour of Indra, he was most powerful and well versed in all screptures and archery stayed at Hastinapura with his brothers. (4 & 5) His other four brothers headed by the son of Dharma were valorous and most powerful. The five Pandava brothers were pious and truthful. O the best among the sage when they attained the youth they desired to rule their Kingdom. But the unconquorable sons of Drtarastra misguided by Karna and Sakuni always deprived of their rights. O the best among the sages jealous of the Pandavas Duryodhana always busy in search of trick for the death The cruel hearted, desired their death by applying poison but due to failure in his fruit less attempt could not enjoy peace. (6-10) of Pandavas.

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333 The king of Vrsni knowing the dangerous tricks of that Ksetriya sent Akra to Hastina. (11) He, going there and knowing all the conspiracies of the son of Dhr tarastra said to the king Drtarastra the son of Vichitra Virya secretaly. (12) Akrra said O the great king, the son of Vicitra Virya you prohibit your sons and show affection towards the Pandavas. (13) Their father has died in their early age without you there are no other to favour them. O magnanimous please show sympathy to those orphans and mantain balance equality among your sons and Pandwas and enjoy the kingdom with great delight. (14 & 15) Dhrtarastra said Though there are destructive enemity for Pandavers, but still I do not want to leave them due to my affection. (16) Sri Mahadeva said Thus knowing and mark ing his opinion Akrra informed Sri Krsna every thing. (17) Having heard this the lotus eyed Krsna anticipated the death of the Rajanyas at the Kuruksetra battle which is due to the long plot of the sons of Dhrtarastra and Sakuni. (18 & 19)

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334 Then Krsna along with Jadus went to Dvaraka, a beautiful city created by Brahma (20) There, to the Svayambara of Rukmini born from the part of Siva, king from various countries were invited by the king of Vidarbha. (21) Inhabitants of many other countries assembled there His wicked son Rukmi desiring to offer his sister to Sisupala the king of Cedi did not invite Krsna due to his previous enmity with him against his father's will. (22 & 23) Knowing the intention of Rukmi the mighty king of Cedi attended the ceremony in the kingdom of Vidarva with his followers in a charming bride form. Hearing from Narada regarding the marriage ceremony of Rukm ani and about the various functions with the sounds of Befi, Mrdanga, Panava, Anaka and Dundubhi etc at the palace of the king of Vidarbha Krsna, riding a chariot started his journey to the function arriving there on chariot in the sky Krsna laughed at those possesing the bridegroom form there. Then the lotus eyed with tinkling sound of her anklet was taken carefully by delighted women to worship Durga. Rukmini who blmes Swan in her movement meditated Krsna absolutely desiring his arrival. All the citizens shouting that Krsna kidnapped her and angrily ran after him. The kings were very much affected putting Sisula and others shame distroyed the

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335 arms and ammunitions of all other army, Krsna like victorious gods procuded to his capita 1. (24-31) 0 Narada, Krsna accepted seven females headed by Jambavati etc, who were born from the part of Siva as his wife. (33) Krsna stayed at Ovarabati with his other wives. (34) Figh ting number of battles conquering the warriors in war and coming to Dvarka he enjoyed them as desired. (35) He was coronated as the emperor and lived at Dvaraka with sons and grand sons. (36) O the great sage, Krsna marring many other ladies produced thousands of sons from them. (37) He killing the great king Bhauma invincible in the war, brought thousands of his wives possesing charming eyes. (38) O the best among the sages in the meantime the Pandavas completing their scriptural studies and getting married, invited the magnanimous Krsna desiring to fight with the unconquorables. O sage, going there he adviseed king Yudhisthira, the son of Dharma to perform the great Rajasuya sacrifice in order to minimise the enemies and foment the enimity between Kuru. (39-41) He himself being the head of the sacrifice starteditsent Bhima etc with soldiers to various quarters to other kings defeated

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336 by them. Defeating all kings of various states and brought them to the place of the mighty king of Magadha. Then defeating them the valorous scized all of them. O the best among the sages Yadunandana keeping Bhimasena in front killed him in battle with a Sula. (42-45) The son of Dharma bringing all the kings started Rajasuya sacrifice the best among the sacrifice. (46) Sahadeva younger brother of Mudhisthira was appointed by him to look after the guests. (47) In the presence of all kings, the sages, permitted the son of Yadu to worship at first. Beholding this the wicked Sisupala as if burning with anger abused, Krsna, the sacrifice and Yudhisthira the son of Dharma also. (48 & 49) O sage in the assembly of kings Krsna cut off the head and removed the burden of the earth. (50) Beholding the fortune of that sacrifeice the wicked sons of Drtarastra and the wicked Karna consulting with wicked maternal uncle Sakuni decided to play dice with the most powerful Partha. (51 & 52) . O Narada in that game of dice Judhisthira the son of Dharma was conquared by the wicked sons of Durbarastra in a fraud manner. (53)

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337 Due to promise the king gradually last all his kingdom still the wicked sons of Dhrtarastra again invited him for dice. The pious king for fear of violation of promise again engaged in dice with the sinful sons of Ohrtarastra and made a Promise terrible to live twelve years in the forest life and one year k incognite if defeated in the game of dice but unfortunately pious king was defeated. (54-57) the Then in that dice Duryodhana winning goddess Draupadi in the game assulted her in that assembly. (58). O sage, beholding his terrible works Bhisma etc thought him like a thorn bringing destruction to the Ksatriyas.: (59) Bhigma the follower of selfcontrol blamed them and prohibited them from such riggardly activities, returned to Pandavas. (60) goddess Draupadi O the great sage, all the Pandavas being deprived of kingdom entered to the forest with family ministers and other relatives to observe the promise. Krsna also went to Dvaravati thinking it as the suitable prelude to the abolition of the burdens of the earth. (61-63) their Here ends the fifty fifth chapter called the defeat of Pandava in dice and their access to forest of Sri Mahabhagavata Upapurana.

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